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Computer Viruses and Malware (Advances in Information Security)
Computer Viruses and Malware (Advances in Information Security)

Our Internet-connected society increasingly relies on computers. As a result, attacks on computers from malicious software have never been a bigger concern. Computer Viruses and Malware draws together hundreds of sources to provide an unprecedented view of malicious software and its countermeasures. This book discusses both the...

Smart Client Architecture and Design Guide (Patterns & Practices)
Smart Client Architecture and Design Guide (Patterns & Practices)
Get expert, pragmatic guidance on how to design and build smart client solutions that combine the benefits of traditional, rich-client applications with the manageability of thin clients. Software architects and developers will learn how to evaluate whether a smart client solution is appropriate for their client architecture, and get practical...
Agent-Oriented Programming: From Prolog to Guarded Definite Clauses (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Agent-Oriented Programming: From Prolog to Guarded Definite Clauses (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
The authors present a systematic development of the concurrent object-oriented agent programming language Guarded Definite Clauses (GDC). In contrast to other languages used in agent programming, like Java, Telescript, and Agent-TCL, this language is derived from the artificial intelligence programming tradition and emphasizes AI applications. The...
The Microcontroller Idea Book: Circuits, Programs & Applications Featuring the 8052-Basic Single-Chip Computer
The Microcontroller Idea Book: Circuits, Programs & Applications Featuring the 8052-Basic Single-Chip Computer
An introduction to circuit design and programming with embedded computers. Circuit and code examples show how to use the devices in a variety of applications.

This book is a hands-on guide to designing, building, and testing microcontroller-based devices. Microcontrollers, or single-chip computers, are ideal for projects that require
Optical WDM Networks (Optical Networks)
Optical WDM Networks (Optical Networks)

Before discussing the book's topic, intended audience, etc., we remark that another book, entitled Optical Communication Networks, was published by the same author in 1997. Eight years is a long time in our fast-moving field. Relative to the old book, a brief outline of the new materials in the new book is provided below, followed by brief...

The Manager's Guide to Rewards: What You Need to Know to Get the Best For-and From-your Employees
The Manager's Guide to Rewards: What You Need to Know to Get the Best For-and From-your Employees
A manager who understands the ins and outs of his company's compensation system is more likely to be able to retain his best people, keep them motivated, and ensure that they continue to produce outstanding results. Written by compensation experts at the Hay Group--one of the most respected consulting firms in the world--The Manager's Guide to...
Advanced Number Theory
Advanced Number Theory
Eminent mathematician/teacher approaches algebraic number theory from historical standpoint. Demonstrates how concepts, definitions, theories have evolved during last 2 centuries. Abounds with numerical examples, over 200 problems, many concrete, specific theorems. Includes numerous graphs and tables.

The prerequisites for this book
Flash 5 Cartoons and Games f/x and Design
Flash 5 Cartoons and Games f/x and Design
There was a time when making an animated film meant, at the very least, a huge investment in time and equipment. Flash 5 Cartoons and Games demonstrates how things have changed, teaching a new generation of animators that all you really need is an ordinary PC or Mac and Macromedia's Flash authoring program.

Diverse and powerful,...

Agile Software Development Quality Assurance
Agile Software Development Quality Assurance
After spending the summer north of the Arctic Circle, basking in the midnight sun and the warmest weather for over 100 years in Finland, I was especially happy to find this book sitting on my desk waiting to be read. Although there is no shortage of books on agile methodologies and practices, something had been missing. The concept of quality is...
The E-Privacy Imperative : Protect Your Customers' Internet Privacy and Ensure Your Company's Survival in the Electronic Age
The E-Privacy Imperative : Protect Your Customers' Internet Privacy and Ensure Your Company's Survival in the Electronic Age
With their potential for vicious customer backlash and devastating sales drops, Internet privacy infractions--such as selling e-mail lists and personal data or operating an insecure site where credit-card or competitive-pricing information can be stolen--have become deadly serious business concerns.

The E-Privacy Imperative is...

Database Systems: Design, Implementation and Management, Sixth Edition
Database Systems: Design, Implementation and Management, Sixth Edition
This Sixth Edition takes you clearly and effectively through the entire process of database development and implementation. This market leading text includes new Visio and UML tutorials, as well as a new chapter on Advanced SQL. All appendices are housed on a CD that accompany every copy of the text.

Takes students step by step through
Spatially Structured Evolutionary Algorithms: Artificial Evolution in Space and Time (Natural Computing Series)
Spatially Structured Evolutionary Algorithms: Artificial Evolution in Space and Time (Natural Computing Series)
Evolutionary algorithms (EAs) is now a mature problem-solving family of heuristics that has found its way into many important real-life problems and into leading-edge scientific research. Spatially structured EAs have different properties than standard, mixing EAs. By virtue of the structured disposition of the population members they bring about...
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