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Cisco CCNP Remote Access Exam Certification Guide (Cisco Career Certifications)
Cisco CCNP Remote Access Exam Certification Guide (Cisco Career Certifications)

The official study guide for the Cisco CCNP and CCDP(r) Remote Access exam

Coverage of all CCNP and CCDP Remote Access exam topics enables you to identify and fill your knowledge gaps before the exam date. You'll learn to:

  • Determine site requirements in a central office, branch office, and small/remote or home...
Microsoft C# Professional Projects
Microsoft C# Professional Projects
Use C# to accomplish real-world, professional tasks. C# Professional Projects is your key to unlocking the power of C#. Each project focuses on a specific concept and is based on a real-world situation. Enhance your skills as you work through six projects including creating a customer maintenance system, an employee record system, a creative...
Foundations of Cryptography: A Primer (Foundations and Trends in Theoretical Computer Science,)
Foundations of Cryptography: A Primer (Foundations and Trends in Theoretical Computer Science,)
The vast expansion and rigorous treatment of cryptography is one of the major achievements of theoretical computer science. In particular, concepts such as computational indistinguishability, pseudorandomness and zero-knowledge interactive proofs were introduced, classical notions such as secure encryption and unforgeable signatures were placed on...
Bioinformatics: Converting Data to Knowledge, Workshop Summary
Bioinformatics: Converting Data to Knowledge, Workshop Summary
In 1993 the National Research Council’s Board on Biology established a series of forums on biotechnology. The purpose of the discussions is to foster open communication among scientists, administrators, policy-makers, and others engaged in biotechnology research, development, and commercialization. The neutral setting offered by the National...
Fiber-Optic Communication Systems
Fiber-Optic Communication Systems
Since the publication of the first edition of this book in 1992, the state of the art of fiber-optic communication systems has advanced dramatically despite the relatively short period of only 10 years between the first and third editions. For example, the highest capacity of commercial fiber-optic links available in 1992 was only 2.5 Gb/s. A mere...
Foundation PHP for Flash
Foundation PHP for Flash
Written for the Flash developer who wants to do more, Steve Webster's PHP for Flash shows how to combine simple server-side scripts with Flash to create smarter, more versatile Web applications. With a truly engaging writing style and a sharp visual sense, this title will let any working Flash programmer make the transition to simple...
Simple Computer Security: Disinfect Your PC
Simple Computer Security: Disinfect Your PC
This book discusses the primary issues and threats that face all computer and Internet users. Not only does it describe the symptoms, prevalence, and affects of the most common computer security problems, it also provides simple solutions so you and your family will have a safe and pleasant online and computing experience....
Remoting Patterns: Foundations of Enterprise, Internet and Realtime Distributed Object Middleware
Remoting Patterns: Foundations of Enterprise, Internet and Realtime Distributed Object Middleware
Remoting offers developers many ways to customize the communications process, for efficiency, security, performance and power, and allows seamless integration of components running on several computers into a single application. This book exposes the full power of remoting to developers working in mixed platform environments in a way that will...
Windows: Scripting Secrets
Windows: Scripting Secrets
The most comprehensive book on the market, Windows Scripting Secrets uncovers the never-before-documented features and hidden system functions that make the new Windows Scripting Host a more powerful tool. The book includes more than 200 ready-to-use scripts, and the CD-ROM contains ready-to-use libraries and examples from the book, as...
Home Recording Power!
Home Recording Power!
This book is for anyone who wants to record music at home that sounds as good as some project studio productions. The emphasis is on using a home computer as the central part of the recording studio, a few reasonably priced software applications, and carefully chosen sound equipment. The book takes the reader from start to finish -- from concept...
Advances in Natural Multimodal Dialogue Systems (Text, Speech and Language Technology)
Advances in Natural Multimodal Dialogue Systems (Text, Speech and Language Technology)
The chapters in this book jointly contribute to what we shall call the field of natural and multimodal interactive systems engineering. This is not yet a well-established field of research and commercial development but, rather, an emerging one in all respects. It brings together, in a process that, arguably, was bound to happen, contributors from...
Rootkits for Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Rootkits for Dummies (Computer/Tech)
A rootkit is a type of malicious software that gives the hacker "root" or administrator access to your network. They are activated before your system's operating system has completely booted up, making them extremely difficult to detect. Rootkits allow hackers to install hidden files, processes, and hidden user accounts. Hackers can use...
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