 Pro Perl
Pro Perl is one of the most important and powerful languages available today, and Pro Perl offers an in-depth guide to exploiting some of its best features. This title is suitable for any experienced developer who wants to reap more from this language.
The book never loses sight of practical details. The book pays particularly... |  |  Social, Ethical and Policy Implications of Information TechnologyLegal and ethical issues have become a standard part of engineering and business schools’ curricula. This has not been the case for computer science or management information systems programs although there has been increased emphasis on the social skills of these students. This leaves a frightening void in the student’s professional... |  |  Hacker's Guide to Visual FoxPro 7.0An irreverent look at how Visual FoxPro really works, this guide gives developers insight into every command, function, event, and method of version 7.0, including Service Pack One. Recognized within the FoxPro developer community as the indispensable resource for serious FoxPro development, this updated edition covers Visual FoxPro's Power ... |
 Server-Based Java ProgrammingDemonstrates how to take full advantage of Java's power on servers by using current technologies such as Java Servlets, Java Web server, and JNDI.
In September1999, Sun Microsystems Inc. released the first draft of the Java2 Enterprise Edition specification, and Java changed forever.
Since 1997, developers and vendors... |  |  Struts in Action: Building Web Applications with the Leading Java FrameworkA comprehensive introduction to the Struts framework that is complemented by practical case studies that implement applications with Struts, this book is intended for professional developers who want practical advice on how to get their applications working the “Struts way.” The hot topics in the construction of any Web site such ... |  |  JSTL in Action
Introducing Web page authors and programmers to the JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL), this guide covers all features of the JSTL 1.0 standard. Whether users need to add dynamic content to a static Web page or are in need of providing back-end code, nonprogrammers are shown how to manipulate XML, access relational databases, format text, ... |
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