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Database Design for Smarties: Using UML for Data Modeling
Database Design for Smarties: Using UML for Data Modeling
If you want to see how your next database project can profit from object-oriented design, check out Database Design for Smarties, a lively and intelligent guide to using objects in databases.

The book begins with a tour of some underlying factors in modeling databases. Here, the author distinguishes between the external,...

Applying Knowledge Management: Techniques for Building Corporate Memories
Applying Knowledge Management: Techniques for Building Corporate Memories
The wholesale capture and distribution of knowledge over the last thirty years has created an unprecedented need for organizations to manage their knowledge assets. Knowledge Management (KM) addresses this need by helping an organization to leverage its information resources and knowledge assets by "remembering" and applying its...
VB and VBA in a Nutshell: The Languages
VB and VBA in a Nutshell: The Languages
VB & VBA in a Nutshell: The Languages documents the latest version of the world's bestselling rapid application development environment. Paul Lomax's explanation of the language comes in two main parts.

First, Lomax explains the structure and syntax of Visual Basic (VB) and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) programs. He details...

Teach Yourself Internet Game Programming With Java in 21 Days
Teach Yourself Internet Game Programming With Java in 21 Days
Now that the initial hype surrounding Java is starting to settle down, many developers are sitting around wondering what's next. So
we have this really cool technology, but now what? The next logical step for Java programmers is to branch out and start applying
their newfound skills to specific areas. One such area that has always
High Performance Computing (RISC Architectures, Optimization & Benchmarks)
High Performance Computing (RISC Architectures, Optimization & Benchmarks)
This book is a "must" for anyone who needs to worry about computer performance, either as a software developer or as a buyer. But it also provides valuable insights for those among us who do relatively little programming and run mostly third-party application software. Even if you never touch a line of code, High Performance...
Systematic Software Testing (Artech House Computer Library)
Systematic Software Testing (Artech House Computer Library)

There’s no quicker way to realize return on investment than to prevent or discover defects early in the software development lifecycle. Written by leading experts, this book delivers a flexible, risk-based process that improves your software testing capabilities and helps you do just that. Whether your organization already has a...

Internetworking Troubleshooting Handbook
Internetworking Troubleshooting Handbook
If you can think of the problem, Internetworking Troubleshooting Handbook probably has the solution--at least when it comes to networking problems. This 714-page tome is absolutely phenomenal in scope. Though you may not find in-depth scholarly discussions of networking woes, you will find pragmatic tips that can help you through an...
Pragmatic Project Automation: How to Build, Deploy, and Monitor Java Apps
Pragmatic Project Automation: How to Build, Deploy, and Monitor Java Apps
Forget wizards, you need a slave--someone to do your repetitive, tedious and boring tasks, without complaint and without pay, so you'll have more time to design and write exciting code. Indeed, that's what computers are for. You can enlist your own computer to automate all of your project's repetitive tasks, ranging from individual builds and...
Ship it! A Practical Guide to Successful Software Projects
Ship it! A Practical Guide to Successful Software Projects

Ship It! is a collection of tips that show the tools and techniques a successful project team has to use, and how to use them well. You'll get quick, easy-to-follow advice on modern practices: which to use, and when they should be applied. This book avoids current fashion trends and marketing hype; instead, readers find...

iPod: The Missing Manual
iPod: The Missing Manual
With iPod and iTunes, Apple's gotten the world hooked on portable music, pictures, and videos. One thing they haven't delivered, though, is an easy guide for getting the most from your sleek little entertainment center. Enter iPod: The Missing Manual, 5th Edition-a book as breathtaking and satisfying as its subject.

Our latest edition...

Game Programming Gems (Game Programming Gems Series)
Game Programming Gems (Game Programming Gems Series)
Aimed at the working (or aspiring) Visual C/C++ game programmer, Game Programming Gems contains over 60 programming tips that have been gathered from more than 40 working game gurus. It you want to build your own games or are interested simply in how games work, this text provides an intriguing glimpse into how the pros create...
Excel 2007: The Missing Manual
Excel 2007: The Missing Manual
Microsoft Excel continues to grow in power, sophistication, and capability, but one thing that has changed very little since the early '90s is its user interface. The once-simple toolbar has been packed with so many features over the years that few users know where to find them all. Microsoft has addressed this problem in Excel 2007 by radically...
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