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XML: A Manager's Guide (2nd Edition)
XML: A Manager's Guide (2nd Edition)

Extensible Markup Language (XML) has revolutionized distributed computing. By providing a standard means for specifying the structure of information, XML enables sophisticated e-commerce systems and facilitates interoperable enterprise software. Knowing how to leverage XML's technical capabilities into business value has become...

The Practical SQL Handbook: Using SQL Variants (4th Edition)
The Practical SQL Handbook: Using SQL Variants (4th Edition)

This latest edition of the best-selling implementation guide to the Structured Query Language teaches SQL fundamentals while providing practical solutions for critical business applications. The Practical SQL Handbook, Fourth Edition now includes expanded platform SQL...

Telecommunications Essentials
Telecommunications Essentials
Telecommunications Essentials is an in-depth introduction to the rapidly growing world of telecommunications. The book provides a global perspective, which ensures a complete understanding of telecommunications technologies and standards worldwide. Providing a comprehensive, one-stop reference for anybody wanting to get...
Absolute Beginner's Guide to Microsoft Access 2002
Absolute Beginner's Guide to Microsoft Access 2002
Microsoft Access 2002 is a powerful, relational database software package that makes it easy to create and manage complex databases. With Access, users can create a database quickly from scratch or by using an Access database Wizard. Once the database is created, Access provides all the tools needed to enter and manipulate data. With the help of...
RFID+ Exam Cram (Exam Cram 2)
RFID+ Exam Cram (Exam Cram 2)
Studying for the new RFID+ exam? The RFID+ Certification Exam Cram is the perfect study companion. It features relevant Exam Notes that will help you score better on the exam, more than 300 exam prep questions, tips, acronyms, memory joggers, and the ever popular "Cram Sheet" tearcard, which...
Juniper Networks  Reference Guide: JUNOS Routing, Configuration, and Architecture
Juniper Networks Reference Guide: JUNOS Routing, Configuration, and Architecture

Juniper Networks(R) Reference Guide is the ideal implementation guide to the Juniper Networks(R) family of Internet routers and the network operating system JUNOS(TM). With concise explanations of internetworking theory and detailed examples, this book teaches readers how to configure,...

The Effective Incident Response Team
The Effective Incident Response Team

When an intruder, worm, virus, or automated attack succeeds in targeting a computer system, having specific controls and a response plan in place can greatly lessen losses. Accordingly, businesses are realizing that it is unwise to invest resources in preventing computer-related security incidents without equal consideration of how to detect and...

Juniper Networks Field Guide and Reference
Juniper Networks Field Guide and Reference

Juniper Networks® creates and deploys high-performance routing platforms used by many of the world's largest service providers. Written by the leading experts and technical writers at Juniper Networks, the Juniper Networks® Field Guide and Reference is the definitive practical guide and reference to Juniper...

Maximum Accessibility: Making Your Web Site More Usable for Everyone
Maximum Accessibility: Making Your Web Site More Usable for Everyone

Accessibility is now a legal requirement for all national government Web sites in the U.S., Canada, Australia, and the European Union. Throughout the world, many other organizations--universities, schools, and private companies--are recognizing that accessibility is a moral and business imperative; many are adopting policies aimed at making Web...

Head Rush Ajax
Head Rush Ajax
Sick of creating web sites that reload every time a user moves the mouse? Tired of servers that wait around to respond to users' requests for movie tickets? It sounds like you need a little (or maybe a lot of) Ajax in your life. Asynchronous programming lets you turn your own websites into smooth, slick, responsive applications that make your users...
JavaScript: The Definitive Guide
JavaScript: The Definitive Guide

This Fifth Edition is completely revised and expanded to cover JavaScript as it is used in today's Web 2.0 applications. This book is both an example-driven programmer's guide and a keep-on-your-desk reference, with new chapters that explain everything you need to know to get the most out of JavaScript, including:

Critical Testing Processes: Plan, Prepare, Perform, Perfect
Critical Testing Processes: Plan, Prepare, Perform, Perfect

"Rex Black has done it again!...Critical Testing Processes is a book that all software testers will want to read from cover to cover and then retain for frequent reference."

—From the Foreword by Rick Craig, software test manager, author, lecturer, and consultant

In today's...

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