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Data Warehousing and Data Mining for Telecommunications (Artech House Computer Science Library)
Data Warehousing and Data Mining for Telecommunications (Artech House Computer Science Library)
Provides practical, step-by-step instructions on how to design and develop effective, costefficient data warehouses. DLC: Telecommunications Management.

Through dozens of case studies and real-world examples, this clearly written guide shows telecommunications managers how to build more effective data warehouses without wasting time and
Networks on Chip
Networks on Chip

Networks on Chip presents a variety of topics, problems and approaches with the common theme to systematically organize the on-chip communication in the form of a regular, shared communication network on chip, an NoC for short.

As the number of processor cores and IP blocks integrated on a single chip is steadily...

Linux 3D Graphics Programming
Linux 3D Graphics Programming
There are currently no directly competitive titles on the market that provide the serious Linux programmer and developer with an overview of how to use 3-D graphics with this rapidly growing operating system.

Norman Lin focuses on using C++ code relative to the 3-D graphics programming under Linux. The author focuses on providing...

Digital Lighting & Rendering
Digital Lighting & Rendering
New Riders' [digital] series is performing a tremendous service to the computer animation and graphics community. The newest addition to this family is [digital] Lighting & Rendering. Author Jeremy Birn has long been regarded as a talented computer graphics artist and generous writer, and he's been sharing his techniques and...
Geometric Tools for Computer Graphics (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Graphics)
Geometric Tools for Computer Graphics (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Graphics)
Reinventing the wheel is a terrible waste of time, yet legions of computer programmers do exactly that every day. Geometric Tools for Computer Graphics gives the working graphics programmer a vast collection of programming examples, complex code snippets explained and ready to use. Each chapter is filled with more than just code...
Java 2 Certification Training Guide
Java 2 Certification Training Guide
With full coverage of the three latest Sun Java certification exams, Java 2 Certification Training Guide provides an excellent resource for any Java programmer prepping for these tests.

The best thing about this book is its insider-track perspective on three Sun exams. This book concentrates on the Programmer exam (which comprises...

Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications (2nd Edition)
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications (2nd Edition)
In this eagerly awaited second edition, Grady Booch draws upon the rich and varied results of those projects and offers improved methods for object development and a new, unified notation. With numerous examples implemented in C++, Booch illustrates essential concepts, explains the method, and shows successful applications in a variety of fields....
Engineering a Compiler
Engineering a Compiler
The proliferation of processors, environments, and constraints on systems has cast compiler technology into a wider variety of settings, changing the compiler and compiler writer's role. No longer is execution speed the sole criterion for judging compiled code. Today, code might be judged on how small it is, how much power it consumes, how well it...
Metro Ethernet
Metro Ethernet

The definitive guide to enterprise and carrier metro Ethernet applications

  • Easy to read and understand, following the style of the best-selling Internet Routing Architectures
  • Understand emerging metro Ethernet services such as point-to-point packet-leased line services and multipoint-to-multipoint VPLS
  • ...
XML Pocket Reference
XML Pocket Reference
Even hot dog Web coders proficient in XML need a little refresher once and a while. Although some portions of XML are still very fluid, the handy XML Pocket Reference offers quick access to the syntax and usage rules of this next-generation language.

At the front of the book, a crash course in XML quickly spells out the important...

Developing Bioinformatics Computer Skills
Developing Bioinformatics Computer Skills
Bioinformatics--the application of computational and analytical methods to biological problems--is a rapidly evolving scientific discipline. Genome sequencing projects are producing vast amounts of biological data for many different organisms, and, increasingly, storing these data in public databases. Such biological databases are growing...
ADO : ActiveX Data Objects
ADO : ActiveX Data Objects
Getting data across platforms and formats is a cornerstone of present-day applications development. ADO: ActiveX Data Objects is both an introduction and a complete reference to ADO (ActiveX Data Objects), Microsoft's universal data access solution. You'll learn how to easily access data in multiple formats--such as email messages,...
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