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C Programming: Just the Faqs
C Programming: Just the Faqs

What is a FAQ ? It’s a Frequently Asked Question. You can see FAQs just about everywhere in the online
community. They originated in the USENET groups on the Internet as a way to answer users’ most common
questions regarding the groups. The FAQs files were efficient. Instead of answering the same questions over...

Ultra Wideband Wireless Communication
Ultra Wideband Wireless Communication
An international panel of experts provide major research issues and a self-contained, rapid introduction to the theory and application of UWB

This book delivers end-to-end coverage of recent advances in both the theory and practical design of ultra wideband (UWB) communication networks. Contributions offer a worldwide perspective
Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design: A Brain Friendly Guide to OOA&D
Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design: A Brain Friendly Guide to OOA&D
Tired of reading Object Oriented Analysis and Design books that only makes sense after you're an expert? You've heard OOA&D can help you write great software every time-software that makes your boss happy, your customers satisfied and gives you more time to do what makes you happy.

Head First Object-Oriented Analysis & Design...

Painless Project Management with FogBugz (Books for Professionals by Professionals)
Painless Project Management with FogBugz (Books for Professionals by Professionals)

"Project Management" is the team approach to programming. There are many programs out there that purport to help a development team manage a project – but most of them aren’t very good. World-renowned software guru Joel Spolsky’s company, FogCreek Software, has created a tool called FogBUGZ that incorporates all of...

Advanced Server Virtualization: VMware and Microsoft Platforms in the Virtual Data Center
Advanced Server Virtualization: VMware and Microsoft Platforms in the Virtual Data Center

Presenting practical guidelines and examples, Advanced Server Virtualization emphasizes design, implementation, and management from both a technical and consultative point of view. It features step-by-step guidelines for planning, deployment, installing, configuring, and creating virtual servers. Covering Microsoft Virtual Server and VMware, it...

Embedded Systems Building Blocks: Complete and Ready-to-Use Modules in C
Embedded Systems Building Blocks: Complete and Ready-to-Use Modules in C
- This second edition features revisions that support the latest version of the author's popular operating system and book, MicroC/OS-II - Complete and ready-to-use modules in C Get a clear explanation of functional code modules and microcontroller theory

You get hands-on experience with real-time system modules provided by the author
Microsoft  Office Access(TM) 2007 Step by Step
Microsoft Office Access(TM) 2007 Step by Step
The smart way to learn Office Access 2007one step at a time! Work at your own pace through the easy numbered steps, practice files on CD, helpful hints, and troubleshooting help to master the fundamentals of working with the latest version of Access, including how to navigate the new user interface. You will discover how to create a database,...
Service-Oriented Software System Engineering Challenges and Practices
Service-Oriented Software System Engineering Challenges and Practices
Current IT developments like component-based development and Web services have emerged as effective ways of building complex enterprise-scale information systems and providing enterprise application integration. To aid this process, platforms such as .NET and WebSphere have become standards in web-based systems development. However, there are still...
Active Directory Field Guide
Active Directory Field Guide

This book targets Windows and Active Directory administrators and consultants. The ideal reader already has a certain level of Microsoft product knowledge, and is turning to this book for high-level task-specific information.

The Active Directory Consultant’s Field Guide contains descriptions of...

Information Development: Managing Your Documentation Projects, Portfolio, and People
Information Development: Managing Your Documentation Projects, Portfolio, and People
A revolutionary new resource that brings documentation product management ideas up to date

The 1994 bestselling classic Managing Your Documentation Projects set the industry standard for technical documentation. However, since then, much has changed in the world of information development. With this new title, JoAnn...

Java/J2EE Job Interview Companion
Java/J2EE Job Interview Companion
Have you got the time to read 10 or more books and articles to add value prior to the interview? This book has been
written mainly from the perspective of Java/J2EE job seekers and interviewers. There are numerous books and articles
on the market covering specific topics like Java, J2EE, EJB, Design Patterns, ANT, CVS, Multi-Threading,
Microsoft  Office Word 2007 Step by Step
Microsoft Office Word 2007 Step by Step
The smart way to learn Office Word 2007one step at a time! Work at your own pace through the easy numbered steps, practice files on CD, helpful hints, and troubleshooting help to master the fundamentals of working with the latest version of Word, including how to navigate the new user interface. You will discover how to use features in Word to help...
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