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Designing Component-Based Applications
Designing Component-Based Applications

In the late 1990s, the widespread availability of low-cost computers and access to global connectivity have fueled the demand for a new kind of application: the highly distributed application. Highly distributed applications are used by extremely large numbers of people around the world who are connected to many application and data servers...

The Jini(TM) Specifications, Edited by Ken Arnold (2nd Edition)
The Jini(TM) Specifications, Edited by Ken Arnold (2nd Edition)
Built on top of the Java™ software infrastructure, Jini™ technology enables all types of services and devices to work together in a community--organized without extensive planning, installation, or human intervention. Jini technology allows the lines to blur between what is hardware and what is software by representing all hardware and...
Sparc Architecture, Assembly Language Programming, and C
Sparc Architecture, Assembly Language Programming, and C
  • Provides reader understanding of the complexity and cost of using various data and control structures in high-level languages
  • Includes the latest material on the new Ultra SPARC architecture
  • Frequent references to C and C++ language constructs and their translation into SPARC assembly language
  • ...
More About Software Requirements: Thorny Issues and Practical Advice
More About Software Requirements: Thorny Issues and Practical Advice

Providing answers to real questions from software developers and business analysts, this succinct guide describes practical techniques for gathering and managing software requirements that help you meet project specifications and customer expectations.

From the author of Software Requirements, Second Edition, this...

MCSE Training Kit: Designing Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Security
MCSE Training Kit: Designing Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Security

Welcome to the MCSE Training Kit—Designing Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Security. This kit prepares you to analyze an organization's business and technical requirements and design security for a Windows 2000 network. You will learn how to design security for all aspects of Windows 2000, from authentication strategies to...

PPP Design, Implementation, and Debugging (2nd Edition)
PPP Design, Implementation, and Debugging (2nd Edition)
Extensively revised and expanded to cover the latest developments in PPP and network technology, this second edition addresses such current topics as:
  • PPP in today's telecommunications infrastructure
  • PPP and telephony
  • Optical (SONET/SDH) PPP links
  • The relationship between PPP and...
Fundamentals of Neural Networks
Fundamentals of Neural Networks
Providing detailed examples of simple applications, this new book introduces the use of neural networks. It covers simple neural nets for pattern classification; pattern association; neural networks based on competition; adaptive-resonance theory; and more. For professionals working with neural networks.

There has been a resurgence
Managing Agile Projects (Robert C. Martin Series)
Managing Agile Projects (Robert C. Martin Series)
Your Hands-On, "In-the-Trenches" Guide to Successfully Leading Agile Projects

Agile methods promise to infuse development with unprecedented flexibility, speed, and value—and these promises are attracting IT organizations worldwide. However, agile methods often fail to clearly define the manager's role, and many...

Principles of Communication Systems Simulation with Wireless Applications
Principles of Communication Systems Simulation with Wireless Applications

The hands-on, example-rich guide to modeling and simulating advanced communications systems.

Simulation is an important tool used by engineers to design and implement advanced communication systems that deliver optimal performance. This book is a hands-on, example-rich guide to modeling and simulating advanced communications systems. The...

Wireless J2ME Platform Programming
Wireless J2ME Platform Programming

The authoritative tutorial for wireless J2ME application developers.

  • The essential tutorial for every J2ME platform developer: no wireless experience necessary
  • Complete coverage of architecture, design, coding, debugging, and deployment
  • Advanced topics include-persistent storage, networking,...
Schaum's Outline of Digital Signal Processing (Schaum's)
Schaum's Outline of Digital Signal Processing (Schaum's)

Master digital signal processing with Schaum's­­the high-performance study guide. It will help you cut down on study time, hone problem-solving skills, and achieve your personal best on exams. Students love Schaum's Outlines because they produce results. Each year, hundreds of thousands of students improve their test scores and final...

Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for Performance (International Edition)
Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for Performance (International Edition)
William Stallings' book provides comprehensive and completely up-to-date coverage of computer organization and architecture including memory, I/O, and parallel systems. The text covers leading-edge areas, including superscalar design, IA-64 design features, and parallel processor organization trends. It meets students' needs by addressing both the...
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