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Windows and Linux Integration: Hands-on Solutions for a Mixed Environment
Windows and Linux Integration: Hands-on Solutions for a Mixed Environment
  • Don't Just Cope With Your Mixed-Environment Problems—Solve Them
  • Maximize Productivity and Lower Costs by Strategically Combining the Strengths of Linux and Windows
  • Leverage Windows Resources from Linux, and Linux Resources from Windows
  • Meet All Your Remote and Terminal Connection...
Principles of Computer Architecture
Principles of Computer Architecture

This piece covers computer architecture at the instruction set architecture (ISA) and system design levels. Starting with foundation material on data representation and computer arithmetic, the book moves through the basic components of a computer architecture, covering topics at increasing levels of complexity up through CISC, network...

Beginning Relational Data Modeling, Second Edition
Beginning Relational Data Modeling, Second Edition

Data storage design, and awareness of how data needs to be utilized within an organization, is of prime importance in ensuring that company data systems work efficiently. If you need to know how to capture the information needs of a business system in a relational database model, but don’t know where to start, then this is the book for...

Investigator's Guide to Steganography
Investigator's Guide to Steganography

Investigators within the law enforcement and cyber forensics communities are generally aware of the concept of steganography, but their levels of expertise vary dramatically depending upon the incidents and cases that they have been exposed to. Now there is a book that balances the playing field in terms of awareness, and serves as a valuable...

Flash 8 Essentials
Flash 8 Essentials

As a creative professional or interactive developer, you'll be amazed at the exciting possibilities presented to you by the new features available in Flash 8; but as a busy designer, we know you won’t have as much time as you'd like to explore these new additions. Never fear—this book wastes no time looking at timeline basics,...

Foundation XML for Flash
Foundation XML for Flash

XML is a completely platform agnostic data medium. Flash is able to make use of XML data, which is very useful when you are creating Rich Internet Applications – it allows you to populate Flash web interfaces with data from pretty much any source that supports XML as a data medium, be it databases, raw XML files, or more excitingly, .Net...

Building Multiservice Transport Networks (Networking Technology)
Building Multiservice Transport Networks (Networking Technology)

A comprehensive handbook for understanding, designing, and deploying multiservice network architecture and applications

  • Design, deploy, operate, and troubleshoot ONS 15454 applications and services

  • Learn SONET/SDH and DWDM...

Introductory Techniques for 3-D Computer Vision
Introductory Techniques for 3-D Computer Vision

An applied introduction to modern computer vision, focusing on a set of computational techniques for 3-D imaging, this book covers a wide range of fundamental problems encountered within computer vision and provides detailed algorithmic and theoretical solutions for each. Each chapter concentrates on a specific problem and solves it by building...

UML Bible
UML Bible
If UML can do it, you can do it too...

Today’s economy demands top quality software development in record time and with maximum efficiency. UML arms you to meet that challenge, and the UML Bible supplies the most comprehensive UML education you can get. One volume covers everything from understanding and using UML and diagramming notation...

Photoshop Elements 5: The Missing Manual
Photoshop Elements 5: The Missing Manual

Anyone still think that Adobe Photoshop Elements is a toy version of the real thing? As the most popular photo-editing program on the market, Photoshop Elements not only has Photoshop's marvelous powers, but also has capabilities the mothership lacks. Each new version includes more tools designed specifically for today's consumer...

VB Shell Programming
VB Shell Programming

The material in this book pushes the perceived limits of what you can do with Visual Basic. Visual Basic offers a powerful development environment for virtually all types of applications, components, and tools. Yet, much of the time, all that we hear about are Visual Basic's limitations—what you can't do. Each of these...

Microsoft Outlook Version 2002 Inside Out
Microsoft Outlook Version 2002 Inside Out

Ten years ago the average computer user spent most of his or her time using a productivity application such as Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel. In the ensuing decade, users have become more sophisticated, network implementations have become the rule rather than the exception, and collaboration has become a key facet of a successful business...

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