 Investigator's Guide to SteganographyInvestigators within the law enforcement and cyber forensics communities are generally aware of the concept of steganography, but their levels of expertise vary dramatically depending upon the incidents and cases that they have been exposed to. Now there is a book that balances the playing field in terms of awareness, and serves as a valuable... |  |  Flash 8 EssentialsAs a creative professional or interactive developer, you'll be amazed at the exciting possibilities presented to you by the new features available in Flash 8; but as a busy designer, we know you won’t have as much time as you'd like to explore these new additions. Never fear—this book wastes no time looking at timeline basics,... |  |  Foundation XML for FlashXML is a completely platform agnostic data medium. Flash is able to make use of XML data, which is very useful when you are creating Rich Internet Applications – it allows you to populate Flash web interfaces with data from pretty much any source that supports XML as a data medium, be it databases, raw XML files, or more excitingly, .Net... |
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