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Solaris and LDAP Naming Services: Deploying LDAP in the Enterprise
Solaris and LDAP Naming Services: Deploying LDAP in the Enterprise
This book is one of an on-going series of books collectively known as the Sun
BluePrints™ program. The Solaris™ and LDAP Naming Services BluePrint describes
best practices for planning and deploying naming services based on the Lightweight
Directory Access Protocol (LDAP). The introduction of native LDAP in the Solaris
Easy Office 2003
Easy Office 2003

Easy Microsoft Office 2003 takes the work out of learning this new software application by using short, easy-to-follow lessons that show you how to accomplish basic tasks quickly and efficiently! It is the perfect book for beginners who want to learn the Office 2003 applications through a visual, full-color approach. More than 100 hands-on...

Building Tablet PC Applications
Building Tablet PC Applications

The year is 2015. You find yourself resting on a beach in Maui, watching nearby youngsters zip along the boardwalk on their brand-new Segway Human Transporters. The sound of the ocean, ever so soft and reassuring, fills the air with its soothing rhythm. Your early retirement has treated you well—it’s not a bad...

Easy Microsoft Office Word 2003
Easy Microsoft Office Word 2003

Easy Microsoft Office Word 2003 takes the work out of learning Word 2003 by using short, easy-to-follow lessons that show you how to accomplish basic tasks quickly and efficiently! It is the perfect book for beginners who want to learn Microsoft's word processing application through a visual, full-color approach. More than 100 hands-on lessons...

Core C++: A Software Engineering Approach
Core C++: A Software Engineering Approach
Master C++ the right way: From the software engineering perspective!

Build more powerful, robust, maintainable C++ software!
For developers with experience in any language, Victor
Shtern’s Core C++ teaches C++ the right way: by applying the
best software engineering practices and methodologies to
3ds Max Animation with Biped
3ds Max Animation with Biped
3ds Max is a leader in 3D animation for game development, design visualization, and visual effects and enables users to outperform the competition when it comes to high-volume visual effects production. From 3D storyboards and digital matte paintings to realistic digital environments, believable characters, and impressive crowds, this all-in-one...
Struts Kick Start
Struts Kick Start

Learn to build applications with Jakarta Struts, the most popular JSP development framework. Struts Kick Start is a "hands-on" book filled with sample applications and code snippets you can reuse, and in-depth coverage of new features in Struts 1.1. If you are looking for a practical book that "shows you how to do it", then...

Wireless Data Demystified (Mcgraw-Hill Demystified Series)
Wireless Data Demystified (Mcgraw-Hill Demystified Series)

Wireless subscribers are up, but revenue per subscriber isn’t – and it isn’t going to be unless wireless service providers can provide more than plain-vanilla voice services. The road to successful deployment of data services...

XML How to Program (1st Edition)
XML How to Program (1st Edition)
XML How to Program includes extensive pedagogic features:
  • Hundreds of "live-code" programs with screen captures that show exact outputs
  • Extensive World Wide Web and Internet resources to encourage further research
  • Programming tips, recommended practices and...
Hacking Exposed: Network Security Secrets & Solutions, Third Edition
Hacking Exposed: Network Security Secrets & Solutions, Third Edition

"If there was an Encyclopedia Britannica of computer security, it would be Hacking Exposed, Third Edition." --Marty Roesch, creator of the Snort tool

"A critical step to knowing your enemy is first understanding their tools. Hacking Exposed, Third Edition delivers just that...and more."...

Beginning XML, Second Edition
Beginning XML, Second Edition
Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a rapidly maturing technology with powerful real-world applications, particularly for the management, display, and transport of data. Together with its many related technologies, it has become the standard for data and document delivery on the Web.

This book teaches you all you need to know about XML –...

Photoshop CS2 Bible, Professional Edition
Photoshop CS2 Bible, Professional Edition
Inside, you'll find advanced coverage of Photoshop CS2
  • Explore new ways to adjust and enhance color
  • Use retouching and color adjustment techniques to correct seemingly impossible-to-fix images
  • Gain control over digital camera images with Photoshop's enhanced Camera Raw capabilities
  • Manage...
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