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Visual Studio .NET Tips and Tricks
Visual Studio .NET Tips and Tricks
Visual Studio .NET is one of the most versatile and extensible programming tools released by Microsoft. The number of features and shortcuts available in VS.NET is truly immense, and it grows tremendously with each release. Developers who are unaware of these timesaving features surely miss out on opportunities to increase their programming...
Programming the Parallel Port: Interfacing the PC for Data Acquisition & Process Control
Programming the Parallel Port: Interfacing the PC for Data Acquisition & Process Control
Why purchase expensive add-on cards or bus interfaces when you can develop effective and economical data acquisition and process controls using C programs? Using the under-employed printer adapter (that is, the parallel port of your PC), you can turn your computer into a powerful tool for developing microprocessor applications. Learn how to build a...
Flash MX Bible
Flash MX Bible
Macromedia Flash MX is the professional standard authoring tool for producing high-impact
Web experiences. Whether you are creating animated logos, Web site navigation controls,
long-form animations, entire Flash Web sites, or Web applications, you’ll find the power and
flexibility of Flash ideal for your own creativity....
HTML Mastery: Semantics, Standards, and Styling
HTML Mastery: Semantics, Standards, and Styling
Why settle for average HTML, when you can become a master of it? Markup is the fabric that holds the web together, but most people only scratch the surface of what can be achieved using (X)HTML.

That's where this unique book comes in—it's aimed at web designers and developers who have already mastered the basics of HTML and web
Learn XML In a Weekend
Learn XML In a Weekend
Now you can learn how to use XML in just one weekend! Friday evening you’ll read about the<br><br>history of this language and see examples of its applications. On Saturday, you’ll break down the<br><br>elements of XML and learn how to use them correctly. You will also discover how to use XML...
Machine Learning, Neural and Statistical Classification (Ellis Horwood Series in Artificial Intelligence)
Machine Learning, Neural and Statistical Classification (Ellis Horwood Series in Artificial Intelligence)
The aim of this book is to provide an up-to-date review of different approaches to classification,
compare their performance on a wide range of challenging data-sets, and draw
conclusions on their applicability to realistic industrial problems.

Before describing the contents, we first need to define what we mean by
The Computer Engineering Handbook (Electrical Engineering Handbook)
The Computer Engineering Handbook (Electrical Engineering Handbook)

There is arguably no field in greater need of a comprehensive handbook than computer engineering. Under the leadership of Vojin Oklobdzija and a stellar editorial board, some of the industry's foremost experts have joined forces to create what promises to be the definitive resource for computer design and engineering. Instead of focusing on...

Introduction to Parallel Computing (Oxford Texts in Applied and Engineering Mathematics)
Introduction to Parallel Computing (Oxford Texts in Applied and Engineering Mathematics)
In the last few years, courses on parallel computation have been developed and offered in many institutions in the UK, Europe and US as a recognition of the growing significance of this topic in mathematics and computer science. There is a clear need for texts that meet the needs of students and lecturers and this book, based on the author's...
Design Through Verilog HDL
Design Through Verilog HDL
A comprehensive resource on Verilog HDL for beginners and experts

Large and complicated digital circuits can be incorporated into hardware by using Verilog, a hardware description language (HDL). A designer aspiring to master this versatile language must first become familiar with its constructs, practice their use in real applications, and...

EJB Design Patterns: Advanced Patterns, Processes, and Idioms
EJB Design Patterns: Advanced Patterns, Processes, and Idioms
A lot of programming involves solving the same kinds of basic problems. Well, what if a community of experts got together and pooled their knowledge to come up with the best programming practices for solving these problems? You would have what are known as design patterns.
Author Floyd Marinescu, a leading expert on EJB, worked with the
Complete Digital Design: A Comprehensive Guide to Digital Electronics and Computer System Architecture
Complete Digital Design: A Comprehensive Guide to Digital Electronics and Computer System Architecture
Digital systems are created to perform data processing and control tasks. What distinguishes one system from another is an architecture tailored to efficiently execute the tasks for which it was designed. A desktop computer and an automobile’s engine controller have markedly different attributes dictated by their unique requirements. Despite...
Using Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2003
Using Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2003
This is the fundamental, definitive reference to Microsoft Small Business Server 2003. And it is relevant for all audiences: for beginners just embracing the notion of computerizing their small businesses, to IT consultants specializing in SBS implementation and deployment.

The book focuses on pragmatic solutions, not drawn-out theoretical...

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