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Visual Basic(r).NET: The Complete Reference
Visual Basic(r).NET: The Complete Reference
Master this massive programming language upgrade that raises Visual Basic functionality to the level of the .NET platform. Coverage includes all core topics—plus security, debugging, and helpful information on migrating existing Visual Basic projects to Visual Basic.NET.

Before I introduce the chapters I want to tell you what this
DOM Scripting: Web Design with JavaScript and the Document Object Model
DOM Scripting: Web Design with JavaScript and the Document Object Model
We know from the success of titles such as Web Standards Solutions, Cascading Style Sheets: Separating Content from Presentation, and the Web Designer's Reference that web designers are increasingly concerned with making sites that don't just look pretty, but are also built using current best practices.

There are three main
Delphi in a Nutshell
Delphi in a Nutshell

Aimed at the working Delphi developer, Delphi in a Nutshell is an effective desktop reference to this popular programming tool. Besides listing all core classes and methods, this book also provides a host of expert dos and don'ts for mastering the newest features in Delphi's Object Pascal.

The heart of this book is...

Windows 2000 Performance Guide
Windows 2000 Performance Guide
The load your users place on your Windows 2000 servers may increase approximately linearly over time, but that's no guarantee that the servers' performance will degrade smoothly and predictably. Rather--and this is the crux of Windows 2000 Performance Guide--a modest increase in workload can often cause a significant, even catastrophic,...
Beginning J2ME: From Novice to Professional, Third Edition
Beginning J2ME: From Novice to Professional, Third Edition

J2ME is a platform for wireless and mobile Java application development. Beginning J2ME makes this and all the fun you can have with it accessible to the first time wireless Java developer as well as useful to the experienced. This book includes coverage such as sound HTTPS support, lots of user interface API enhancements, a Game API,...

Database Nation (Hardback)
Database Nation (Hardback)
Forget the common cold for a moment. Instead, consider the rise of "false data syndrome," a deceptive method of identification derived from numbers rather than more recognizable human traits. Simson Garfinkel couples this idea with concepts like "data shadow" and "datasphere" in Database Nation, offering a...
Expert Service-Oriented Architecture in C# 2005, Second Edition
Expert Service-Oriented Architecture in C# 2005, Second Edition

Expert Service-Oriented Architecture in C# 2005, Second Edition will immerse you in updated code and reference material specifically architected for Visual Studio 2005 and Web Services Enhancements (WSE) 3.0. With this book, you can get a head start on building SOA applications using the clear, conceptual discussions and practical...

Professional Verification: A Guide to Advanced Functional Verification
Professional Verification: A Guide to Advanced Functional Verification
Professional Verification is a guide to advanced functional verification in the nanometer era. It presents the best practices in functional verification used today and provides insights on how to solve the problems that verification teams face. Professional Verification is based on the experiences of advanced...
Expert Service-Oriented Architecture in C#: Using the Web Services Enhancements 2.0
Expert Service-Oriented Architecture in C#: Using the Web Services Enhancements 2.0

SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) is the next big step in evolution for Web services. This book is the first to educate people about SOA, and to introduce them to the technologies that they can use today, prior to the release of Indigo. It will introduce them to a new architecture and will help them realize why Web services are such a big deal...

Automatic Quantum Computer Programming: A Genetic Programming Approach
Automatic Quantum Computer Programming: A Genetic Programming Approach
This is a book about the frontiers of computer science that have recently
been opened by work in quantum mechanics, but it is also a book
about the use of recently developed automatic programming technologies
to explore those frontiers. The automatic programming technologies
themselves issue from another interdisciplinary
Windows 2000(r) Active Directory Survival Guide: Planning and Implementation
Windows 2000(r) Active Directory Survival Guide: Planning and Implementation
The biggest challenge and opportunity for IS departments approaching Windows 2000 is probably Active Directory (AD), which can reduce total cost of ownership (TCO) and simplify administration. For any IS professional or administrator, Windows 2000 Active Directory Survival Guide provides both a high-level introduction and a hands-on guide...
Learning WML and WMLScript
Learning WML and WMLScript
The next generation of mobile communicators is here, and delivering content to them will mean programming in WML (Wireless Markup Language) and WMLScript, the languages of the Wireless Application Environment (WAE). The WAE allows information in almost all applications to be formatted for display on mobile devices, such as cell phones, and...
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