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Technology Paradise Lost: Why Companies Will Spend Less to Get More from Information Technology
Technology Paradise Lost: Why Companies Will Spend Less to Get More from Information Technology
Debunking many of today’s myths about the future prospects and growth of information technology, this book uses a variety of well-accepted economic, technological, and market data to come to the contrary conclusion that IT is poised to shrink and not grow. Discussed is how this conclusion does not imply that companies will slow their use...
E-learning Tools and Technologies: A consumer's guide for trainers, teachers, educators, and instructional designers
E-learning Tools and Technologies: A consumer's guide for trainers, teachers, educators, and instructional designers
A comprehensive guide to help you cut through the hype in order to select the best E-Learning tools and vendors for your specific needs

With its ability to both reduce operating costs and train more people, E-Learning is an attractive option for companies that are trying to balance business and educational goals. But in order to implement an...

C++ for Mathematicians: An Introduction for Students and Professionals
C++ for Mathematicians: An Introduction for Students and Professionals

The first book available on C++ programming that is written specifically for a mathematical audience, C++ for Mathematicians omits the language's more obscure features in favor of the aspects of greatest utility for mathematical work. Emphasizing the essential role of practice as part of the learning process, the book is ideally designed...

Agent Intelligence Through Data Mining (Multiagent Systems, Artificial Societies, and Simulated Organizations)
Agent Intelligence Through Data Mining (Multiagent Systems, Artificial Societies, and Simulated Organizations)

Knowledge, hidden in voluminous data repositories routinely created and maintained by today’s applications, can be extracted by data mining. The next step is to transform this discovered knowledge into the inference mechanisms or simply the behavior of agents and multi-agent systems. Agent Intelligence Through Data Mining addresses this...

Advanced IP Network Design (CCIE Professional Development)
Advanced IP Network Design (CCIE Professional Development)
CCIE Professional Development: Advanced IP Network Design provides the solutions network engineers and managers need to grow and stabilize large IP networks. Technology advancements and corporate growth inevitably lead to the necessity for network expansion. This book presents design concepts and techniques that enable networks to evolve into...
XSLT and XPath On The Edge, Unlimited Edition
XSLT and XPath On The Edge, Unlimited Edition
Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations, along with the XML Path Language, give you the power to transform XML documents into HTML documents, or to other XML documents that you can use in Web-based applications. But how do you implement XSLT in the real world? This book provides the answers. Covering everything from reformatting numbers to...
Professional Visual Basic 6 Project Management
Professional Visual Basic 6 Project Management
Suitable for both the project manager and Visual Basic developer, Jake Sturm's Professional Visual Basic Project Management is a clear-eyed guide to enterprise-level project management using Visual Basic 6 and UML. It provides a digestible and intelligent mix of advice and design expertise that can bring your organization up to speed with...
The JDK 1.4 Tutorial
The JDK 1.4 Tutorial
With the significant changes made to the new release of Java Development Kit (JDK), this book will act as tutorial for programmers who need to make use of he new features now. Each new or updated package or feature is given a theoretical introduction, including a discussion of the role of the package or feature within the larger Java platform....
Performance of Computer Communication Systems: A Model-Based Approach
Performance of Computer Communication Systems: A Model-Based Approach
Performance of Computer Communication Systems A Model-Based Approach Boudewijn R. Haverkort Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen, Germany Computer communication systems and distributed systems are now able to provide an increasing range of services. As the timing requirements in the operation of these services are becoming...
Textmate: Power Editing for the Mac (Pragmatic Programmers)
Textmate: Power Editing for the Mac (Pragmatic Programmers)
TextMate is a powerful tool for programmers, web designers, and anyone else who regularly needs to work with text files on Mac OS X. TextMate focuses on pragmatic automation, which means it will save you time time that's always in short supply. See how your lowly text editor can become a hard working member of your staff.

TextMate is a...

The Little SAS Book: A Primer, Third Edition
The Little SAS Book: A Primer, Third Edition
Getting started with SAS is easy with The Little SAS Book. This friendly, easy-to-read guide gently introduces you to the most commonly used features of SAS software plus a whole lot more! The book has been revised to include concepts of the Output Delivery System; the STYLE= option in the PRINT, REPORT and TABULATE procedures; ODS HTML, RTF,...
eBay the Smart Way: Selling, Buying, and Profiting on the Web's #1 Auction Site, Third Edition
eBay the Smart Way: Selling, Buying, and Profiting on the Web's #1 Auction Site, Third Edition
If ever a company could be described as the "800-pound gorilla" of its industry, eBay is just that in the exploding world of online auctions. But with more than 50 million registered users and almost $15 billion in annual merchandise sales, the only thing easier than selling on eBay is getting lumped in with all the other sellers....
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