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JavaScript Application Cookbook
JavaScript Application Cookbook
Seasoned Java coders will find the JavaScript Application Cookbook compiled just for them. Written in the same vein as the old-style programmer "toolbox" titles, this book sheds the usual tutorial presentation and simply introduces a series of JavaScript applications you can use on your own sites.

The cookbook begins with...

UMTS and Mobile Computing
UMTS and Mobile Computing
This unique book bridges the gap between ubiquitous computing (UBICOMP) and third generation mobile communication. A first-of-its-kind, this resource helps you decide which are the most promising technologies to use for specific mobile communication applications. Scenarios indicate how new applications will be developed and how to implement them....
Pragmatic Unit Testing in C# with NUnit (Pragmatic Programmers)
Pragmatic Unit Testing in C# with NUnit (Pragmatic Programmers)
Learn how to improve your C# coding skills using unit testing. Despite it's name, unit testing is really a coding technique, not a testing technique. Unit testing is done by programmers, for programmers. It's primarily for our benefit: we get improved confidence in our code, better ability to make deadlines, less time spent in the debugger, and...
User's Guide To Cryptography And Standards (Artech House Computer Security)
User's Guide To Cryptography And Standards (Artech House Computer Security)
This book is about standards, cryptography, and standards for cryptography. It has been written in the hope that it will
serve a number of purposes, including the following.

◗ Perhaps most importantly, to provide a general introduction
to standardized cryptography for the user of this technology (i.e., a designer or
Hardening Linux
Hardening Linux

"Hardening" is the process of protecting a system and its applications against unknown threats. And Hardening Linux will explain the main steps that any Network or Systems Administrator needs to take, to protect his computers that run on Linux. This book discusses security of mail servers, web servers, and file servers, as well as...

Mastering Oracle SQL and SQL*Plus
Mastering Oracle SQL and SQL*Plus

SQL is the ANSI-standard language for accessing and manipulating relational databases. Anyone (programmers, administrators, or designers) who work with a relational databases need to understand the SQL language. While most books on the market do not properly cover the basics, this book differs: it explains fundamentals in detail, supported by...

The Firebird Book: A Reference for Database Developers
The Firebird Book: A Reference for Database Developers

The Firebird Book: A Guide for Database Developers is a comprehensive, practical guide for developing client/server FirebirdSQL database applications for small and large networks of users. FirebirdSQL is an open source database, and while not as popular as MySQL or PostgreSQL, it has a dedicated following, and has far more advanced features.

Expert .NET 2.0 IL Assembler
Expert .NET 2.0 IL Assembler

Expert .NET 2.0 IL Assember drills down into the internal structures and operations of the .NET common language runtime and teaches you how to master the IL assembly language, ILAsm. (The rule of thumb is that if the runtime can do it, ILAsm must be able to express it.) This book is ideal if you're a compiler and tool developer, a...

Hack the Stack: Using Snort and Ethereal to Master the 8 Layers of an Insecure Network
Hack the Stack: Using Snort and Ethereal to Master the 8 Layers of an Insecure Network

This book looks at network security in a new and refreshing way. It guides readers step-by-step through the "stack" -- the seven layers of a network. Each chapter focuses on one layer of the stack along with the attacks, vulnerabilities, and exploits that can be found at that layer. The book even includes a chapter on the mythical...

Pro Hibernate 3 (Expert's Voice)
Pro Hibernate 3 (Expert's Voice)

Pro Hibernate 3 is the first book to offer complete coverage of the open source lightweight Hibernate 3 and its new features. Authors Dave Minter and Jeff Linwood discuss the new persistence layer and share design tips and best practices. And the duo goes beyond just explaining "how to" use parts of Hibernate; they probe well...

Network Security Assessment: From Vulnerability to Patch
Network Security Assessment: From Vulnerability to Patch
This book will take readers from the discovery of vulnerabilities and the creation of the corresponding exploits, through a complete security assessment, all the way through deploying patches against these vulnerabilities to protect their networks.

This is unique in that it details both the management and technical skill and tools
Professional SQL Server 2000 Database Design
Professional SQL Server 2000 Database Design
SQL Server 2000 is the latest and most powerful version of Microsoft's data warehousing and relational database management system.

Professional SQL Server 2000 Database Design provides an outline of the techniques that the designer can employ to make effective use of the full range of facilities that SQL Server 2000 offers. It attempts to move...

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