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Digital Interface Handbook, Third Edition
Digital Interface Handbook, Third Edition
For those who need to get to grips with digital audio and video systems, this book sheds light on the differences between audio interfaces and shows how to make devices 'talk to each other' in the digital domain despite their subtle differences.

The Digital Interface Handbook is a thoroughly detailed manual for those who need to get to
Use Cases: Requirements in Context, Second Edition
Use Cases: Requirements in Context, Second Edition

This book describes how to gather and define software requirements using a process based on use cases. It shows systems analysts and designers how use cases can provide solutions to the most challenging requirements issues, resulting in effective, quality systems that meet the needs of users.

Use Cases, Second Edition:...

Refactoring Workbook
Refactoring Workbook

As a programmer, you need to be able to recognize and improve problematic code, so the program remains in a working state throughout the software lifecycle. Refactoring-the art of improving the design of existing code safely-provides an efficient, reliable system for bringing order to the chaos, and one that keeps the surprises to a minimum!...

Dynamic HTML: The Definitive Reference (2nd Edition)
Dynamic HTML: The Definitive Reference (2nd Edition)
I am going to admit a selfish motive for writing this book and, more recently, updating it to the second edition: I needed the finished product for my own consulting and development work. After struggling in the early Version 4 browser days with tangled online references and monstrous printed versions of Netscape, Microsoft, and World Wide Web...
Learning Visual Basic .NET
Learning Visual Basic .NET
Learning Visual Basic .NET is a complete introduction to VB.NET and object-oriented programming. By using hundreds of examples, this book demonstrates how to develop various kinds of applications--including those that work with databases--and web services. Learning Visual Basic...
Test Driven Development: A Practical Guide
Test Driven Development: A Practical Guide
Foreword by Ron Jeffries
  • The relentlessly practical TDD guide: real problems, real solutions, real code
  • Includes a start-to-finish project written in Java and using JUnit
  • Introduces TDD frameworks for C++, C#/.NET, Python, VB6, and more
  • For every developer and project manager interested...
Constructing Intelligent Agents With Java: A Programmer's Guide to Smarter Applications
Constructing Intelligent Agents With Java: A Programmer's Guide to Smarter Applications
Add Artificial Intelligence to your Java applications Learn to design and implement agent-based reasoning, modeling, and learning Build your own personal assistants, Web agents, e-commerce agents, and multiagent systems.

Learn how to create intelligent agents that can automate, mediate, and administer basic business functions.


Adobe Acrobat 7 in the Office
Adobe Acrobat 7 in the Office
Offering a raft of Microsoft Office collaboration features (plus the ability to review and comment on Acrobat Procreated documents using just Reader), Acrobat is no longer just for pre-press and creative professionals. Acrobat can simplify workflows in all kinds of business settings. All you need is this handy guide to delineate those uses and show...
Java Swing, Second Edition
Java Swing, Second Edition
This second edition of Java Swing thoroughly covers all the features available in Java 2 SDK 1.3 and 1.4. More than simply a reference, this new edition takes a practical approach. It is a book by developers for developers, with hundreds of useful examples, from beginning level to advanced, covering every component...
JavaScript: The Definitive Guide
JavaScript: The Definitive Guide
This fourth edition of the definitive reference to JavaScript, a scripting language that can be embedded directly in web pages, covers the latest version of the language, JavaScript 1.5, as supported by Netscape 6 and Internet Explorer 6. The book also provides complete coverage of the W3C DOM standard (Level 1 and Level 2), while retaining...
JSTL: JSP Standard Tag Library Kick Start
JSTL: JSP Standard Tag Library Kick Start

The JSP Standard Tag Library is a collection of commonly used functions and tools invaluable to JSP developers to avoid re-creating the same functions on site after site. Sun has indicated that JSP development should be based around using tag libraries going forward, and will relase JSP STL, as their official library. This book starts with an...

Embedded Linux: Hardware, Software, and Interfacing
Embedded Linux: Hardware, Software, and Interfacing

Embedded Linux covers the development and implementation of interfacing applications on an embedded Linux platform. It includes a comprehensive discussion of platform selection, crosscompilation, kernel compilation, root filesystem creation, booting, remote debugging, real-world interfacing, application control, data...

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