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eDirectory Field Guide
eDirectory Field Guide

eDirectory Field Guide is a handy reference for configuring, troubleshooting, and optimizing Novells eDirectory on NetWare, Linux, Unix, and Windows. Along with Sun ONE Directory Server and Microsoft Active Directory, Novells eDirectory is a leader in directory server software, the specialized database that enterprises employ to store...

Maya 8 Character Modeling (Wordware Applications Library)
Maya 8 Character Modeling (Wordware Applications Library)
This Maya modeling book is unique in its approach to modeling a high-resolution character model. Where other books take a grueling approach that often leaves readers confused, Maya 8 Character Modeling breaks down the character into an easy-to-follow formula. Readers learn that modeling a character can be accomplished without the fear of being in...
Windows PowerShell in Action
Windows PowerShell in Action
PowerShell replaces cobbled-together assemblies of third-party management tools with an elegant programming language and a powerful scripting shell for the Windows environment. In the tradition of Manning's ground breaking "In Action" series, this book comes from right from the source. Written by Bruce Payette, one of principal creators...
PHP Solutions: Dynamic Web Design Made Easy
PHP Solutions: Dynamic Web Design Made Easy
In this book you'll learn how to:
  • Create dynamic websites with design and usability in mind, as well as functionality
  • Understand how PHP scripts work, giving you confidence to adapt them to your own needs
  • Bring online forms to life, check required fields, and ensure user input is safe to process
  • ...
Object Oriented Perl: A Comprehensive Guide to Concepts and Programming Techniques
Object Oriented Perl: A Comprehensive Guide to Concepts and Programming Techniques
Perl has always been a powerful and popular programming language, but with its new object capabilities, it can do even more. Written for anyone with a little Perl experience, Damian Conway's Object Oriented Perl provides an invaluable guide to virtually every aspect of object-oriented programming in Perl.

The most notable thing about...

Citrix Access Suite 4 for Windows Server 2003: The Official Guide, Third Edition
Citrix Access Suite 4 for Windows Server 2003: The Official Guide, Third Edition
Build, secure, scale, and maintain Citrix on Windows

New and existing Citrix engineers will learn to design and deploy an enterprise-level server-based computing (SBC) environment on Windows Server 2003 using Citrix Access Suite 4.0. This official guide explains how to maximize the suite components to enable and...

Algorithms and Data Structures in C++ (Computer Engineering)
Algorithms and Data Structures in C++ (Computer Engineering)

Algorithms and Data Structures in C++ introduces modern issues in the theory of algorithms, emphasizing complexity, graphs, parallel processing, and visualization. To accomplish this, the book uses an appropriate subset of frequently utilized and representative algorithms and applications in order to demonstrate the unique and modern aspects...

Managing IT in Government, Business & Communities
Managing IT in Government, Business & Communities
This guide presents the most current research and findings about the challenges governments around the world are now placing on small business IT entrepreneurs and how they are providing increased resources to support this emphasis. Described are how organizations and society rely heavily on virtual technologies for communication and how...
E-Ffective Writing for E-Learning Environments (Cases on Information Technology)
E-Ffective Writing for E-Learning Environments (Cases on Information Technology)

E-ffective Writing for E-Learning Environments integrates research and practice in user-centered design and learning design for instructors in post-secondary institutions and learning organizations who are developing e-learning resources. The book is intended as a development guide for experts in areas other than instructional or...

Packet Filtering: Catching the Cool Packets
Packet Filtering: Catching the Cool Packets

This book covers the basic through advanced methods of filtering on hack traffic, ICMP traffic, IP fragments, subnet traffic and more. If you want to know how to build filters to capture specific application traffic based on its signature, this is the book for you. Includes instructions for capturing 'data theft' using signatures rather than...

.NET Windows Forms Custom Controls
.NET Windows Forms Custom Controls

The intent of this book is to teach .NET developers the skills necessary to create their own leading edge custom controls. The art of creating custom controls has never been truly explored in detail, often the examples provided are trivial and do not begin to explore the requirements need for a commercial quality custom control. This book will...

Word 2007: The Missing Manual
Word 2007: The Missing Manual
Microsoft Word has grown considerably in power, sophistication and capability over the past decade, but one thing that hasn't changed since the early '90s is its user interface. The simple toolbar in version 2.0 has been packed with so many features since then that few users know where to find them all. Consequently, more and more people are...
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