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The Shellcoder's Handbook: Discovering and Exploiting Security Holes
The Shellcoder's Handbook: Discovering and Exploiting Security Holes
Uncover, exploit, and close security holes in any software or operating system

Every day, patches are created to cover up security holes in software applications and operating systems. But by the time you download a patch, it could be too late. A hacker may have already taken advantage of the hole and wreaked havoc on your system. This...

Platinum Edition Using Microsoft Windows XP
Platinum Edition Using Microsoft Windows XP
While most Windows books concentrate on a ground floor approach, Platinum Edition Using Microsoft Windows XP takes an entirely different approach - one that assumes the reader is a bona fide Windows black belt who wants or needs to manage multiple users in a networked environment, turbocharge a Windows installation with registry tweaks or stop...
Python How to Program (With CD-ROM)
Python How to Program (With CD-ROM)

The authoritative DEITEL LIVE-CODE introduction to Python programming

This new book by the world's leading programming language textbook authors carefully explains how to use Python as a general-purpose programming language and how to program multi-tier, client/server,...

Broadband Crash Course
Broadband Crash Course


With savvy from both the technical and business sides of telecom, and a knack for writing in "plainspeak", expert...

Switchmode Power Supply Handbook
Switchmode Power Supply Handbook
The bestselling reference--packed with essential new material! The leading hands-on guide in this rapidly expanding area of electronics, Keith Billing's revision of the Switchmode Power Supply Handbook brings additional state-of-the-art techniques and developments to engineers at all levels. Offering sound working knowledge of the latest in...
Essential ASP.NET 2.0
Essential ASP.NET 2.0
Essential ASP.NET 2.0 is the Microsoft developer's definitive reference for ASP.NET 2.0 programming. It covers all you need to know to build robust, well-designed Web applications with ASP.NET 2.0, Visual Studio 2005, and .NET 2.0. ASP.NET MVP Fritz Onion and Developer Security MVP Keith Brown draw on their unparalleled...
Show Me Microsoft Windows XP
Show Me Microsoft Windows XP

Microsoft Windows XP Home and Professional editions provide an elegant new user interface and powerful new tools with which to burn a CD, view and manage digital photos and music, and invite PC experts to see and manipulate what's on your screen over the Internet. This book covers all the important tasks that readers need to know, from using...

Software Architect Bootcamp
Software Architect Bootcamp
Software Architecture Bootcamp is your hands-on "field manual" for becoming a great software architect! This
hands-on "field manual" gives developers the essential skills they need to survive and thrive as software architects!
You’ll find insightful, real-world coverage of everything from design patterns to
Problems on Algorithms
Problems on Algorithms
The ability to devise effective and efficient algorithms in new situations is a skill that separates the master programmer from the merely adequate coder. The best way to develop that skill is to solve problems. To be effective problem solvers, master-programmers-in-training must do more than memorize a collection of...
J2ME: The Complete Reference
J2ME: The Complete Reference

The Most Comprehensive J2ME Resource Available!

Java developers, here's your chance to survey the scope of J2ME (Java 2 Micro Edition) knowledge in one solidly written reference. Discover the basic architecture and functionality of J2ME and how it differs from J2SE and J2EE. Build a J2ME database with coverage of essentials such as...

Interconnections: Bridges, Routers, Switches, and Internetworking Protocols (2nd Edition)
Interconnections: Bridges, Routers, Switches, and Internetworking Protocols (2nd Edition)

Radia Perlman's Interconnections is recognized as a leading text on networking theory and practice. It provides authoritative and comprehensive information on general networking concepts, routing algorithms and protocols, addressing, and the mechanics of bridges, routers, switches, and hubs. This Second...

Developing Applications with Java and UML
Developing Applications with Java and UML

Developing Applications with Java™ and UML focuses on the craft of creating quality Java software. The book introduces the fundamentals of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and demonstrates how to use this standard object-oriented notation to build more robust Java applications that fulfill user requirements and...

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