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Microsoft Office Access 2003: The Complete Reference
Microsoft Office Access 2003: The Complete Reference

The Definitive Resource on Access 2003

CD-ROM contains quick reference section on Access 2003--plus sample database files that support the book's material

Scale mountains of data with a single application with the help of this comprehensive resource. Through detailed, step-by-step instructions, you'll learn how to design and...

Instant SQL Server 2000 Applications
Instant SQL Server 2000 Applications

The Ultimate Collection of Ready-to-Use Code and Expert Techniques

Build robust SQL Server 2000 database applications easily using the pre-built projects packed into this essential resource. Inside, you'll find step-by-step details for creating several practical tools that use SQL Server 2000 as the back-end. Every application, script,...

Core CSS: Cascading Style Sheets (2nd Edition)
Core CSS: Cascading Style Sheets (2nd Edition)

The Complete and Comprehensive Web Developer's Guide to Style Sheets

Core CSS, 2nd Edition is a comprehensive guide that shows both beginning and expert Web developers all they need to know to achieve great results with the latest style sheet properties. In this example-rich book, Schengili-Roberts...

Machine Learning
Machine Learning
The field of machine learning is concerned with the question of how to construct
computer programs that automatically improve with experience. In recent years
many successful machine learning applications have been developed, ranging from
data-mining programs that learn to detect fraudulent credit card transactions, to...
Cisco Security Architectures
Cisco Security Architectures

Cisco Security Architectures demystifies access lists, the PIX Firewall, and how to secure a Cisco based network.

In today's age of remote users and widespread Internet access, security continues to be of utmost importance to network administrators and engineers. This important, comprehensive guide shows you how to avoid common mistakes...

IBM(R) Websphere(R) Application Server: The Complete Reference
IBM(R) Websphere(R) Application Server: The Complete Reference
IBM is generally considered one of the most important software vendors, and this is
even more true in the e-business space. In fact, many would say that IBM is the most
influential vendor and has the best vision and product scope in spaces such as Web
application development, Java, middleware, and enterprise systems. This chapter
Practical Standards for Microsoft Visual Basic
Practical Standards for Microsoft Visual Basic

As members of a functional society, we adhere to standards every day of our lives. Often we don't think about these standards; rather, we take them for granted and apply them naturally. For instance, when you pull up to an intersection that's a four-way stop, you stop your car and check for cross-traffic. Once any cars already crossing the...

Voice Over MPLS : Planning and Designing Networks
Voice Over MPLS : Planning and Designing Networks
MPLS is many things to many people. If you’re moving IP voice traffic, it may mean performance gains for you.

Daniel Minoli’s Voice Over MPLS gives you the technical and business lowdown on innovative new solutions for packet-based voice. What does it take to build flexible, high-performance networks with...

Multimedia Wireless Networks: Technologies, Standards and QoS
Multimedia Wireless Networks: Technologies, Standards and QoS
  • Integrating QoS in wireless multimedia network design
  • Delivering QoS in WLANs, WPANs, WMANs, cellular, and satellite networks
  • Covers every leading current and emerging wireless network standard

Integrate QoS into virtually any multimedia wireless network


Handbook of Fiber Optic Data Communication, Second Edition
Handbook of Fiber Optic Data Communication, Second Edition
The datacom industry is evolving very rapidly, and a host of new technologies, services, standards, and types of networks have been introduced since the first edition of the Handbook was published over 3 years ago. Building on the success of the first edition, this Handbook contains revisions and updates to all major chapters plus a new glossary...
Build Your Own Web Site
Build Your Own Web Site

Stop dreaming and start building that Web site! This one-stop resource demystifies the process, showing you step-by-step how to plan for, construct, and publish your own Web site. Connect to a remote server, get a domain name, and gather content. Then, construct pages using a variety of tools. Learn to use pictures and graphics, format text,...

How to Do Everything with Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003
How to Do Everything with Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003

Get a quick start making your first presentation, or gain valuable insight into producing more professional presentations. How to Do Everything with Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 teaches essentials in a well-organized format, featuring best practices from real-world examples and plenty of practical advice from a seasoned author and...

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