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Learn Microsoft VISIO 2002 (Wordware Visio Library)
Learn Microsoft VISIO 2002 (Wordware Visio Library)
Ideally suited for the experienced business user of Visio 2002 who has mastered the fundamentals of using the software, but needs an in-depth treatment of the advanced features, especially customization.

Microsoft Visio is software for creating diagrams. Unlike other technical drawing
programs, such as computer-aided drawing
The Tomes of Delphi : Basic 32-Bit
The Tomes of Delphi : Basic 32-Bit
Developer's Guide to Delphi Communications is another addition to the highly successful Delphi series from Wordware. This is the only title on the market that provides a comprehensive overview to the communications capability of Delphi relative to the major communications protocols, such as TCP/IP, MAPI, SMTP, and HTTP.

Flash MX Design for TV and Video
Flash MX Design for TV and Video
This book is about how to get Flash MX animation out to video, television, and other video-based mediums,
such as DVD. We also consider the notion of broadcast quality and explore ways to achieve it, both
technically and creatively.

Since Version 2, Macromedia Flash has had the capability to export to video. It wasn't long
PNG: The Definitive Guide (O'Reilly Nutshell)
PNG: The Definitive Guide (O'Reilly Nutshell)
PNG (Portable Network Graphics) is the next-generation graphics file format for the Web. Designed as an open-source format to replace the proprietary GIF format, PNG is better, smaller, more extensible, and free. Already supported by major software like Macromedia Fireworks, Adobe Photoshop, and Microsoft Office, as well as Netscape...
Cisco Ccnp Switching Exam Certification Guide (Cisco Career Certification,)
Cisco Ccnp Switching Exam Certification Guide (Cisco Career Certification,)
The official self-study test preparation guide for the Cisco CCNP and CCDP(r) Switching exam

Coverage of the CCNP/CCDP Switching exam topics enables you to identify and fill your knowledge gaps before the exam date. You'll learn how to:

  • Design, build, and maintain high-speed, multilayer switched networks running Fast...
GDI+ Programming in C# and VB .NET
GDI+ Programming in C# and VB .NET

GDI+ both wraps arcane API calls and extends them for much easier use. Programmers no longer have to make do with the familiar but simplistic VB 6.0 drawing model, nor do they have to dig down into the GDI API in order to get any real work done. In GDI+, Microsoft has come up with a complete, but still extensible, set of classes for all of the...

Real World ASP.NET: Building a Content Management System
Real World ASP.NET: Building a Content Management System
Aimed at aspiring .NET developers who want to work with content management (CM) applications, Real-World ASP.NET: Building a Content Management System provides a fine overview of what's involved in managing Web site content and also delivers working code for a free, proprietary CMS using the latest in .NET technology and C#.


OpenGL Game Development (Wordware Applications Library)
OpenGL Game Development (Wordware Applications Library)
Describes step-by-step everything the OpenGL developers needs to know about windows programming and OpenGL including how use multi-texturing.

OpenGL is the industry standard for 3D graphics. The SDK has been used in
many leading applications, games, CAD, and military and medical simulations
over the past eight years. In OpenGL
HTML: The Definitive Guide
HTML: The Definitive Guide
In the most recent edition of this acclaimed HTML guide, Musciano and Kennedy look closely at every aspect of HTML and show how to use it wisely to create top-quality Web pages. The book is up-to-date, covering HTML 4, Netscape Navigator 4, Microsoft Internet Explorer 4, and the various extensions of each.

HTML: The Definitive Guide...

Essentials of Electronic Testing for Digital, Memory, and Mixed-Signal VLSI Circuits
Essentials of Electronic Testing for Digital, Memory, and Mixed-Signal VLSI Circuits
Today's electronic design and test engineers deal with several types of subsystems, namely, digital, memory, and mixed-signal, each requiring different test and design for testability methods. This book provides a careful selection of essential topics on all three types of circuits. The outcome of testing is product quality, which means `meeting...
Developing ASP Components (2nd Edition)
Developing ASP Components (2nd Edition)

Aimed at more experienced VB or C++ developers, Developing ASP Components, Second Edition gives plenty of advanced advice for creating and using COM-based components, which are a must for serious scalability and performance on the Microsoft Web platform.

This book excels at showing the inner workings and issues involved in...

Programming Cameras and Pan-Tilts: with DirectX and Java
Programming Cameras and Pan-Tilts: with DirectX and Java
The rapid rise of PC-based cameras has lead to the enormous growth of software applications that use real-time video programming. These applications include video conferencing, computer games, scientific research, automated security and surveillance, industrial inspection, and Web cameras. Previously, developers had to search through manufacturer...
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