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Local Area High Speed Networks (MTP)
Local Area High Speed Networks (MTP)
There is a great deal of change happening in the technology being used for local networks. As Web intranets have driven bandwidth needs through the ceiling, inexpensive Ethernet NICs and switches have come into the market. As a result, many network professionals are interested in evaluating these new technologies for implementation consideration....
OFDM for Wireless Communications Systems
OFDM for Wireless Communications Systems
Written by leading authority Ramjee Prasad, this timely new work offers a complete understanding of OFDM technology and applications in wireless communications systems, placing emphasis on wireless LANs and PANs. OFDM is a key technology for beyond 3G communications, promising robust, high capacity, high speed wireless broadband multimedia...
Adobe Premiere Pro Bible
Adobe Premiere Pro Bible
The Adobe Premiere Pro Bible is for multimedia producers, Web designers, graphic designers, artists, filmmakers, and camcorder users—anyone interested in using his or her computer to create desktop video productions or to output desktop video to videotape, DVDs, or the Web. As you read through the Adobe Premiere Pro Bible, you’ll soon...
Information Architecture for the World Wide Web
Information Architecture for the World Wide Web

The post-Ajaxian Web 2.0 world of wikis, folksonomies, and mashups makes well-planned information architecture even more essential. How do you present large volumes of information to people who need to find what they're looking for quickly? This classic primer shows information architects, designers, and web site developers how to build...

Foundation 3ds Max 8 Architectural Visualization
Foundation 3ds Max 8 Architectural Visualization
Welcome to the world of 3D architectural visualizations using the most powerful and versatile 3D software package on the planet: 3ds Max. In just the last few years, the visualization industry has arguably become the fastest-growing 3D industry, and may soon overtake all others in total number of users. Just as the use of CAD became the norm for...
MATLAB Primer, Sixth Edition
MATLAB Primer, Sixth Edition
This fifth edition extends the MATLAB Primer, representing the significant features introduced in MATLAB 5 and reflecting a dramatic change in the text . This pocket book serves as an excellent resource for students and engineers requiring a high-level introduction and handy reference to MATLAB 5, helping readers to learn efficiently and...
Seamless Object-Oriented Software Architecture: Analysis and Design of Reliable Systems
Seamless Object-Oriented Software Architecture: Analysis and Design of Reliable Systems
In the past few years, object-oriented techniques have finally made the passage
from the programming-in-the-small island to the mainland of programming-inthe-
large. Accompanying this transition has been a change in the role and
perception of software methods: in addition to their well-established use in the
earliest stages of a
The Digital SLR Guide: Beyond Point-and-Shoot Digital Photography
The Digital SLR Guide: Beyond Point-and-Shoot Digital Photography
Have you stepped up to a digital single-lens-reflex (dSLR) camera only to find the range of capabilities daunting? Combining features traditionally found on 35mm film cameras — precise shutter speed and exposure settings, interchangeable lenses and accessories, superior image quality — with the ease and storage capacity...
Creating a Presentation in PowerPoint: Visual QuickProject Guide
Creating a Presentation in PowerPoint: Visual QuickProject Guide
PowerPoint is nearly ubiquitous in today's world--in business settings, of course, but in schools and universities, clubs and organizations--almost everywhere you turn. It's not a difficult tool to use, but the presentations people create in PowerPoint range widely in quality--dazzling or dull, enlivening or enervating. Now, to help users deliver...
Pro JavaScript Techniques
Pro JavaScript Techniques

Pro JavaScript Techniques is the ultimate JavaScript book for the modern web developer. It provides everything you need to know about modern JavaScript, and shows what JavaScript can do for your web sites. This book doesn't waste any time looking at things you already know, like basic syntax and structures.

Expert web developer...

Inquiring Organizations: Moving From Knowledge Management To Wisdom
Inquiring Organizations: Moving From Knowledge Management To Wisdom
Inquiring Organizations: Moving from Knowledge Management to Wisdom assembles into one volume a comprehensive collection of the key current thinking regarding the use of C. West Churchman's Design of Inquiring Systems as a basis for computer-based inquiring systems design and implementation. Inquiring systems are systems that go beyond knowledge...
Intel Integrated Performance Primitives: How to Optimize Software Applications Using Intel IPP
Intel Integrated Performance Primitives: How to Optimize Software Applications Using Intel IPP
IntelВ® Integrated Performance Primitives (IntelВ® IPP) is a software library for application developers that increases performance from Intel's latest microprocessors while providing time-to-market advantages and reducing the cost of development. Intel IPP provides access to advanced processor features without having to...
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