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Show Me Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003
Show Me Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003

For those who would rather be shown how than told how.

  • Create powerful presentations faster using ready-made design templates and Smart Tags

  • Organize information and add impact with clip art, tables, charts, and diagrams

  • ...
Protected Mode Software Architecture (PC System Architecture Series)
Protected Mode Software Architecture (PC System Architecture Series)

Protected Mode Software Architecture helps readers understandthe problems that single-task and multitasking operating systems must dealwith, and then examines each component of both the real and protected modesoftware architectures. This book is organized into three parts. Part One:Background introduces the reader to the problems faced...

Programming Challenges
Programming Challenges
There are many distinct pleasures associated with computer programming. Craftsmanship
has its quiet rewards, the satisfaction that comes from building a useful object and
making it work. Excitement arrives with the flash of insight that cracks a previously
intractable problem. The spiritual quest for elegance can turn the hacker into
Solaris Internals: Core Kernel Architecture
Solaris Internals: Core Kernel Architecture

The definitive Sun Microsystems guide to the internals of the Solaris kernel.

This book focuses on the core kernel functions, major data structures and algorithms. Its practical approach makes it an essential resource for anyone responsible for kernel, driver or application software. Anyone doing development, debugging, maintenance,...

Extreme Programming Applied: Playing to Win
Extreme Programming Applied: Playing to Win

Extreme Programming (XP) is a significant departure from traditional software development methods, one that is ushering in a change for both developers and business people. It is an agile methodology, which enables highly productive teams to produce quality software from rapidly changing or unclear requirements. XP is disciplined software...

A History of Modern Computing, 2nd Edition
A History of Modern Computing, 2nd Edition
Computers were invented to ‘‘compute’’: to solve ‘‘complex mathematical problems,’’ as the dictionary still defines that word. They still do that, but that is not why we are living in an ‘‘Information Age.’’ That reflects other things that computers do: store and retrieve data,...
Honeypots: Tracking Hackers
Honeypots: Tracking Hackers

"The text is comprehensive, an honest survey of every honeypot technology I had ever heard of and a number I read about for the first time."
--Stephen Northcutt, The SANS Institute

"One of the great byproducts of Lance's work with honeypots and honeynets is that he's helped give us a much clearer picture...

Artificial Intelligence: Modern Approach
Artificial Intelligence: Modern Approach
Integrates state-of-the-art AI techniques into intelligent agent designs, using examples and exercises to lead the reader from simple reactive agents to full knowledge-based agents with natural language capabilities. Covers areas that are sometimes under-emphasized--reasoning under uncertainty, learning, natural language, vision and robotics--and...
Object-Oriented Software Construction (2nd Edition)
Object-Oriented Software Construction (2nd Edition)
The definitive reference on the most important new technology in software!

“While the original version of OOSC is a classic, OOSC 2/E is destined to overshadow it and all other general introductions . . . literally an epic work.” —James C. McKim, Jr., Hartford Graduate Center

“Compelling. Extremely...

Real-Time Java Platform Programming
Real-Time Java Platform Programming

Build powerful real-time Java platform applications.

  • The authoritative reference to the Real-Time Specification for Java (RTSJ)—by one of its creators
  • Complete introduction to Java-based RT development—no real-time experience necessary
  • Covers scheduling, asynchronous transfer control,...
Analyzing Requirements and Defining Solutions Architecture: MCSD Training Kit (exam 70-100)
Analyzing Requirements and Defining Solutions Architecture: MCSD Training Kit (exam 70-100)
Welcome to Analyzing Requirements and Defining Solution Architectures: MCSD Training Kit for Exam 70-100. By completing the chapters and associated case studies in this course, you will acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to prepare for the Microsoft Certified Solution Developer Exam 70-100. This self-paced course provides content...
Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 System Administration Training Kit
Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 System Administration Training Kit
SQL Server is a client/server relational database management system (RDBMS) that uses Transact-SQL to send requests between a client and SQL Server. The following sections define and explain these terms.

The terms client, server, and client/server can be used to refer to very general concepts or to specific...

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