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Visual C++ in 12 Easy Lessons/Book and Cd-Rom
Visual C++ in 12 Easy Lessons/Book and Cd-Rom
Visual C++ in 12 Easy Lessons is aimed primarily at beginning programmers who have never programmed or have
never seen a C++ program. Text, questions, exercises, and numerous program listings are aimed at both beginning
programmers and those new to Visual C++.

If you already program but have never had the time to tackle Visual
Numerical Simulations and Case Studies Using Visual C++.Net
Numerical Simulations and Case Studies Using Visual C++.Net
Master the numerical simulation process required to design, test and support mobile and parallel computing systems. An accompanying ftp site contains all the Visual C++ based programs discussed in the text to help readers create their own programs. With its focus on problems and solutions, this is an excellent text for upper-level undergraduate and...
Java 2 Web Developer Certification Study Guide with CD-ROM
Java 2 Web Developer Certification Study Guide with CD-ROM
The Sun Certified Web Component Developer exam is expected to gain quickly in popularity because of the strong impact of Java 2 Enterprise Edition in the marketplace. This Study Guide, aimed at experienced Java programmers, covers all enterprise-level topics comprising the objectives for the exam, including servlets, exception handling, session...
Geek House: 10 Hardware Hacking Projects for Around Home (ExtremeTech)
Geek House: 10 Hardware Hacking Projects for Around Home (ExtremeTech)
* From the garage to the living room, Geek House provides hackers with 10 PC-based hardware hacking projects that are not for the faint of heart!
* Taking the DIY mentality to a whole new level, this book teaches techies how to hack, customize, and modify everything-from their sprinkler systems to the temperature of their barbecues
Real-Time Video Compression (The International Series in Engineering and Computer Science)
Real-Time Video Compression (The International Series in Engineering and Computer Science)
Real-Time Video Compression: Techniques and Algorithms introduces the XYZ video compression technique, which operates in three dimensions, eliminating the overhead of motion estimation. First, video compression standards, MPEG and H.261/H.263, are described. They both use asymmetric compression algorithms, based on motion estimation. Their...
Wi-Fi Hotspots: Setting Up Public Wireless Internet Access (Networking Technology)
Wi-Fi Hotspots: Setting Up Public Wireless Internet Access (Networking Technology)

Wi-Fi Hotspots

Setting Up Public Wireless Internet Access

Installing and operating a Wi-Fi hotspot allows you to attract customers and differentiate your business. Deploying even a small wireless network has proven to be a...

CCSP Flash Cards and Exam Practice Pack (Flash Cards and Exam Practice Packs)
CCSP Flash Cards and Exam Practice Pack (Flash Cards and Exam Practice Packs)

Practice for the CCSP exams with the best-selling late stage exam practice series for Cisco certifications!

  • Prepare for all 5 CCSP exams--SECUR, CSPFA, CSVPN, CSIDS, and CSI--with proven late-stage self-study tools

  • 1000 flashcards in...

Sams Teach Yourself UML in 24 Hours
Sams Teach Yourself UML in 24 Hours
Sams Teach Yourself UML in 24 Hours provides hands-on UML experience. Learn to use UML to build a model for any system development project, and understand the UML models that will undoubtedly form the basis for future system development books. Gain the knowledge and the confidence to become a UML champion in your organization by understanding...
Mastering ASP.NET with VB.NET
Mastering ASP.NET with VB.NET
Take Web Application Programming to a Whole New Level

Microsoft's .NET Framework means enormous changes for Web programming. Using Visual Studio's ASP.NET and VB.NET, and a host of established and up-and-coming Internet technologies, you can build cleaner, more powerful Web applications, and you can do it more quickly than ever
Quality of Service Control in High-Speed Networks
Quality of Service Control in High-Speed Networks
The explosion of traffic over data communications networks has resulted in a growing demand for Quality of Service (QoS) techniques to ensure network reliability, particularly in regard to e-commerce applications. Written by two experts in the field, this book covers the implementation of QoS techniques from an engineering point of view. Readers...
Que's Official Internet Yellow Pages, 2005 Edition
Que's Official Internet Yellow Pages, 2005 Edition

When you have to make a phone call and you don't know the telephone number, what do you pull out? The yellow pages. When you have to look up something on the Internet and you don't know the Website address, what should you pull out? Que's Official Internet Yellow Pages, 2005 Edition. The only Internet directory to incorporate a rating...

Handbook of Computer Vision Algorithms in Image Algebra
Handbook of Computer Vision Algorithms in Image Algebra

The Second Edition of the best-selling Handbook of Computer Vision Algorithms in Image Algebra, continues to provide an outstanding introduction to Image Algebra. It describes more than 80 fundamental computer vision techniques and introduces the portable iac++ library, which supports image algebra programming in the C++ language. Revisions to...

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