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MPLS Fundamentals
MPLS Fundamentals
As an escalation engineer, I experienced the boom of Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) networking first hand. I saw the first trials of MPLS in service provider networks and saw MPLS successfully expanding further into enterprise networks. In addition, I witnessed new MPLS technologies coming into existence, which the networking industry...
Foundation ActionScript for Flash 8
Foundation ActionScript for Flash 8
ActionScript is the native scripting language of Flash. ActionScript knowledge is essential within the world of Flash design and development, as Flash remains a leading tool for cutting-edge interactive design and development.

ActionScript is what gives Flash its power, but with that power comes a certain level of complexity, which
Next Generation Network Services: Technologies & Strategies
Next Generation Network Services: Technologies & Strategies
'Next Generation' refers to the new technologies and services that telecommunications operators will have at their disposal as they create new 3G networks where voice and data converge and which are based on packet switched rather than circuit switched telephony.

Providing a much needed overview of the latest communication technologies
Oracle Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence Solutions
Oracle Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence Solutions
Up-to-date, comprehensive coverage of the Oracle database and business intelligence tools

Written by a team of Oracle insiders, this authoritative book provides you with the most current coverage of the Oracle data warehousing platform as well as the full suite of business intelligence tools. You'll learn how to...

Yahoo! Maps Mashups (Wrox Mashup Books)
Yahoo! Maps Mashups (Wrox Mashup Books)
Your development world is about to greatly expand because of the new wave of Yahoo! Maps APIs. Written by Charles Freedman, a senior Flash developer at Yahoo!, this book provides you with all the information you'll need to know about these APIs in order to build amazing map mashups. You'll find in-depth coverage of Yahoo! mapping tools and...
The Accredited Symbian Developer Primer: Fundamentals of Symbian OS (Symbian Press)
The Accredited Symbian Developer Primer: Fundamentals of Symbian OS (Symbian Press)
This new book, first in the Academy series, is the official guide to the ASD exam, priming candidates for the exam, explaining exactly what they need to know.

The Primer explains the knowledge tested in the Accredited Symbian Developer exam, identifying and explaining the topics examined. Each of the exam's objectives is succinctly...

Applied Fuzzy Arithmetic: An Introduction with Engineering Applications
Applied Fuzzy Arithmetic: An Introduction with Engineering Applications

Applied Fuzzy Arithmetic provides a well-structured compendium that offers both a deeper knowledge about the theory of fuzzy arithmetic and an extensive view on its applications in the engineering sciences, making it a resource for students, researchers, and practical engineers. The first part of the book gives an introduction...

Waste Treatment in the Process Industries
Waste Treatment in the Process Industries

Increasing demand on industrial capacity has, as an unintended consequence, an accompanying increase in harmful and hazardous wastes. Recognizing the need for a comprehensive reference on the technologies and strategies available for waste treatment in specific industries, four esteemed editors gathered to produce the highly popular Handbook of...

Managing Virtual Teams: Getting the Most from Wikis, Blogs, and Other Collaborative Tools
Managing Virtual Teams: Getting the Most from Wikis, Blogs, and Other Collaborative Tools
Virtual collaborative team environments face unique challenges because their communication is not face-to-face. Managing Virtual Teams: Getting the Most from Wikis, Blogs, and Other Collaborative Tools provides practical advice for managers of distributed teams who must design the internal systems and meet deadlines with a diverse team, and for...
Microsoft  Visual Web Developer(TM) 2005 Express Edition: Build a Web Site Now!
Microsoft Visual Web Developer(TM) 2005 Express Edition: Build a Web Site Now!
With this lively, eye-opening, and hands-on book, all you need is a computer and the desire to learn how to create Web pages now using Visual Web Developer Express Edition! Featuring a full working edition of the software, this fun and highly visual guide walks you through a complete Web page project from set-up to launch. Youll get an introduction...
eLearning and Digital Publishing (Computer Supported Cooperative Work)
eLearning and Digital Publishing (Computer Supported Cooperative Work)
Our universities are facing immense pressures from within because of the increase in the ‘publish or perish’ syndrome. There are severe budgetary demands on university libraries attempting to enable access to this increasing avalanche of information. University teaching also needs to prepare graduates for a rapidly changing and...
Voice and Speech Quality Perception: Assessment and Evaluation (Signals and Communication Technology)
Voice and Speech Quality Perception: Assessment and Evaluation (Signals and Communication Technology)
Foundations of Voice and Speech Quality Perception starts out with the fundamental question of: "How do listeners perceive voice and speech quality and how can these processes be modeled?" Any quantitative answers require measurements. This is natural for physical quantities but harder to imagine for perceptual measurands. This book...
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