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Careers in Computers, Third Edition
Careers in Computers, Third Edition
Need a job? Use the Net. Monster.com offers a resume builder, posting feature,
and hundreds of thousands of job opportunities online. The Internet has made
volumes of valuable, up-to-date information on any subject available to both
individuals and organizations. Requiring only a personal computer and modem,
an individual can
The Data Model Resource Book, Vol. 1: A Library of Universal Data Models for All Enterprises
The Data Model Resource Book, Vol. 1: A Library of Universal Data Models for All Enterprises
"These books are a must for any company implementing data models. They contain practical insights and templates of universal data models which can be used by all enterprises, regardless of their level of experience."–Ron Powell, Publisher, DM Review

Industry experts raved about The Data Model Resource Book when it first came...

Quantum Approach to Informatics
Quantum Approach to Informatics
An essential overview of quantum information

Information, whether inscribed as a mark on a stone tablet or encoded as a magnetic domain on a hard drive, must be stored in a physical object and thus made subject to the laws of physics. Traditionally, information processing such as computation occurred in a framework governed by laws of classical...

The Wireless Data Handbook
The Wireless Data Handbook
This fourth edition of the Wireless Data Handbook will begin to reach readers in 1999,
the centennial year of Marconi’s first sale of data radio to the British Navy. For the
army of fresh, young people now turning their impressive energy and intellect to this
growing field, it is fitting to have enough historical perspective to
Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Step by Step
Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Step by Step
You’ll notice some changes as soon as you start Microsoft Excel 2003. The toolbars
and menu bar have a new look, and there are some new task panes available on the
right side of your screen. But the features that are new or greatly improved in this
version of Excel go beyond just changes in appearance. Some changes won’t
Data Structures and Algorithms Using Visual Basic.NET
Data Structures and Algorithms Using Visual Basic.NET
The Visual Basic.NET (VB.NET) programming language is not usually associated
with the study of data structures and algorithms. The primary reason for
this must be because most university and college computer science departments
don’t consider VB.NET to be a “serious” programming language that
can be used to
Sams Teach Yourself EJB in 21 Days
Sams Teach Yourself EJB in 21 Days
With the introduction of Java in the mid-1990s, its portability was obvious on the client
side. Java has quickly become the language of choice for writing applications. Most
browsers support Java, and Java applets and Java applications can run on any machine or
operating system. But this is not enough for enterprise applications,
Java Persistence with Hibernate
Java Persistence with Hibernate
Persistence-the ability of data to outlive an instance of a program-is central to modern applications. Hibernate, the most popular Java persistence tool, provides automatic and transparent object/relational mapping making it a snap to work with SQL databases in Java applications. Hibernate applications are cheaper, more portable, and more resilient...
Digital Logic Testing and Simulation
Digital Logic Testing and Simulation
"...well-written and covers broad subjects related to the test of digital circuits. It will be useful for students and engineers involved in design and testing."
 (IEEE Circuits & Devices Magazine, July/August 2005)

“This is an excellent introduction to testing digital...

Managing Service Level Quality: Across Wireless and Fixed Networks
Managing Service Level Quality: Across Wireless and Fixed Networks
UMTS as a technology allows for exciting new applications of some of the best ideas of services in the fixed telecoms, cellular/mobile telecoms, and internet environments, with many revolutionary new possibilities which simply do not exist in the current media and communications vehicles.The current worldwide interest in UMTS/3G is driven partly by...
Foundations of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, and Knowledge Engineering
Foundations of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, and Knowledge Engineering
Here we have a comprehensive, problem-oriented, engineering perspective on the uses of neural nets, fuzzy systems, and hybrids that emphasizes practical solutions to everyday artificial intelligence (AI) problems over abstract theoretical noodling. Intended for upper-division students and postgraduates who need a...
Data Structures in Java: A Laboratory Course
Data Structures in Java: A Laboratory Course
Data Structures in Java: A Laboratory Course defines active learning. With sixteen labs to choose from, this laboratory manual creates a "learn by doing" experience for its students by engaging them in implementation of data structures and in application of algorithms. Students are challenged to exercise their knowledge in each of the...
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