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Skype For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Skype For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
See how to use Skype for secure chats and connect SkypeOut and SkypeIN. Here's the fun and easy way (r) to understand all the hype about Skype and make this cool alternative communication system work for you! You'll get great advice about hardware, directions for downloading and installing Skype, ideas for using Skype in your business, and the...
Director MX 2004 Games: Game Development with Director
Director MX 2004 Games: Game Development with Director
Nik Lever guides designers, animators and web developers through the art, animation and programming skills needed to produce games in Director for Internet, CD or DVD distribution. He moves from the introductory coverage of Lingo with explanations of how easily Director's programming language can be mastered, on to more advanced tips and tricks,...
Scrambling Techniques for CDMA Communications
Scrambling Techniques for CDMA Communications
Scrambling Techniques for CDMA Communications addresses spreading, scrambling, and synchronization techniques for use in inter-cell synchronous and asynchronous CDMA systems, including the IMT-2000. It provides fundamental background material for sequences and shift register generators, and demonstrates various acquisition techniques...
Artificial Intelligence: A New Synthesis (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Artificial Intelligence)
Artificial Intelligence: A New Synthesis (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Artificial Intelligence)

Intelligent agents are employed as the central characters in this new introductory text. Beginning with elementary reactive agents, Nilsson gradually increases their cognitive horsepower to illustrate the most important and lasting ideas in AI. Neural networks, genetic programming, computer vision, heuristic search, knowledge representation and...

Tcl/Tk, Second Edition: A Developer's Guide
Tcl/Tk, Second Edition: A Developer's Guide
Tcl/Tk (Tool Command Language/Tool Kit) makes it fast and easy to implement any type of application, from games to network analyzers. Tcl/Tk is a full-bodied, mature programming platform used by NASA rocket scientists, Wall Street database experts, Internet designers, and open source programmers around the world. Tcl/Tk's multi-faceted and...
Collision Detection in Interactive 3D Environments
Collision Detection in Interactive 3D Environments
The heart of any system that simulates the physical interaction between objects is collision detectionthe ability to detect when two objects have come into contact. This system is also one of the most difficult aspects of a physical simulation to implement correctly, and invariably it is the main consumer of CPU cycles. Practitioners, new to the...
The Conductive Organization: Building Beyond Sustainability
The Conductive Organization: Building Beyond Sustainability
An organization's culture lies at the heart of its ability to perform. In the knowledge economy, new rules are emerging and organizations must rethink how they will compete by leveraging their tacit knowledge - their intangible assets - in order to create and sustain a strategic advantage. In this book, Hubert Saint-Onge and Charles Armstrong, two...
2D Artwork and 3D Modeling for Game Artists (Premier Press Game Development)
2D Artwork and 3D Modeling for Game Artists (Premier Press Game Development)
Take your games to the next level! 2D Artwork and 3D Modeling for Game Artists is the perfect stepping stone for beginning or intermediate game artists entering the gaming industry. This book will show you how to create models, arrange U-Vs, generate textures, then finalize your models for use with a video game engine. By the time you?re finished,...
Smart Client Deployment with ClickOnce(TM): Deploying Windows Forms Applications with ClickOnce(TM)
Smart Client Deployment with ClickOnce(TM): Deploying Windows Forms Applications with ClickOnce(TM)
Microsoft’s new ClickOnce auto-updating technology can radically simplify application deployment. Using it, .NET developers and architects can deliver a powerful, smart client experience along with the easy maintenance of today’s best Web applications.

Microsoft Regional Director and MVP Brian Noyes has unsurpassed experience...

Spoken Language Processing: A Guide to Theory, Algorithm and System Development
Spoken Language Processing: A Guide to Theory, Algorithm and System Development
Our primary motivation in writing this book is to share our working experience to bridge the gap between the knowledge of industry gurus and newcomers to the spoken language processing community. Many powerful techniques hide in conference proceedings and academic papers for years before becoming widely recognized by the research community or the...
Amazon.com Mashups
Amazon.com Mashups
"This book will not only demonstrate how developers can utilize Amazon Web services to create cool mashups but will also help them convert it to money-making mashups - 'cashups.'"
—Jinesh Varia, Amazon Web Services Developer Relations Team

Amazon.com is advancing the boundaries of the Internet through their powerful...

Beginning Ajax (Programmer to Programmer)
Beginning Ajax (Programmer to Programmer)
This book discusses what Ajax is and what it means to Web developers, as well as the technologies behind Ajax applications. The early chapters of this book begin with a discussion of the pros and cons of Ajax techniques, and they provide a quick refresher of JavaScript techniques. Working through this book, you’ll discover how Ajax...
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