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Microsoft  Office PowerPoint  2007 Step by Step
Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 Step by Step
The smart way to learn Office PowerPoint 2007one step at a time! Work at your own pace through the easy numbered steps, practice files on CD, helpful hints, and troubleshooting help to master the fundamentals of working with the latest version of PowerPoint, including how to navigate the new, easy-to-use user interface. You will discover how to...
Lucene in Action (In Action series)
Lucene in Action (In Action series)
Lucene is a gem in the open-source world‹-a highly scalable, fast search engine. It delivers performance and is disarmingly easy to use. Lucene in Action is the authoritative guide to Lucene. It describes how to index your data, including types you definitely need to know such as MS Word, PDF, HTML, and XML. It introduces you...
Multimedia Introduction to Programming Using Java
Multimedia Introduction to Programming Using Java
Although vital to modern software development, Java and object-oriented programming can pose significant challenges to newcomers. This text, unique in both scope and approach and accompanied by an interactive CD-ROM , addresses that learning curve by providing a careful, classroom-tested presentation of Java -- from the fundamentals of variables,...
Official (ISC)® Guide to the CISSP®-ISSEP® CBK®
Official (ISC)® Guide to the CISSP®-ISSEP® CBK®

Official (ISC)2В® Guide to the CISSP-ISSEPВ® CBKВ® provides an inclusive analysis of all of the topics covered on the newly created ISSEP Exam. The first fully comprehensive guide to the test, it promotes understanding of the four ISSEP domains. It explains ISSE by comparing it to a traditional Systems Engineering model,...

An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering (Texts in Computer Science)
An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering (Texts in Computer Science)

This textbook introduces software engineering to advanced-level undergraduate and graduate students of computer science. It emphasizes a case-study approach whereby a project is developed through the course of the book, illustrating the different activities of software development. The sequence of chapters is essentially the same as the sequence...

XDoclet in Action (In Action series)
XDoclet in Action (In Action series)
A guide to the new XDoclet development tool that eliminates programming busy work by automatically generating code and other deployment artifacts, this book enables developers who place metadata in a single source code file to use XDoclet to generate additional source code and other files that are required in a project. Both smaller code...
Foundations of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
Foundations of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
While the notion of knowledge is important in many academic disciplines such as philosophy, psychology, economics, and artificial intelligence, the storage and retrieval of data is the main concern of information science. In modern experimental science, knowledge is usually acquired by observing such data, and the cause-effect or association...
Game Programming Golden Rules (Game Development Series)
Game Programming Golden Rules (Game Development Series)
Writing computer games is hard. Games today are complex projects that involve large teams of specialized artists and programmers. These teams are perpetually pushing technology beyond its boundaries and stretching their skills to the max. To alleviate these problems, Game Programming Golden Rules presents a series of nine "Golden Rules"...
Developer's Guide to Web Application Security
Developer's Guide to Web Application Security
Over 75% of network attacks are targeted at the web application layer. This book provides explicit hacks, tutorials, penetration tests, and step-by-step demonstrations for security professionals and Web application developers to defend their most vulnerable applications.

This book defines Web application security, why it should be
Intelligent Techniques for Planning
Intelligent Techniques for Planning
The Intelligent Techniques for Planning presents a number of modern approaches to the area of automated planning. These approaches combine methods from classical planning such as the construction of graphs and the use of domain-independent heuristics with techniques from other areas of artificial intelligence. The book presents, in detail, a number...
Graphics Programming with Perl
Graphics Programming with Perl
A reference and introduction to graphics programming with Perl and Perl modules that includes simple graphics recipes and techniques for designing flexible graphics software.

Welcome to Graphics Programming with Perl. When Manning Publications contacted me to assess my interest in writing a book about graphics programming for the Perl
Simulating Continuous Fuzzy Systems (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing)
Simulating Continuous Fuzzy Systems (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing)
This book is the companion text to Simulating Fuzzy Systems which investigated discrete fuzzy systems through crisp discrete simulation. The current book studies continuous fuzzy dynamical systems using crisp continuous simulation. We start with a crisp continuous dynamical system whose evolution depends on a system of ordinary differential...
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