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Computer and Intrusion Forensics (Artech House Computer Security Series)
Computer and Intrusion Forensics (Artech House Computer Security Series)
Computer forensics and intrusion forensics are rapidly becoming
mainstream activities in an increasingly online society due to the
ubiquity of computers and computer networks. We make daily use of
computers either for communication or for personal or work transactions.
From our desktops and laptops we access Web servers, e-mail
Object-Oriented and Classical Software Engineering
Object-Oriented and Classical Software Engineering
Classical and Object-Oriented Software Engineering, 6/e is designed for an introductory software engineering course. This book provides an excellent introduction to software engineering fundamentals, covering both traditional and object-oriented techniques.

Schach's unique organization and style makes it excellent for use in a...

Oracle SQL Loader: The Definitive Guide
Oracle SQL Loader: The Definitive Guide
SQL*Loader is a ubiquitous tool in the Oracle world. It has been shipped with Oracle since at least Version 6 and continues to be supported and enhanced with each new version of Oracle, including Oracle8 and Oracle8i. The job of SQL*Loader is to load data from flat files into an Oracle database. It's optimized for loading large volumes of...
Visual Basic 6 Black Book: The Only Book You'll Need on Visual Basic
Visual Basic 6 Black Book: The Only Book You'll Need on Visual Basic

Completely explains the crucial Visual Basic tool set in detail. Covers the best Visual Basic programming practices, from design tools to flowcharts. Contains 1,000 pages of everything Visual Basic 6, from radio buttons and checkboxes to XOR drawings, OLE automation, DHTML page design, and Internet Explorer 4 support.

Welcome to

Lex & Yacc (A Nutshell Handbook)
Lex & Yacc (A Nutshell Handbook)

This book shows you how to use two Unix utilities, lex and yacc, in program development. These tools help programmers build compilers and interpreters, but they also have a wider range of applications. The second edition contains completely revised tutorial sections for novice users and reference sections for advanced users....

Behind Closed Doors: Secrets of Great Management (Pragmatic Programmers)
Behind Closed Doors: Secrets of Great Management (Pragmatic Programmers)
Great management is difficult to see as it occurs. It's possible to see the results of great management, but it's not easy to see how managers achieve those results. Great management happens in one-on-one meetings and with other managers---all in private. It's hard to learn management by example when you can't see it.

You can learn to be a...

Code Complete (Microsoft Programming)
Code Complete (Microsoft Programming)
Believed by many of our customers to be the best practical guide to writing commercial software, and Highly Recommended.

The research and programming experience collected in this handbook will help you to
create higher-quality software and to do your work more quickly and with fewer
problems. This book will give you insight
Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, Third Edition
Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, Third Edition

This best-selling title, considered for over a decade to be essential reading for every serious student and practitioner of computer design, has been updated throughout to address the most important trends facing computer designers today. In this edition, the authors bring their trademark method of quantitative analysis not only to high...

Data Quality (The Kluwer International Series on Advances in Database Systems Volume 23)
Data Quality (The Kluwer International Series on Advances in Database Systems Volume 23)
Data Quality provides an expose of research and practice in the data quality field for technically oriented readers. It is based on the research conducted at the MIT Total Data Quality Management (TDQM) program and work from other leading research institutions. This book is intended primarily for researchers, practitioners, educators and graduate...
Sams Teach Yourself Visual C++ 6 in 21 Days, Professional Reference Edition
Sams Teach Yourself Visual C++ 6 in 21 Days, Professional Reference Edition
For the majority of C++ programmers, the pace and style of David Chapman's Teach Yourself Visual C++ 6 in 21 Days will make a good deal of sense. The author covers all the essentials of basic Windows and Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) development, and then addresses several new features in Visual C++ 6, all while moving quickly enough...
Implementing Voice over IP
Implementing Voice over IP
In general, voice transmission over the Internet protocol (IP), or VoIP, means
transmission of real-time voice signals and associated call control information
over an IP-based (public or private) network. The term IP telephony is commonly
used to specify delivery of a superset of the advanced public switched
telephone network
Mastering AutoCAD 2000
Mastering AutoCAD 2000
Mastering AutoCAD 2000 is an ideal companion for any engineer who uses the popular CAD program from Autodesk. Its 1,600-plus pages are filled with screen shots, illustrations, notes, and tips that will help new users master the learning curve of AutoCAD. It will also open up the new features of the latest AutoCAD release to users of...
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