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Adobe Flex 2: Training from the Source
Adobe Flex 2: Training from the Source
Part of the Adobe Training from the Source series, the official curriculum from Adobe, developed by experienced trainers. Using project-based tutorials, this book/CD volume is designed to teach the techniques needed to create sophisticated, professional-level projects. Each book includes a CD that contains all the files used in the lessons, plus...
IT Administrator's Top Ten Introductory Scripts for Windows (Administrator's Advantage Series)
IT Administrator's Top Ten Introductory Scripts for Windows (Administrator's Advantage Series)
A key problem with Microsoft Windows is that its friendly user interface can get in the way of efficient system administration. There's no easy way, for example, to use the graphical administration tools to determine which of your users have passwords that will soon expire. The answers to such problems of administration come in the form of scripts...
Software Agreements Line by Line: How to Understand & Change Software Licenses & Contracts to Fit Your Needs
Software Agreements Line by Line: How to Understand & Change Software Licenses & Contracts to Fit Your Needs
In such a business climate that demands a heightened understanding and keen ability to leverage essential technologies, one must understand every element of an agreement as critical and essential as the software user/vendor contract. As there has long been a disconnect between the express interests of the end user and the objectives of the vendor...
Application Development Using C# and .NET
Application Development Using C# and .NET
Microsoft .NET is an advance in programming technology that greatly simplifies application development both for traditional, proprietary applications, and for the emerging paradigm of Web-based services. .NET is a complete restructuring of Microsoft's whole system infrastructure and represents a major learning challenge for programmers developing...
Novell Cluster Services for Linux and NetWare (Novell Press)
Novell Cluster Services for Linux and NetWare (Novell Press)

Need to configure or manage Novell Cluster Services on NetWare, Linux or a mixed environment? Pick up a copy of the official reference guide, Novell Cluster Services for Linux and NetWare. This book blends in-depth information with practical, real world examples to cover cluster services configuration...

Microsoft(r) Windows(r) 2000 Server Administrator's Companion
Microsoft(r) Windows(r) 2000 Server Administrator's Companion
MICROSOFT WINDOWS 2000 SERVER ADMINISTRATOR'S COMPANION brings network administrators, systems engineers, and other MIS professionals up to speed on the latest features of Windows 2000 Server, including Active Directory(tm) services, Microsoft Internet Information Server 4.0, the new, integrated console for administrative tools, and more. It's the...
Computer Forensics: Computer Crime Scene Investigation (With CD-ROM) (Networking Series)
Computer Forensics: Computer Crime Scene Investigation (With CD-ROM) (Networking Series)
The mightiest fortresses in the world can fail, and when that happens all you can do (you being the person responsible for castle security) is figure out what went wrong, what damage was done, and by whom. If the castle was located in the right kind of kingdom--to take a metaphor too far--you can hope to prosecute the perpetrator. Computer...
SMS 2003 Administrator's Reference: Systems Management Server 2003
SMS 2003 Administrator's Reference: Systems Management Server 2003
Microsoft has really come a long way with management of systems within the corporate world. Micro -
soft Systems Management 2003 delivers a centralized management tool to support all of your computers,
workstations, servers, and other devices with the help of third-party solutions.
This book is designed to help the average SMS
Web Metrics: Proven Methods for Measuring Web Site Success
Web Metrics: Proven Methods for Measuring Web Site Success
There now exists a wealth of tools and techniques that can determine if and how a Web site is providing business value to its owners. This book is a survey of those metrics and is as important to IT executives as it is to marketing professionals.
  • Jim Sterne is recognized worldwide as a leading Internet business expert and is the...
Microsoft  Windows Server(TM) 2003 Inside Out
Microsoft Windows Server(TM) 2003 Inside Out
Take your Windows Server 2003 knowledge to the next level! Designed for Windows system administrators, this definitive resource delivers in-depth information about installing and configuring Windows Server 2003, performing upgrades and migrations, automating deployments, implementing security features, managing software updates and patches,...
Introduction to ATM/IP Design and Performance with Applications Analysis Software
Introduction to ATM/IP Design and Performance with Applications Analysis Software
Many engineers and students experience difficulty in making sense of issues associated with IP and ATM teletraffic techniques. This is partly because of the subject itself: networks are flexible, complicated, and still evolving. However, some of the difficulties arise because of the advanced mathematical methods that have been applied to provide...
Macworld DVD Studio Pro Bible (With DVD-ROM)
Macworld DVD Studio Pro Bible (With DVD-ROM)
The DVD StudioPro Bible is the authoritative and comprehensive guide creating professional-quality DVDs using Apple's revolutionary new killer app, DVD Studio Pro. This book features easily accessible information for beginners (including a QuickStart for immediate results), advanced tips and techniques for pros, and extensive professional...
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