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Interfacing PIC Microcontrollers: Embedded Design by Interactive Simulation
Interfacing PIC Microcontrollers: Embedded Design by Interactive Simulation
Explore in detail microcontroller interfacing techniques using the popular PIC 16F877
Work through step-by-step examples interactively using circuit simulation software, supplied as assembly source code
Gain the knowledge of a wide range of peripheral devices such as keyboards, displays, sensors and drives and serial communication with
Practical Electronics Handbook, Sixth Edition
Practical Electronics Handbook, Sixth Edition
Ian Sinclair's Practical Electronics Handbook combines a wealth useful day-to-day electronics information, concise explanations and practical guidance in this essential companion to anyone involved in electronics design and construction. The compact collection of key data, fundamental principles and circuit design basics provides an ideal reference...
Electrical and Electronic Principles and Technology
Electrical and Electronic Principles and Technology
In this book John Bird introduces electrical principles and technology through examples rather than theory - enabling students to develop a sound understanding of the principles needed by technicians in fields such as electrical engineering, electronics and telecommunications. No previous background in engineering is assumed, making this an ideal...
Windows Vista Secrets
Windows Vista Secrets
"If one book can help you master Vista, this is it." --Fred Langa, former editor-in-chief of Byte Magazine

"These two know more about Windows than Microsoft does." --Chris Pirillo, editor of Lockergnome.com

Go beyond Microsoft's Help guide and discover the true secrets of Windows Vista that are essential...

Office 2007 For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Office 2007 For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Find and use the features you need right away

Create great documents, Excel charts, and slide shows, and organize your e-mail

What's new at the Office? A lot, and this book takes you through all the cool changes and enhancements so you can rev up and go. Find your way around the new...

Software Defined Radio: Enabling Technologies
Software Defined Radio: Enabling Technologies
Software defined radio (SDR) is one of the most important topics of research, and indeed development, in the area of mobile and personal communications. SDR is viewed as an enabler of global roaming and as a unique platform for the rapid introduction of new services into existing live networks. It therefore promises mobile communication networks a...
Understanding IPv6
Understanding IPv6

IPv6, Internet Protocol Version 6, is the next-generation internet protocol designed by the IETF to replace the current IPv4, now nearly 20 years old. As the new IPv6 protocol replaces IPv4, professionals need a practical and detailed reference and introduction that explains the new capabilities and changes. Especially since new and modified...

The MPEG-21 Book
The MPEG-21 Book
Understand the MPEG-21 Multimedia Framework, the standard for the creation, delivery and consumption of multimedia.

This text is the comprehensive guide to MPEG-21, the technology that provides an open framework for multimedia applications. Whereas previous MPEG standards defined compression techniques, MPEG-21...

Excel 2007 For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Excel 2007 For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
I’m very proud to present you with the completely revamped and almost totally brand new Excel 2007 For Dummies, the latest version of everybody’s favorite book on Microsoft Office Excel for readers with no intention whatsoever of becoming spreadsheet gurus. The dramatic changes evident in this version of the book
Microsoft Office Project 2007 For Dummies (Computers)
Microsoft Office Project 2007 For Dummies (Computers)
Create project plans that make the most of your money and time

Get your projects on track, manage resources, and share information online

Project 2007 helps you keep your projects on track by providing sophisticated tools for building task outlines and important timing relationships;...

Excel 2007 VBA Programming For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Excel 2007 VBA Programming For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Step-by-step instructions for creating VBA macros

Harness the power of VBA and create custom Excel applications

Make Excel 2007 work for you! This clear, nonintimidating guide shows you how to use VBA to create Excel apps that look and work the way you want. Packed with plenty...

Stream Data Management (Advances in Database Systems)
Stream Data Management (Advances in Database Systems)

Researchers in data management have recently recognized the importance of a new class of data-intensive applications that requires managing data streams, i.e., data composed of continuous, real-time sequence of items. Streaming applications pose new and interesting challenges for data management systems. Such application domains require queries...

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