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Photoshop Elements 5 For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Photoshop Elements 5 For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Packed with tips and tricks for creating dazzling images

Explore layers, change backgrounds, fix flaws, and artistically enhance photos

Photoshop Elements 5 is a powerhouse, and here's the fast and easy way to get up to speed on all the coolest features. Whether you're new to digital...

Wireless Communication Technologies: New Multimedia Systems
Wireless Communication Technologies: New Multimedia Systems
Wireless Communication Technologies: New Multimedia Systems is based on a selection of the best papers presented at the recent International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC '99). All of the papers have been extended into full chapters, critiqued, and edited into a unified and structured book. Contributions to...
Component-Based Software Testing with UML
Component-Based Software Testing with UML

Component-based software development regards software construction in terms of conventional engineering disciplines where the assembly of systems from readily-available prefabricated parts is the norm. Because both component-based systems themselves and the stakeholders in component-based development projects are different from traditional...

Parameterized Complexity Theory (Texts in Theoretical Computer Science. An EATCS Series)
Parameterized Complexity Theory (Texts in Theoretical Computer Science. An EATCS Series)
Parameterized complexity theory is a recent branch of computational complexity theory that provides a framework for a refined analysis of hard algorithmic problems. The central notion of the theory, fixed-parameter tractability, has led to the development of various new algorithmic techniques and a whole new theory of intractability. This book is a...
Practical PHP and MySQL(R): Building Eight Dynamic Web Applications (Negus Live Linux Series)
Practical PHP and MySQL(R): Building Eight Dynamic Web Applications (Negus Live Linux Series)
Everyone is going nuts about the Web. Ever since we started getting creaky old modems installed in our homes and businesses, the Web has become an increasingly dominant part of our lives. With it we explore, shop, diagnose, entertain, amuse, communicate, collaborate, and more. The Web is no longer a novelty item that the few use to stretch their...
Red Hat Fedora Core 6 Unleashed
Red Hat Fedora Core 6 Unleashed

Red Hat ® Fedora Core 6 Unleashed presents comprehensive coverage of Fedora Core 6, the popular Linux distribution developed by the Red Hat-sponsored Fedora Project.

This book provides detailed information on installing, using, and administering Fedora....

Real World Applications of Computational Intelligence (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing)
Real World Applications of Computational Intelligence (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing)
Computational Intelligence (CI) has emerged as a novel and highly diversified paradigm supporting the design, analysis and deployment of intelligent systems. The intellectual landscape of CI is enormously rich. The discipline of CI brings together technologies of granular computing including fuzzy sets and rough sets, neural networks, and...
Introduction to Cryptography with Java Applets
Introduction to Cryptography with Java Applets
Cryptography is the art of secret writing. It involves transforming information into apparently unintelligible garbage so that unwanted eyes will be unable to comprehend it. This transformation, however, must be done so that it is reversible, so that individuals intended to view the information may do so. This is the traditional use of...
Pro SMS 2003
Pro SMS 2003
Systems Management Server (SMS) 2003 is the fifth revision of Microsoft’s product. Since it first appeared, its function and form have undergone vast changes. The 1.2 version made a big impact in the industry. It became a somewhat usable and stable, though temperamental, product. Some enterprises that invested their time and effort in this...
ASP.net Web Developer's Guide (With CD-ROM)
ASP.net Web Developer's Guide (With CD-ROM)
Aimed at the working ASP developer who wants to move to Microsoft .NET, ASP.NET Unleashed: Web Developers Guide offers an excellent example-based programming tutorial. With its strong practical focus, this title offers an excellent choice for learning ASP.NET quickly.

Most every computer book uses examples illustrating programming...

Introduction to Fuzzy Logic using MATLAB
Introduction to Fuzzy Logic using MATLAB
The world we live in is becoming ever more reliant on the use of electronics and computers to control the behavior of real-world resources. For example, an increasing amount of commerce is performed without a single banknote or coin ever being exchanged. Similarly, airports can safely land and send off airplanes without ever looking out of a...
Cisco Network Security Little Black Book
Cisco Network Security Little Black Book
With this concise, problem-solving guide, networking professionals will learn how to identify network security threat implement uniform security throughout their networks, secure remote dial-in access with CiscoSecure ACS and Cisco IOS AAA features, protect Internet access on their perimeter routers with the CiscoSecure IOS firewall software, and...
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