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PC Repair Bench Book
PC Repair Bench Book
Your one-stop guide to
  • Understanding and repairing motherboards, processors, chipsets, BIOS, and system resources
  • Updating and optimizing memory and aging systems
  • Diagnosing common PC problems and performing routine maintenance
  • Installing and configuring system upgrades
  • Working...
Designing Active Server Pages
Designing Active Server Pages
Designing Active Server Pages provides an important tool for often-overworked ASP programmers: a set of techniques for making the wisest use of the technology in a production environment. Targeting an audience of readers who already are seasoned in ASP, author Scott Mitchell explores techniques for producing "reusable and robust...
Buying a Computer for Dummies, 2005 Edition
Buying a Computer for Dummies, 2005 Edition
CPU, Ghz, Mhz, DIMMS, RAM, ROM, AGP, ISA, PCI, USB, CRT, LCD, NIC, CCD, CIS, DP, Kbps. What do all of these acronyms mean?

Are you baffled by computer technology and technology? Intimidated by computer salespeople who grimace or grin when you say “gizmo?” Buying a Computer For Dummies 2005 Edition gives you the ABCs of...

MCAD/MCSD Training Guide (70-315): Developing and Implementing Web Applications with Visual C# and Visual Studio.NET
MCAD/MCSD Training Guide (70-315): Developing and Implementing Web Applications with Visual C# and Visual Studio.NET
The authoritative solution to passing the 70-315 exam! * Amit Kalani is a leading authority on C#. * Training Guides are the most effective self-study guide in the marketplace, featuring exam tips, study strategies, review exercises, case studies, practice exams, ExamGear testing software, and more. * Subjected to rigorous technical review by a...
Creating and Consuming Web Services in Visual Basic
Creating and Consuming Web Services in Visual Basic
One of the more confusing items about Web Services regards defining exactly what and
why they are. Let's begin with why they exist.

Web Services exist to make it easier to integrate applications. Existing technologies include
Java RMI, CORBA, and DCOM. All of these technologies work over networked
environments and allow
Digital Image Processing (2nd Edition)
Digital Image Processing (2nd Edition)
Interest in digital image processing methods stems from two principal application
areas: improvement of pictorial information for human interpretation; and
processing of image data for storage, transmission, and representation for autonomous
machine perception.This chapter has several objectives: (1) to define
the scope of the
Photoshop Elements 3 For Dummies
Photoshop Elements 3 For Dummies
Do you want to rearm Venus de Milo, shave Uncle Harry’s beard, or turn gray skies to blue? Have at it with PhotoshopElements 3 For Dummies, your guide to enhancing the effect, fixing the flaws, or adding artistic effects to your photos. You’ll discover how to:
  • Import and organize your photos
  • ...
Dynamic HTML: The Definitive Reference
Dynamic HTML: The Definitive Reference
Danny Goodman felt that he couldn't trust any of the documentation on Dynamic HTML (DHTML) that he read (too many contradictions), so he wrote this book as a reference for working with his own clients. After testing tags and techniques on multiple releases of the main browsers, Goodman came up with very practical information--some of which you may...
CSS, DHTML, and Ajax, Fourth Edition (Visual QuickStart Guide)
CSS, DHTML, and Ajax, Fourth Edition (Visual QuickStart Guide)

The Web doesn't stand still, and neither does this guide: Completely updated to cover the new browsers, standards, and CSS, DHTML, and Ajax features that define the Web today, the one thing that hasn't changed in this edition is its task-based visual approach to the topic. In these pages, readers will find friendly, step-by-step instructions for...

Fast Track Visual C++(r) 6.0 Programming
Fast Track Visual C++(r) 6.0 Programming
Get up to speed with the latest version of Visual C++. What makes Fast Track the C++ guide of choice is leading expert Steve Holzner's practical approach to learning by example. Cutting right to the core of issues crucial to programmers, this book begins with a brief refresher course and then moves quickly onto the skills that really count:...
Adobe Digital Video How-Tos: 100 Essential Techniques with Adobe Production Studio
Adobe Digital Video How-Tos: 100 Essential Techniques with Adobe Production Studio
The Adobe Production Studio offers a complete post-production package that combines Adobe's video and graphics software with the timesaving integration and workflow features of Adobe Dynamic Link and Adobe Bridge. With the addition of Flash, videographers and filmmakers can bring their content to a rich, interactive presence on the Web as well. The...
Working with Microsoft Dynamics(TM) CRM 3.0
Working with Microsoft Dynamics(TM) CRM 3.0
Get a practical, hands-on introduction to the fundamentals of adapting Microsoft CRM 3.0 to meet your specific business needs. With topics that include developing new functionality, designing implementations, and integrating Microsoft CRM with other business applications—including Microsoft Office OutlookВ® and Microsoft...
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