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Modeling a Character in 3DS Max
Modeling a Character in 3DS Max
Provides groundbreaking coverage in using 3D Studio Max for would-be computer game modelers and animators, as well as professionals already experienced with the software. Also features previously undocumented tips and tricks targeted specifically for advanced character creation.

Like most of my peers in the computer game industry,
Advanced Topics in Information Technology Standards And Standardization Research
Advanced Topics in Information Technology Standards And Standardization Research
More than five years have passed since Idea Group Publishing (IGP) published my first edited book on IT standards and standardisation. Back then, this was a fairly arcane topic, discussed in only a comparably small number of papers, in very few books, and at even fewer conferences.

Luckily, this situation is improving. More and more
Instant Messaging Rules: A Business Guide to Managing Policies, Security, and Legal Issues for Safe IM Communication
Instant Messaging Rules: A Business Guide to Managing Policies, Security, and Legal Issues for Safe IM Communication
Instant Messaging (IM) is quickly rivaling e-mail as the electronic communications tool of choice in offices worldwide. Already used by over 100 million people globally, IM will be used more often than e-mail by 2005. Employees at 70% of U.S. companies are expected to use IM this year -- whether for legitimate business reasons or for personal...
Intelligent Data Mining: Techniques and Applications (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
Intelligent Data Mining: Techniques and Applications (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
"Intelligent Data Mining – Techniques and Applications" is an organized edited collection of contributed chapters covering basic knowledge for intelligent systems and data mining, applications in economic and management, industrial engineering and other related industrial applications. The main objective of this book is to gather a...
Privacy Preserving Data Mining (Advances in Information Security)
Privacy Preserving Data Mining (Advances in Information Security)
Data mining has emerged as a significant technology for gaining knowledge from vast quantities of data. However, concerns are growing that use of this technology can violate individual privacy. These concerns have led to a backlash against the technology, for example, a "Data-Mining Moratorium Act" introduced in the U.S. Senate that would...
Microsoft  Windows  Workflow Foundation Step by Step (Pro Step By Step Developer)
Microsoft Windows Workflow Foundation Step by Step (Pro Step By Step Developer)
Get hands-on, step-by-step guidance for using Windows Workflow Foundation to create process-managed applications for Microsoft Windows. This reference offers practical instruction and a CD with practice files and code samples.

Key Book Benefits:

- Delivers context for understanding workflow and guidance for creating workflows and...

Logic For Dummies (Math & Science)
Logic For Dummies (Math & Science)
Logic concepts are more mainstream than you may realize. There’s logic every place you look and in almost everything you do, from deciding which shirt to buy to asking your boss for a raise, and even to watching television, where themes of such shows as CSI and Numbers incorporate a variety of logistical studies. Logic...
Agency and the Semantic Web
Agency and the Semantic Web
This highly topical text considers the construction of the next generation of the Web, called the Semantic Web. This will enable computers to automatically consume Web-based information, overcoming the human-centric focus of the Web as it stands at present, and expediting the construction of a whole new class of knowledge-based applications that...
C# 2005 Programmer's Reference (Programmer to Programmer)
C# 2005 Programmer's Reference (Programmer to Programmer)
As one of the hottest programming languages in use today, C# enables you to build a wide range of secure and robust enterprise applications that run on the .NET Framework, including XML Web services, client-server applications, database applications, and more. Now with the release of C# 2005, you'll find a complex array of new language options and...
Designing Sociable Robots (Intelligent Robotics and Autonomous Agents)
Designing Sociable Robots (Intelligent Robotics and Autonomous Agents)
Cynthia Breazeal here presents her vision of the sociable robot of the future, a synthetic creature and not merely a sophisticated tool. A sociable robot will be able to understand us, to communicate and interact with us, to learn from us and grow with us. It will be socially intelligent in a humanlike way. Eventually sociable robots will assist us...
Component Models and Systems for Grid Applications.(Coregrid)
Component Models and Systems for Grid Applications.(Coregrid)

Component Models and Systems for Grid Applications is the essential reference for the most current research on Grid technologies. This first volume of the CoreGRID series addresses such vital issues as the architecture of the Grid, the way software will influence the development of the Grid, and the practical applications of...

Digital Image Processing
Digital Image Processing
The sixth edition of this worldwide used textbook was thoroughly revised and extended. Throughout the whole text you will find numerous improvements, extensions, and updates. Above all, I would like to draw your attention to two major changes.

Firstly, the whole textbook is now clearly partitioned into basic and advanced material in
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