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The Concordance Database Manual (Expert's Voice)
The Concordance Database Manual (Expert's Voice)

As a document imaging database, Concordance 8 gives you the ability to search through otherwise unmanageable amounts of data to locate just the precise records necessary for the case at hand. The product also boasts extensive case analysis and organization features. This leaves you free to organize and manipulate crucial documents as you...

Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmers' Guide, Second Edition
Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmers' Guide, Second Edition
Ruby is an increasingly popular, fully object-oriented dynamic programming language, hailed by many practitioners as the finest and most useful language available today. When Ruby first burst onto the scene in the Western world, the Pragmatic Programmers were there with the definitive reference manual, Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic...
Beginning Java Objects: From Concepts To Code, Second Edition
Beginning Java Objects: From Concepts To Code, Second Edition
Learning to design objects effectively with Java is the goal of Beginning Java Objects: From Concepts to Code, an intensive yet approachable guide to object design, using UML and today's hottest programming language. Plenty of titles dig into the Java language in massive detail, but this one steps back and looks at object design first. The...
Event-Based Programming: Taking Events to the Limit
Event-Based Programming: Taking Events to the Limit

Languages like C#, VB .NET, and Delphi include built-in support for events, and these events become very powerful when they connect the objects and components of a system. Events make it possible for such parts to interact without any coupling. And the resulting parts can be developed and tested individually--which keeps the code clean and...

Cryptography for Developers
Cryptography for Developers
The only guide for software developers who must learn and implement cryptography safely and cost effectively.

The book begins with a chapter that introduces the subject of cryptography to the reader. The second chapter discusses how to implement large integer arithmetic as required by RSA and ECC public key algorithms The subsequent
Geographic Information Systems in Business
Geographic Information Systems in Business
This book contains state-of-the-art research studies on the concepts, theory, processes, and real world applications of geographical information systems (GIS) in business. Its chapters are authored by many of the leading experts in applying GIS and geospatial science to business. The book utilizes a wide variety of approaches and methodologies...
Focus On 3D Models (Game Development)
Focus On 3D Models (Game Development)
No matter where you turn in the world of gaming, you?re bound to notice the rapidly increasing use of 3D. If you?re serious about game programming, you must understand the world of 3D modeling. Focus On 3D Models is the guide you need for doing just that! This is the only book on the market that gives game programmers a comprehensive guide to the...
Pro Perl Debugging
Pro Perl Debugging

Combining the best features of C, UNIX utilities, and regular expressions, Perl has grown as one of the most powerful and popular scripting languages. The valuable Perl is often used for system administration, text processing and Web programming. It is even being used for more exotic areas, like bioinformatics. Perl is supported by all of the...

Lingo in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference
Lingo in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference
Once again, O'Reilly scores big with a comprehensive treatment of a programming language that doesn't spend much time teaching the fundamentals. Lingo in a Nutshell sets a benchmark for Lingo documentation that no other book or online resource meets.

Lingo in a Nutshell has to do with behind-the-scenes aspects of Lingo,...

Organizational Patterns of Agile Software Development
Organizational Patterns of Agile Software Development
You will find no books on the bookshelf here that tell you how to start up a new discipline. Software has been seeking its own way as a
relatively young discipline for the past 40 years. Every new discipline struggles to find practices suitable to its survival and growth. Sometimes this struggle is incremental. Sometimes disciplines undergo
Network Service Investment Guide: Maximizing ROI in Uncertain Times (Networking Council)
Network Service Investment Guide: Maximizing ROI in Uncertain Times (Networking Council)
This book analyzes network-based services using a new framework that links market uncertainty to the choice between distributed management
structure and centralized management structure. It explores communications technology and suggests how investors, managers, service providers,
and consultants can make better decisions about
A Practical Guide to Managing Information Security (Artech House Technology Management Library)
A Practical Guide to Managing Information Security (Artech House Technology Management Library)
This groundbreaking book helps you master the management of information security, concentrating on the proactive recognition and resolution of the practical issues of developing and implementing IT security for the enterprise. Drawing upon the authors' wealth of valuable experience in high-risk commercial environments, the work focuses on the need...
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