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XML Web Services Professional Projects
XML Web Services Professional Projects
Use XML Web Services Professional Projects to accomplish real-world professional tasks. Incorporating nine hands-on projects, XML Web Services Professional Projects is your key to unlocking the power of XML Web services. Each project focuses on developing and deploying Web services by using several vendor-provided tools. These projects are based on...
Domino 7 Lotus Notes Application Development
Domino 7 Lotus Notes Application Development
Raphael Savir has been a developer and consultant for Lotus Notes/Domino applications for 15 years. He has worked in numerous positions, focusing on performance and development topics. Raphael enjoys speaking on these topics, and has been fortunate in being able to do so frequently over the years.Now with LS Development Corporation...
Unconstrained Face Recognition (International Series on Biometrics)
Unconstrained Face Recognition (International Series on Biometrics)
Face recognition has been actively studied over the past decade and continues to be a big research challenge. Just recently, researchers have begun to investigate face recognition under unconstrained conditions. Unconstrained Face Recognition provides a comprehensive review of this biometric, especially face recognition from video, assembling a...
Formal Models of Operating System Kernels
Formal Models of Operating System Kernels
The work that this book represents is something I have wanted to do since 1979. While in Ireland, probably in 2001, I sketched some parts of a small operating system specification in Z but left it because of other duties. In 2002, I worked on the sketches again but was interrupted. Finally, in April, 2005, I decided to devote some time to it and...
Beginning SUSE Linux: From Novice to Professional, Second Edition
Beginning SUSE Linux: From Novice to Professional, Second Edition

Written by award-winning author Keir Thomas, Beginning SUSE Linux, Second Edition is the comprehensive guide to openSUSE Linux 10.1, the community-created version of SUSE Linux.

The book starts with an introduction to the world of Linux and the open source community, and this is followed by an illustrated step-by-step guide to...

Engineering Analysis with ANSYS Software
Engineering Analysis with ANSYS Software
For all engineers and students coming to finite element analysis or to ANSYS software for the first time, this powerful hands-on guide develops a detailed and confident understanding of using ANSYS's powerful engineering analysis tools.

The best way to learn complex systems is by means of hands-on experience. With an innovative and
Parallel Robots (Solid Mechanics and Its Applications)
Parallel Robots (Solid Mechanics and Its Applications)

Parallel robots are closed-loop mechanisms presenting very good performances in terms of accuracy, velocity, rigidity and ability to manipulate large loads. They have been used in a large number of applications ranging from astronomy to flight simulators and are becoming increasingly popular in the field of machine-tool industry. This book...

Groovy Programming: An Introduction for Java Developers
Groovy Programming: An Introduction for Java Developers
Groovy Programming is an introduction to the Java-based scripting language Groovy. Groovy has much in common with popular scripting languages such as Perl, Python, and Ruby, but is written in a Java-like syntax. And, unlike these other languages, Groovy is sanctioned by the Java community for use on the Java platform. Since it is...
WebRAD: Building Database Applications on the Web with Visual FoxPro and Web Connection
WebRAD: Building Database Applications on the Web with Visual FoxPro and Web Connection
A tutorial for novices and a reference for experienced users, featuring step-by-step guidelines for using Web Connection in a day-to-day manner as a developer, this book offers several development alternatives based on the user's style. Demonstrated are the building of two different applications, one easy and one more complex, and nearly two...
Enterprise Service Oriented Architectures: Concepts, Challenges, Recommendations
Enterprise Service Oriented Architectures: Concepts, Challenges, Recommendations

Conventional wisdom of the "software stack" approach to building applications may no longer be relevant. Enterprises are pursuing new ways of organizing systems and processes to become service oriented and event-driven. Leveraging existing infrastructural investments is a critical aspect to the success of companies both large and...

Data Lifecycles: Managing Data for Strategic Advantage
Data Lifecycles: Managing Data for Strategic Advantage
Businesses now rely almost entirely on applications and databases, causing data and storage needs to increase at astounding rates. It is therefore imperative for a company to optimize and simplify the complexity of managing its data resources.

Plenty of storage products are now available, however the challenge remains for...

Abstract Computing Machines
Abstract Computing Machines
The book addresses ways and means of organizing computations, highlighting the relationship between algorithms and the basic mechanisms and runtime structures necessary to execute them using machines. It completely abstracts from concrete programming languages and machine architectures, taking instead the lambda calculus as the basic programming...
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