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Perfect Passwords: Selection, Protection, Authentication
Perfect Passwords: Selection, Protection, Authentication
User passwords are the keys to the network kingdom, yet most users choose overly simplistic passwords (like password) that anyone could guess, while system administrators demand impossible to remember passwords littered with obscure characters and random numerals.

Every computer user must face the problems of password security. According
Java For Artists: The Art, Philosophy, And Science Of Object-Oriented Programming
Java For Artists: The Art, Philosophy, And Science Of Object-Oriented Programming

Java For Artists: The Art, Philosophy, And Science Of Object-Oriented Programming towers head and shoulders above ordinary introductory Java texts in its comprehensive coverage and audacious style. Java For Artists is the only book of its kind that succinctly address the art, philosophy, and science of Java and object-oriented...

Mobile Application Development with SMS and the SIM Toolkit
Mobile Application Development with SMS and the SIM Toolkit
Get mobile messaging going on virtually any platform, in any language

Mobile Application Development Using SMS and the SIM Toolkit is just the guide you’ve been looking for if you’re building applications for GSM or 3G networks, wish you had sample code for reality-based applications, or want to add mobile...

The Austin Protocol Compiler (Advances in Information Security)
The Austin Protocol Compiler (Advances in Information Security)

The TAP notation uses two types of semantics: an abstract semantics for protocol verifiers and a concrete semantics for protocol implementers. The Austin Protocol Compiler illustrates that two types of semantics of TAP are equivalent. Thus, the correctness of TAP specification of some protocol, that is established based on the...

Borland C++ Power Programming/Book and Disk
Borland C++ Power Programming/Book and Disk
It wasn’t too long ago that a hobbyist programmer got by with a monochrome monitor, two floppy drives, 16K of RAM, and a decent understanding of BASIC. Back then, a big program may have comprised 500 lines and taken a few days to write. Even professional programmers—the folks who produced commercial-quality software— had it much...
Formal Syntax and Semantics of Programming Languages: A Laboratory Based Approach
Formal Syntax and Semantics of Programming Languages: A Laboratory Based Approach
This text developed out of our experiences teaching courses covering the formal semantics of programming languages. Independently we both developed laboratory exercises implementing small programming languages in Prolog following denotational definitions. Prolog proved to be an excellent tool for illustrating the formal semantics of programming...
Java Message Service API Tutorial and Reference: Messaging for the J2EE Platform
Java Message Service API Tutorial and Reference: Messaging for the J2EE Platform
Aimed at the more experienced Java developer who needs to work with enterprise messaging, Java Message Service API Tutorial and Reference delivers starter code and a complete reference to all JMS classes that you will need to know to work effectively with this powerful feature of the J2EE platform.

The no-nonsense, just-the-facts...

IP Routing Fundamentals
IP Routing Fundamentals

A comprehensive ntroduction to routing concepts and protocols in IP networks.

  • Comprehensive review of the operational mechanics of today's leading routing protocols, including IGRP, EIGRP, OSPF, RIP, and RIP-2
  • Detailed explanation of IP addressing, including classful and classless addresses, subnetting,...
Hard Disk Drive: Mechatronics and Control (Control Engineering)
Hard Disk Drive: Mechatronics and Control (Control Engineering)

The hard disk drive (HDD) is an excellent example of the practical application of precision mechatronics. Hard Disk Drive: Mechatronics and Control describes the control aspects of an HDD, explains difficulties faced by designers, provides solutions, and highlights challenges of future-generation drives. Combining academic interests with...

Techniques and Mechanisms in Electrochemistry
Techniques and Mechanisms in Electrochemistry
This book reveals electrochemistry as an integral part of modern physical chemistry, in particular as a branch of surface chemistry. It is written without excessive mathematical complexity, and with an emphasis on the mechanisms of electrochemical reactions and how they may be explored using modern techniques. Written primarily for mid to...
Microsoft  Office Outlook  2007 Inside Out
Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 Inside Out
Learn everything you need to know for working with Microsoft Office Outlook 2007from the inside out! This book packs hundreds of time-saving solutions, troubleshooting tips, and workarounds for using Office Outlook 2007all in concise, fast-answer format. Whether you are upgrading from Office 97 or Office 2003, youll be able to dig in to the...
Genetic Programming IV: Routine Human-Competitive Machine Intelligence
Genetic Programming IV: Routine Human-Competitive Machine Intelligence

Genetic Programming IV: Routine Human-Competitive Machine Intelligence presents the application of GP to a wide variety of problems involving automated synthesis of controllers, circuits, antennas, genetic networks, and metabolic pathways. The book describes fifteen instances where GP has created an entity that either...

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