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PC Technician Street Smarts: A Real World Guide to CompTIA A+ Skills
PC Technician Street Smarts: A Real World Guide to CompTIA A+ Skills
Develop the skills you need in the real world

Hit the ground running with the street-smart training you'll find in this practical book. Using a "year in the life" approach, it gives you an inside look at the common responsibilities of PC Technicians, with key information organized around the actual day-to-day tasks,
Innovation in Information Technology
Innovation in Information Technology
The health of the computer science field and related disciplines has
been an enduring concern of the National Research Council’s Computer  cience and Telecommunications Board (CSTB). From its first reports in the late 1980s, CSTB has examined the nature, conduct, scope, and directions of the research that drives innovation in
CompTIA A+ Certification All-In-One Desk Reference For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
CompTIA A+ Certification All-In-One Desk Reference For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
The A+ Certified Professional certification is a well-recognized certification and will serve as a basic foundation for a number of other certifications that you may eventually pursue. The certification exam tests your knowledge of both hardware and software used in today’s computer world and the certification is one of
Pro Ajax and Java Frameworks
Pro Ajax and Java Frameworks

As a Java developer, you want a guide that shows you how to add Ajax functionality to your web applications with a minimum of effort. Well look no further than Pro Ajax and Java Frameworks. In this book, recognized Java experts and authors of the best-selling Apress title, Foundations of Ajax, will show you how.


Complete Guide to CISM Certification
Complete Guide to CISM Certification

Complete Guide to CISMВ® Certification describes the tasks performed by information security managers and offers the necessary knowledge to manage, design, and oversee an information security program. The author explains each task and related knowledge statement, as well as applicable information security management principles, practices,...

Theoretical Introduction to Programming
Theoretical Introduction to Programming
Including easily digested information about fundamental techniques and concepts in software construction, this book is distinct in unifying pure theory with pragmatic details. Driven by generic problems and concepts, with brief and complete illustrations from languages including C, Prolog, Java, Scheme, Haskell and HTML. This book is intended to...
J2EE Connector Architecture and Enterprise Application Integration
J2EE Connector Architecture and Enterprise Application Integration
The Java(TM) 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) platform connector architecture is the key component in Java’s support for enterprise application integration (EAI) and for linking enterprise information systems (EISs) with Web services. Because many services are now provided through the Web, it is essential that business enterprises have an...
Sams Teach Yourself Wireless Java with J2ME in 21 Days
Sams Teach Yourself Wireless Java with J2ME in 21 Days

Sams Teach Yourself Wireless Java with J2ME in 21 Days begins by establishing the basic parameters of J2ME development and its uses in building wireless applications. The tutorial chapters introduce both text and graphical application development for typical wireless devices. Finally, the book presents the major types of...

Categories for Software Engineering
Categories for Software Engineering

This book provides a gentle, software engineering oriented introduction to category theory. Assuming only a minimum of mathematical preparation, this book explores the use of categorical constructions from the point of view of the methods and techniques that have been proposed for the engineering of complex software systems: object-oriented...

Software Test Automation (ACM Press)
Software Test Automation (ACM Press)
You can't just buy an automated testing tool and expect to improve your organization's testing process without some real effort, at least that is what the authors of Software Test Automation argue. Written for any test manager or engineer, this practical-minded guide shows the right way to automate testing to bring down costs and improve...
Guerrilla Capacity Planning: A Tactical Approach to Planning for Highly Scalable Applications and Services
Guerrilla Capacity Planning: A Tactical Approach to Planning for Highly Scalable Applications and Services

In these days of shortened fiscal horizons and contracted time-to-market schedules, traditional approaches to capacity planning are often seen by management as tending to inflate their production schedules. Rather than giving up in the face of this kind of relentless pressure to get things done faster, Guerrilla Capacity Planning facilitates...

Optical Switching  and Networking Handbook
Optical Switching and Networking Handbook
Before you begin to read this book, please take a moment to read these introductory comments. The title of the book may be misleading for many people:

For the engineering person, this may sound like the bible of optical networks and switching systems. Not so! This is not an engineering book and will not dig into the gory details of bits
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