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Design Patterns Explained: A New Perspective on Object-Oriented Design
Design Patterns Explained: A New Perspective on Object-Oriented Design
"...I would expect that readers with a basic understanding of object-oriented programming and design would find this book useful, before approaching design patterns completely. Design Patterns Explained complements the existing design patterns texts and may perform a very useful role, fitting between...
Hacking For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Hacking For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Welcome to Hacking For Dummies, 2nd Edition. This book outlines — in plain English — computer hacker tricks and techniques that you can use to assess the security of your own information systems, find security vulnerabilities, and fix the weaknesses before criminal hackers and rogue insiders have an opportunity to take advantage of...
Oracle PL/SQL For Dummies
Oracle PL/SQL For Dummies
Find tips for creating efficient PL/SQL code

If you know a bit about SQL, this book will make PL/SQL programming painless!

The Oracle has spoken—you need to get up to speed on PL/SQL programming, right? We predict it'll be a breeze with this book! You'll find out about code structures,...

Algorithms in C
Algorithms in C
Algorithms in C is a comprehensive repository of algorithms, complete with code. If you're in a pinch and need to code something up fast, this book is the place to look. Starting with basic data structures, Algorithms in C covers an enormous scope of information, with extensive treatment of searching and advanced data structures,...
Kernel Based Algorithms for Mining Huge Data Sets: Supervised, Semi-supervised, and Unsupervised Learning
Kernel Based Algorithms for Mining Huge Data Sets: Supervised, Semi-supervised, and Unsupervised Learning

"Kernel Based Algorithms for Mining Huge Data Sets" is the first book treating the fields of supervised, semi-supervised and unsupervised machine learning collectively. The book presents both the theory and the algorithms for mining huge data sets by using support vector machines (SVMs) in an iterative way. It demonstrates how kernel...

Computer Graphics, C Version (2nd Edition)
Computer Graphics, C Version (2nd Edition)

This timely new version of a popular computer graphics book features the C language in programming examples to demonstrate the implementation of graphics application. These well-known authors assume no prior knowledge of computer graphics when presenting the basic principles for the design, use, and understanding of computer graphics systems....

C++ For Game Programmers (Game Development Series)
C++ For Game Programmers (Game Development Series)
C++ is the primary language used in game development; however, game programming has a unique set of challenges, which general application development techniques and recommendations don't apply to. Written to address this issue, C++ for Game Programmers provides practical suggestions for what C++ features to use in game development and why. Many of...
Cisco CCIE Fundamentals: Network Design & Case Studies
Cisco CCIE Fundamentals: Network Design & Case Studies
For a sophisticated view of networking design concepts that goes from lofty to granular in the blink of an eye, Network Design and Case Studies is a sure winner. This mammoth entry in Cisco's growing collection of reference books provides equal parts academic theory and practical application.

The first half of the book deals...

Art of Java Web Development: Struts, Tapestry, Commons, Velocity, JUnit, Axis, Cocoon, InternetBeans, WebWork
Art of Java Web Development: Struts, Tapestry, Commons, Velocity, JUnit, Axis, Cocoon, InternetBeans, WebWork
A guide to the skills required for state-of-the-art web development, this book covers a variety of web development frameworks. The uses of the standard web API to create applications with increasingly sophisticated architectures are highlighted, and a discussion of the development of industry-accepted best practices for architecture is...
Data Munging with Perl
Data Munging with Perl
Over the last five years there has been an explosion of interest in Perl. This is largely because of the huge boost that Perl received when it was adopted as the de facto language for creating content on the World Wide Web. Perl’s powerful text manipulation facilities made it an obvious choice for writing Common Gateway Interface (CGI)...
Computing Information Technology: The Human Side
Computing Information Technology: The Human Side
From the senior management to the clerical and support group levels, this study addresses the possible pitfalls and triumphs of implementing information technology (IT) into organizations in terms of organizational strategies, structures, and communication methods. Issues of human-computer interaction, ethics, privacy, and security are raised to...
Windows Forensics: The Field Guide for Corporate Computer Investigations
Windows Forensics: The Field Guide for Corporate Computer Investigations

The evidence is in--to solve Windows crime, you need Windows tools

An arcane pursuit a decade ago, forensic science today is a household term. And while the computer forensic analyst may not lead as exciting a life as TV's CSIs do, he or she relies just as heavily on scientific principles and just as surely solves crime.


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