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Information Processing with Evolutionary Algorithms: From Industrial Applications to Academic Speculations
Information Processing with Evolutionary Algorithms: From Industrial Applications to Academic Speculations
The last decade of the twentieth century has witnessed a surge of interest in numerical, computational intensive approaches to information processing. The lines that draw the boundaries between statistics, optimization, artificial intelligence and information processing are disappearing and it is not uncommon to find well founded and sophisticated...
Computer Vision Beyond the Visible Spectrum (Advances in Pattern Recognition)
Computer Vision Beyond the Visible Spectrum (Advances in Pattern Recognition)
Recently, there has been a dramatic increase in the use of sensors in the non-visible bands. As a result, there is a need for existing computer vision methods and algorithms to be adapted for use with non-visible sensors, or for the development of completely new methods and systems. Computer Vision Beyond the Visible Spectrum is...
Web Content Delivery
Web Content Delivery
The concept of content delivery has become increasingly more important due to rapidly growing demands for efficient distribution and fast access of information from the Internet. The content can be diverse and broad-ranging, and the desire to facilitate ubiquitous information access demands varied network architectures and hardware devices. The...
Pro Drupal Development
Pro Drupal Development

Drupal is one of the most popular content management systems in use today. With it, you can create a variety of community-driven sites, including blogs, forums, wiki-style sites, and much more. Pro Drupal Development was written to arm you with knowledge to customize your Drupal installation however you see fit. The book assumes that...

Frame Relay for High-Speed Networks
Frame Relay for High-Speed Networks
Emerging new applications for a mature technology. Frame relay has recently emerged as a popular interface choice for today's high-speed services, including videoconferencing, SNA networking, voice-over data, and high-speed Internet access itself. Stressing services rather than bits and bytes, this book reexamines this mature technology in light of...
Programmer's Guide to NCurses
Programmer's Guide to NCurses
Programming the console in UNIX?

Here's just what you need.

First, you'll get a no-nonsense tutorial guide to the nCurses version 5.5 library, taking you from basic to advanced functions step by step. Then you'll find an A-to-Z reference of more than 175 nCurses functions, cross-referenced and illustrated with examples. With...

Techno Security's Guide to Managing Risks for IT Managers, Auditors and Investigators
Techno Security's Guide to Managing Risks for IT Managers, Auditors and Investigators
This book contains some of the most up-to-date information available anywhere on a wide variety of topics related to Techno Security. As you read the book, you will notice that the authors took the approach of identifying some of the risks, threats, and vulnerabilities and then discussing the countermeasures to address them. Some of the topics and...
Statistical Mechanics of Learning
Statistical Mechanics of Learning
The effort to build machines that are able to learn and undertake tasks such as datamining, image processing and pattern recognition has led to the development of artificial neural networks in which learning from examples may be described and understood. The contribution to this subject made over the past decade by researchers applying the...
Production Rendering
Production Rendering

In the past, rendering systems used a range of different approaches, each compatible and able to handle certain kinds of images. However, the last few years have seen the development of practical techniques, which bring together many areas of research into stable, production ready rendering tools. Written by experienced graphics software...

Soft Computing in Web Information Retrieval: Models and Applications
Soft Computing in Web Information Retrieval: Models and Applications
This book presents some recent works on the application of Soft Computing techniques in information access on the World Wide Web. The book comprises 15 chapters from internationally known researchers and is divided in four parts reflecting the areas of research of the presented works such as Document Classification, Semantic Web, Web Information...
Intelligent Paradigms for Healthcare Enterprises: Systems Thinking
Intelligent Paradigms for Healthcare Enterprises: Systems Thinking
This compendium brings together leading researchers in the fields of Intelligent Systems and healthcare aiming at medical engineers, healthcare managers and computer scientists worldwide. This book is an overview of intelligent paradigms and strategic investments that might payoff for the healthcare enterprise. Specifically, the reader will get...
CCTV Surveillance, Second Edition: Video Practices and Technology
CCTV Surveillance, Second Edition: Video Practices and Technology
This revision of the classic book on CCTV technology, CCTV Surveillance, provides a comprehensive examination of CCTV, covering the applications of various systems, how to design and install a system, and how to choose the right hardware. Taking into account the ever-changing advances in technology using digital techniques and the...
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