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The AS/400 Programmer's Handbook
The AS/400 Programmer's Handbook
This handy, desktop guide provides programming examples for nearly every AS/400 development task you face. No more rummaging around in old code to find and modify a technique you need for a new application. No more writing routines from scratch. This new guide and companion diskette puts dozens of prototypical techniques at your fingertips,...
The Xbox 360 Uncloaked:: The Real Story Behind Microsoft's Next-Generation Video Game Console
The Xbox 360 Uncloaked:: The Real Story Behind Microsoft's Next-Generation Video Game Console
A fascinating insider's look at the evolution of the Xbox 360 and Microsoft's ambitious gamble to become a leading force in the multi-billion dollar video game industry. Through extensive interviews and unprecedented access, San Jose Mercury News Technology and Gaming Writer Dean Takahashi takes you behind the scenes as he reveals... The birth of...
Fuzzy Database Modeling with XML (Advances in Database Systems)
Fuzzy Database Modeling with XML (Advances in Database Systems)

Fuzzy Database Modeling with XML aims to provide a single record of current research and practical applications in the fuzzy databases. This volume is the outgrowth of research the author has conducted in recent years. Fuzzy Database Modeling with XML introduces state-of-the-art information to the database...

Understanding Intrusion Detection through Visualization (Advances in Information Security)
Understanding Intrusion Detection through Visualization (Advances in Information Security)
With the ever increasing use of computers for critical systems, computer security that protects data and computer systems from intentional, malicious intervention, continues to attract attention. Among the methods for defense, the application of a tool to help the operator identify ongoing or already perpetrated attacks (intrusion detection), has...
Windows 95 System Programming Secrets
Windows 95 System Programming Secrets
This is no mere "How do I write a Windows 95 app?" manual. Windows 95 System Programming SECRETS reveals the hard-core technical information you need to know in order to tap the true power of 32-bit programming for Windows 95. Written for the programmer who's done at least some Windows 3.x programming,...
Excel 2007 For Dummies Quick Reference (Computer/Tech)
Excel 2007 For Dummies Quick Reference (Computer/Tech)
Fast answers to frequently asked questions

Excel 2007 essentials at your fingertips!

If you like your answers quick and your information up-to-date, look no further. With this concise, superbly organized reference, you'll quickly find just what you need to know about navigating the new...

SQR in PeopleSoft and Other Applications Second Edition: PeopleSoft v.8
SQR in PeopleSoft and Other Applications Second Edition: PeopleSoft v.8
SQR in PeopleSoft and Other Applications fills a big gap in the enterprise computing marketplace. For starters, this book explains (beginning from near zero) how to program with Structured Query Report Writer (SQR). It discusses the peculiarities of writing SQR software to interact with PeopleSoft databases. Readers are shown how to...
Videomaker Guide to Digital Video and DVD Production, Third Edition
Videomaker Guide to Digital Video and DVD Production, Third Edition
From the editors of Videomaker Magazine comes a guide that takes the novice, step-by-step, through the elements that create a quality video production. The Videomaker Guide provides information on all the latest tools and techniques available to help you shoot like the pros. The series of short sections covers what you need to know and is easy to...
Access 2007 All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Access 2007 All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies (Computer/Tech)

Whoa! What happened to menu bars, toolbars, and all that other stuff I used to have? Well, in case you haven’t noticed yet, they’re all gone. Of course, if you never used Access before in your life, then you’re starting fresh, so never mind. Whether you never used any version of Microsoft Access, and aren’t even sure what...

3ds max 6 Bible
3ds max 6 Bible
Whenever I withdrew to the computer room, my wife would say that I was off to my “fun and games.” I would flatly deny this accusation, saying that it was serious work that I was involved in. But later, when I emerged with a twinkle in my eye and excitedly asked her to take a look at my latest rendering, I knew that she was right....
Data Converters for Wireless Standards (The International Series in Engineering and Computer Science)
Data Converters for Wireless Standards (The International Series in Engineering and Computer Science)
Wireless communication is witnessing tremendous growth with proliferation of different standards covering wide, local and personal area networks (WAN, LAN and PAN). The trends call for designs that allow 1) smooth migration to future generations of wireless standards with higher data rates for multimedia applications, 2) convergence of...
E-Commerce and M-Commerce Technologies: Innovation Through Communities of Practice
E-Commerce and M-Commerce Technologies: Innovation Through Communities of Practice
E-Commerce and M-Commerce Technologies explores the emerging area of mobile commerce. The chapters in this book look specifically at the development of emerging technologies and their application in Internet commerce. From E-business to mobile database developments, this book offers a compilation of readings that are useful to individuals and...
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