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Security Fundamentals for E-Commerce (Artech House Computer Security Series. New Series)
Security Fundamentals for E-Commerce (Artech House Computer Security Series. New Series)
If you're charged with maintaining the security of e-commerce sites, you need this unique book that provides an in-depth understanding of basic security problems and relevant e-commerce solutions, while helping you implement today's most advanced security technologies.

From designing secure Web, e-commerce, and mobile commerce...

Working With Microsoft Visual Studio 2005
Working With Microsoft Visual Studio 2005

Showing you how to make your programming more powerful by sharing code with other users, this book will help you to understand the IDE and the project system and how you can adopt it to meet your specific needs.

Use new features in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 to make your programming more powerful by sharing code with other users....

Microsoft  Visual Basic  Design Patterns (Microsoft Professional Series)
Microsoft Visual Basic Design Patterns (Microsoft Professional Series)
Microsoft  Visual Basic  Design Patterns focuses on how to capitalize on the powerful object-oriented capabilities of Visual Basic. Specifically, the book introduces and explains how to employ a set of reusable software design patterns available within Visual Basic. Design patterns take objects to the next level, encouraging both reuse...
Windows Developer Power Tools: Turbocharge Windows Development with More Than 140 Free and Open Source Tools
Windows Developer Power Tools: Turbocharge Windows Development with More Than 140 Free and Open Source Tools

Software developers need to work harder and harder to bring value to their development process in order to build high quality applications and remain competitive. Developers can accomplish this by improving their productivity, quickly solving problems, and writing better code.

A wealth of open source and...

Trust in Knowledge Management and Systems in Organizations
Trust in Knowledge Management and Systems in Organizations

Trust in Knowledge Management and Systems in Organizations aims at tying trust to knowledge management (KM). It highlights the complexity of the invisible phenomenon of trust challenged by the global economy. Fresh insights, novel theoretical frameworks, and empirical results and ideas for future research are presented that differ from...

PC Annoyances, Second Edition
PC Annoyances, Second Edition
In every PC user's life, there's a point when desperate measures must be taken. Some push their PC off a pier or chuck it into a landfill. Others turn their former computing ally into a planter box. But don't give up on your PC yet--help is at hand. This easy to read, accessible book from PC World expert Steve Bass covers the waterfront of...
Websphere Portal on Z/OS
Websphere Portal on Z/OS

This IBM Redbook will help you install, tailor, and configure the PTF2 level of WebSphere Portal Server for z/OS product. We discuss architectural, installation, configuration, administration, security and problem determination issues. We show you how to deploy portlets and how to convert a "normal" WebSphere application into a...

IBM i5/iSeries Primer: Concepts and Techniques for Programmers, Administrators, and System Operators
IBM i5/iSeries Primer: Concepts and Techniques for Programmers, Administrators, and System Operators
This comprehensive, 35-chapter book is the ultimate resource and a "must-have" for every professional working with the i5/iSeries. It is perfect for novice and intermediate programmers as well as for system administrators and operators. In simple, straightforward style, the authors explain core i5/iSeries concepts and show you step...
Delphi 6 Developer's Guide (With CD-ROM)
Delphi 6 Developer's Guide (With CD-ROM)

Borland(r) Delphi 6 Developer's Guide is a new edition of the #1 best-selling Delphi book by authors Steve Teixeira and Xavier Pacheco. Steve and Xavier are of the winners of the Delphi Informant Reader's Choice Award for both Delphi 4 Developer's Guide and Delphi 5 Developer's Guide.

Borland(r) Delphi 6 Developer's...

Expert One-on-One Oracle
Expert One-on-One Oracle
Tom Kyte is of a rare breed. To begin, he's technically expert in his subject (administration of and development of applications for Oracle database management systems). What's more (and what distinguishes him from the ranks of the super-competent), he is both able and willing to share his considerable store of wisdom with Oracle users via...
Cyber Forensics: A Field Manual for Collecting, Examining, and Preserving Evidence of Computer Crimes
Cyber Forensics: A Field Manual for Collecting, Examining, and Preserving Evidence of Computer Crimes

This is a comprehensive, highly usable, and clearly organized field manual of the issues, tools, and control techniques that audit, law enforcement, and infosecurity professionals need to know to successfully investigate illegal activities perpetrated through the use of information technology. All of the forensic audit routines discussed...

Digital Photography: The Missing Manual
Digital Photography: The Missing Manual
Digital Photography: The Missing Manual helps you to take beautiful digital pictures -- of your baby, your trip to Paris, your new pet iguana--and then share the stunning results with your friends and family. Spiked with the advice and humor that are trademarks of the Missing Manual series, this book shows you how to:
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