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SAP BW Certification: A Business Information Warehouse Study Guide
SAP BW Certification: A Business Information Warehouse Study Guide
The SAP Business Information Warehouse (SAP BW) Certification Test program is a rigorous
testing and certification program for SAP BW practitioners. This book is a concise, comprehensive
study guide to the areas covered on the SAP BW certification exam.

SAP offers consultants the opportunity to be recognized for their skills as
Streaming Media: Building and Implementing a Complete Streaming System
Streaming Media: Building and Implementing a Complete Streaming System
A complete toolkit to successfully develop and implement streaming media on the Web

From hands-on training and distance learning to teleconferencing and product demonstrations, streaming media is providing businesses with a whole new world of opportunity. Written by one of the leading experts in the field, this book will provide you with all...

Scheduling in Real-Time Systems
Scheduling in Real-Time Systems
Real-time computing plays a vital role in ultra-reliable and safety-critical applications in fields as diverse as flight control, telecommunication systems, nuclear plant supervision and surgical operation monitoring. Providing a comprehensive overview, this book examines the most significant real-time scheduling policies in use today....
Adaptive Control (2nd Edition)
Adaptive Control (2nd Edition)

Written by two of the pioneers in the field, this book contains a wealth of practical information unavailable anywhere else. The authors give a comprehensive presentation of the field of adaptive control, carefully bending theory and implementation to provide the reader with insight and understanding. Benefiting from the feedback of users who...

RFID Handbook: Fundamentals and Applications in Contactless Smart Cards and Identification 2nd Edition
RFID Handbook: Fundamentals and Applications in Contactless Smart Cards and Identification 2nd Edition
Developments in RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) are yielding larger memory capacities, wider reading ranges and quicker processing, making it one of fastest growing sectors of the radio technology industry.

RFID has become indispensable in a wide range of automated data capture and identification applications, from ticketing and access...

Building Service Provider Networks
Building Service Provider Networks
Learn how to gain the edge of providing the most reliable service-level guarantees to customers

Network and service provider engineers are often faced with the difficult challenge of meeting a less-than-logical service need of a customer–– and at the most reasonable price. In this book, Howard Berkowitz shows network and service...

DVD Production
DVD Production
Since its introduction in the autumn of 1996, DVD has been growing at an
astronomical rate. By far the most successful launch ever of a consumer
electronics format, the adoption of DVD has outpaced that of CD, VHS, and
LaserDisc. At the same time, the format is on-target to surpass the
Compact Disc as the dominant optical
Practical Data Communications
Practical Data Communications
With the accelerating growth in the use of computers and PCs in the workplace, the practical aspects of designing and operating data communications systems have become increasingly more complex. Practical Data Communications provides the needed background and fills in the gaps for the many who must tackle this vital technology with little basic...
System Integration: From Transistor Design to Large Scale Integrated Circuits
System Integration: From Transistor Design to Large Scale Integrated Circuits
The development of large-scale integrated systems-on-a-chip has had a dramatic effect on circuit design methodology. Escalating requirements for low-power, high-chip density circuits and systems have resulted in increasingly complex Bipolar, CMOS and BICMOS technologies. In order to design cost-effective and reliable systems a thorough...
Easy Microsoft Frontpage 2003
Easy Microsoft Frontpage 2003

Easy Microsoft FrontPage 2003 takes the work out of learning Microsoft FrontPage 2003 by using short, easy-to-follow lessons that show you how to accomplish basic tasks quickly and efficiently! It is the perfect book for beginners who want to learn to use FrontPage 2003 through a visual, full-color approach. More than 100 hands-on lessons are...

PowerPoint 2007: The Missing Manual
PowerPoint 2007: The Missing Manual

Like every other application in Microsoft Office suite, PowerPoint is loaded with features. So many, in fact, that even veterans don't know where to find them all. Microsoft solved this problem in PowerPoint 2007 by redesigning the user interface with a tabbed toolbar that makes features easy to locate and use. PowerPoint 2007...

SQL Hacks
SQL Hacks

Whether you're running Access, MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, or PostgreSQL, this book will help you push the limits of traditional SQL to squeeze data effectively from your database. The book offers 100 hacks -- unique tips and tools -- that bring you the knowledge of experts who apply what they know in the real world to help you...

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