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Pro ASP.NET 2.0 in C# 2005, Special Edition
Pro ASP.NET 2.0 in C# 2005, Special Edition

Welcome to Pro ASP.NET 2.0 in C# 2005, Special Edition. In this book, you'll learn how ASP.NET 2.0 really works. You won't be bored with a rehash of the C# language--instead, you'll get the hard-won practical advice that you need to build sophisticated, scalable websites. New features are clearly identified, so if you've programmed with...

An Introduction to Optimization, 2nd Edition
An Introduction to Optimization, 2nd Edition
A modern, up-to-date introduction to optimization theory and methods
This authoritative book serves as an introductory text to optimization at the senior undergraduate and beginning graduate levels. With consistently accessible and elementary treatment of all topics, An Introduction to Optimization, Second Edition helps students build a
Creating Web Pages For Dummies
Creating Web Pages For Dummies

Creating Web pages isn't just for nerds anymore--far from it. You can't get far in any hobby without participating in its Web community; even the smallest businesses need good-looking, functional Web sites. Those facts mean you must be able to do your own site-building work, and Creating Web Pages for Dummies exists to share...

The International Handbook of Computer Security
The International Handbook of Computer Security
This book is a one-stop resource to help executives and computer professionals protect their systems and data from a myriad of internal and external threats. Addressing a wide range of security issues, it provides practical guidance on topics such as: physical security procedures * data preservation and protection * hardware and software protection...
Java and the Java Virtual Machine: Definition, Verification, Validation
Java and the Java Virtual Machine: Definition, Verification, Validation
This book provides a high-level description, together with a mathematical and an experimental analysis, of Java and of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), including a standard compiler of Java programs to JVM code and the security critical bytecode verifier component of the JVM. The description is structured into language layers and machine components....
iBatis in Action
iBatis in Action
iBATIS in Action teaches Java developers and architects how to use the iBATIS framework to map relational databases to object-oriented programs. Written by the creator of iBATIS, this practical book presents patterns and solutions that readers can apply immediately.

iBATIS in Action shows Java developers how to tackle the...

The Ap Professional Graphics Cd-Rom Library
The Ap Professional Graphics Cd-Rom Library
This volume attempts to continue along the path blazed by the first two volumes of this series, capturing the spirit of the creative graphics programmer. Each of the Gems represents a carefully crafted technique or idea that has proven useful for the respective author. These contributors have graciously allowed these ideas to be shared with you....
Practical Ajax Projects with Java Technology
Practical Ajax Projects with Java Technology

If you're a Java developer already versed in Ajax-style programming, and you want to take your knowledge to the next level, then this is the book for you. Practical Ajax Projects with Java Technology provides the ultimate learn-by-example experience, featuring seven complete example applications for you to learn from and then adapt for...

BizTalk 2006 Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach
BizTalk 2006 Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach

BizTalk 2006 Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach is based on the experiences of many of the most prominent experts in the field. It features over 170 problem-solving recipes for BizTalk developers and administrators.

BizTalk Server 2006 builds on the heritage and core architecture of BizTalk Server 2004, leading to a powerful...

Pro Ajax and the .NET 2.0 Platform
Pro Ajax and the .NET 2.0 Platform

Pro Ajax and the .NET 2.0 Platform gets high marks from me because it is concise, informative and easy to follow. After reading the first three chapters I had a clear understanding of what Ajax really is.

Microsoft ASP.NET Fast & Easy Web Development
Microsoft ASP.NET Fast & Easy Web Development
Don't spend your time wading through manuals to learn ASP .NET. Spend it doing what you do best--creating Web pages! Begin with an introduction to the .NET initiative, and then work your way through the concepts of ASP .NET, Visual Basic .NET, and ADO .NET. By the time you finish, you'll be using ASP .NET to create custom applications. Combining...
Software Piracy Exposed
Software Piracy Exposed
This book is about software piracy--what it is and how it's done. Stealing software is not to be condoned, and theft of intellectual property and copyright infringement are serious matters, but it's totally unrealistic to pretend that it doesn't happen. Software piracy has reached epidemic proportions. Many computer users know this, the software...
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