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Object-Oriented Design Heuristics
Object-Oriented Design Heuristics
Upon completion of an object-oriented design, you are faced with a troubling question: "Is it good, bad, or somewhere in between?" Seasoned experts often answer this question by subjecting the design to a subconscious list of guidelines based on their years of experience. Experienced developer Arthur J. Riel has captured this elusive,...
MCSE Core Elective Exams in a Nutshell
MCSE Core Elective Exams in a Nutshell

For Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 administrators preparing for
Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) core exam 70-270, and core exams 70-297, and 70-298, this book is invaluable. Not only does it provide the resources you need to succeed on the exams, but to succeed in the real world as well. Think of this book

Oracle Application Server 10g: J2EE Deployment and Administration
Oracle Application Server 10g: J2EE Deployment and Administration

Ideal for anyone wanting to stay ahead in the world of Oracle’s application servers, this focused, no-frills guide will help you get J2EE applications up and running on 10g.

Oracle Application Server 10g: J2EE Deployment and Administration focuses on the latest version of Oracle's fully J2EE-certified...

Programming Data Driven Web Applications with ASP.NET
Programming Data Driven Web Applications with ASP.NET
Programming Data-Driven Web Applications with ASP.NET provides readers with a solid understanding of ASP.NET and how to effectively integrate databases with their Web sites. The key to making information instantly available on the Web is integrating the Web site and the database to work as one piece. The authors teach this using ASP.NET,...
Linux Application Development (2nd Edition)
Linux Application Development (2nd Edition)

"The first edition of this book has always been kept within arm's reach of my desk due to the wonderful explanations of all areas of the Linux userspace API. This second edition greatly overshadows the first one, and will replace it."
--Greg Kroah-Hartman, Linux kernel programmer

Develop Software that...

Perl Database Programming
Perl Database Programming
Here’s your in-depth guide to creating database-driven applications using Perl.

In this authoritative reference, Perl expert Brent Michalski uses plenty of examples to help you master Perl’s capabilities in database applications with MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle. Along the way, he explores practical applications for cutting-edge...

CMMI Distilled: A Practical Introduction to Integrated Process Improvement, Second Edition
CMMI Distilled: A Practical Introduction to Integrated Process Improvement, Second Edition

Capability Maturity Model IntegrationSM (CMMI) has rapidly become a preferred means of improving organizational processes in industry and government. Building on a decade of work with process improvement models, including the Capability Maturity Model® (CMM®) for Software and the Systems Engineering Capability Model, a team of over two...

Agile Software Development: The Cooperative Game (2nd Edition)
Agile Software Development: The Cooperative Game (2nd Edition)

“Agile Software Development is a highly stimulating and rich book. The author has a deep background and gives us a tour de force of the emerging agile methods.”

–Tom Gilb


The agile model of...

C# and the .Net Framework: The C++ Perspective
C# and the .Net Framework: The C++ Perspective
This book covers topics ranging from the general principles of .NET through the C# language and how its used in ASP.NET and Windows Forms. Written by programmers for programmers, the content of the book is intended to get readers over the hump of the .NET learning curve and provide solid practical knowledge that will make developers productive from...
Absolute Beginner's Guide to Microsoft Office Outlook 2003
Absolute Beginner's Guide to Microsoft Office Outlook 2003

Microsoft Outlook 2003 is a personal information manager that allows users to communicate throughout the office or over the Internet with e-mail, schedule meetings, create task lists, and keep track of all important appointments.

Absolute Beginner's Guide to Microsoft...

Policy Routing Using Linux
Policy Routing Using Linux
Traditional IPv4 routing is summarized as "All routing is a destination driven process". When a router looks at an IPv4 packet it cares only about the destination address in the header of the packet. It uses this destination address to make a decision on where to forward the packet. But what if you want to route packets differently...
Sams Teach Yourself ADO.NET in 21 Days
Sams Teach Yourself ADO.NET in 21 Days

ADO.NET refers to a set of classes that ship with Visual Studio .NET that allow developers to access data typically stored in relational databases. The purpose of this book is to explain the important features of ADO.NET to corporate developers who use VS .NET. Dan Fox also provides architectural guidance and Best Practices for using ADO.NET...

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