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Java in a Nutshell : A Desktop Quick Reference (Java Series) (3rd Edition)
Java in a Nutshell : A Desktop Quick Reference (Java Series) (3rd Edition)
The 3rd edition of the well-known reference, Java in a Nutshell, covers the essential APIs of Java 1.2, including networking, security, input and output, and basic language and utility classes. Due to the size of the Java 1.2 API, graphics and graphical user interface classes are now examined in a volume called Java Foundation Classes...
Learning Perl/Tk: Graphical User Interfaces with Perl (O'Reilly Nutshell)
Learning Perl/Tk: Graphical User Interfaces with Perl (O'Reilly Nutshell)
By combining the rough-and-ready Perl language with the graphical user interface (GUI) capabilities of the Tk toolkit, Perl/Tk makes it easy to write event-based GUI applications quickly--once you know what you're doing. Learning Perl/Tk shows you how to build GUIs with everyone's favorite public-domain programming language. This book...
Learning Red Hat LINUX: Guide to Red Hat LINUX for New Users
Learning Red Hat LINUX: Guide to Red Hat LINUX for New Users
Learning Red Hat Linux walks the reader through the process of installing, configuring, and using Red Hat Linux 6 and some of its most popular applications. Networking coverage includes essential local area network configuration, plus excellent coverage of Samba setup and the process of establishing a Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)...
Cryptography in C and C++, Second Edition
Cryptography in C and C++, Second Edition

This book covers all that is needed to write professional-level cryptographic code. An expanded and improved version of the very well received first edition, it includes approximately 100 pages of new material as well as numerous improvements in the original text.

Text focusing on the practical aspects of cryptography in C and C++,
System-on-a-Chip: Design and Test
System-on-a-Chip: Design and Test
This project started as an interim report. The purpose was to communicate
to various groups within Advantest about the main issues for system-on-achip
(SoC) design and testing and the common industrial practices. Over
one year’s time, a number of people contributed in various capacities to complete
this report.
Beginning Ajax with PHP: From Novice to Professional
Beginning Ajax with PHP: From Novice to Professional

Ajax breathes new life into web applications by transparently communicating and manipulating data in conjunction with a server-based technology. Of all the server-based technologies capable of working in conjunction with Ajax, perhaps none are more suitable than PHP, the world's most popular scripting language.

Beginning Ajax with...

Pro J2ME Polish: Open Source Wireless Java Tools Suite
Pro J2ME Polish: Open Source Wireless Java Tools Suite

Pro J2ME Polish: Open Source Wireless Java Tools Suite is written for wireless and other mobile Java programmers who want to "polish" their efficiency and acquire in-depth knowledge about programming real-world J2ME applications. It also uncovers all common device limitations and quirks, and explains how these can be...

XSLT Programmer's Reference
XSLT Programmer's Reference
As XML begins to take hold, the eXtensible Stylesheet Language: Transformation (XSLT) standard will be playing a major role in making all those XML predictions a reality. Author Michael Kay exudes enthusiasm in this guide, XSLT Programmer's Reference, by taking every opportunity to illustrate the power and flexibility of XSLT.


Mathematics for 3D Game Programming and Computer Graphics, Second Edition (Game Development Series)
Mathematics for 3D Game Programming and Computer Graphics, Second Edition (Game Development Series)
This completely updated second edition illustrates the mathematical concepts that a game programmer would need to develop a professional-quality 3D engine. Although the book is geared toward applications in game development, many of the topics appeal to general interests in 3D graphics. It starts at a fairly basic level in areas such as vector...
The Game Maker's Apprentice: Game Development for Beginners
The Game Maker's Apprentice: Game Development for Beginners

The Game Maker's Apprentice shows you how to create nine exciting games using the wildly popular Game Maker game creation tool. This book covers a range of genres, including action, adventure, and puzzle games--complete with professional quality sound effects and visuals. It discusses game design theory and features practical examples...

The Career Programmer: Guerilla Tactics for an Imperfect World
The Career Programmer: Guerilla Tactics for an Imperfect World

See what reviewers at Slashdot.org have to say about this book!

  • Conquer the problems that all professional programmers routinely face, regardless of language, operating system, or platform
  • Improve your ability to deliver solid code, on time and under budget, in even the most uncooperative...
Advanced .NET Remoting, Second Edition
Advanced .NET Remoting, Second Edition

With the arrival of .NET remoting, any programmer who wants to work with distributed objects can benefit from Advanced .NET Remoting, a solid tour of basic and expert techniques for working with distributed code on Microsoft's newest platform.

This title's concise, code-centered approach, backed up by judicious...

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