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Programming Microsoft  Web Forms (Pro Developer)
Programming Microsoft Web Forms (Pro Developer)
Windows Web Forms pages can streamline development for a variety of applications—but many Microsoft WindowsВ®-related programming books skip over the details that allow developers to take full advantage of Web Forms. In addition, Version 2.0 of the Microsoft .NET Framework introduces new capabilities that even those familiar with early...
PowerPoint 2007 Just the Steps For Dummies
PowerPoint 2007 Just the Steps For Dummies
When you’re trying to harness the power of PowerPoint, you don’t want to wade through lots of background and definitions; you want to make things happen! Power Point Just the Steps for Dummies puts your hands and eyes to work immediately so you can finish any PowerPoint project in a flash.В  Just choose your task,...
Operating Systems: Design and Implementation (Second Edition)
Operating Systems: Design and Implementation (Second Edition)

Most books on operating systems deal with theory while ignoring practice. While the usual principles are covered in detail, the book describes a small, but real UNIX-like operating system: MINIX. The book demonstrates how it works while illustrating the principles behind it. Operating Systems: Design and Implementation Second...

The Photoshop Anthology: 101 Web Design Tips, Tricks & Techniques
The Photoshop Anthology: 101 Web Design Tips, Tricks & Techniques

The Photoshop Anthology is full-color, question-and-answer book for Web Designers who want to use Photoshop to build Websites and create better looking web graphics more effectively. The book covers:

  • Photoshop interface tricks & shortcuts
  • Basic Skills: Transparencies, rounded corners, blending images,...
Simple Computer Tune-up: Speed Up Your PC
Simple Computer Tune-up: Speed Up Your PC
As more and more software becomes available and computers increase in complexity, problems with performance are certain to arise. If your PC is misbehaving, don't let it ruin your day. This book explains how to make the best out of your PC by using PC Pitstop Optimize, which cures many PC "sicknesses" without the need for upgrading or...
Run Your Own Web Server Using Linux & Apache
Run Your Own Web Server Using Linux & Apache

More organizations install Linux into their server rooms every day. The reasons for this vary, but those who make the switch to Linux often claim that its reliability, cost, choice, scalability, and the freedom it offers from vendor lock-in, are some of the reasons why they decided to switch. But, whatever your reasons for...

Data Structures for Game Programmers (Premier Press Game Development)
Data Structures for Game Programmers (Premier Press Game Development)
"Data Structures for Game Programmers" replaces endless pages of boring text with exciting gaming technology and eye-catching graphics. The complex subject of data structures is made easy to understand and fun to learn. Start with an explanation of how the most popular data structures and algorithms work. Then you're on your way as you...
Beginning Access 2003 VBA (Programmer to Programmer)
Beginning Access 2003 VBA (Programmer to Programmer)
Microsoft Access 2003 is a powerful database application that allows you to build standalone and client-server database applications. Access applications are used in many enterprises for storing inventory and maintaining customer records, sales data, or nearly any other type of data that needs tracking. Access has powerful wizards and tools that...
Architecture of Reliable Web Applications Software
Architecture of Reliable Web Applications Software
This book is concerned with the issues and matters that relate to the reliability, availability, manageability, performance, scalability, and secured-ability of applications, particularly the ones that run over the Web. The importance of studying and exploring such issues is obvious.

Shortly after joining IBM Canada in 1997, I was
Uncertainty and Surprise in Complex Systems: Questions on Working with the Unexpected
Uncertainty and Surprise in Complex Systems: Questions on Working with the Unexpected

Complexity science has been a source of new insight in physical and social systems and has demonstrated that unpredictability and surprise are fundamental aspects of the world around us. This book is the outcome of a discussion meeting of leading scholars and critical thinkers with expertise in complex systems sciences and leaders from a variety...

Pro Visual C++ 2005 for C# Developers
Pro Visual C++ 2005 for C# Developers

Pro Visual C++ 2005 for C# Developers features two distinct sections that lead to a simple migration path for you to move toward Visual C++ 2005 development. If youre an experienced developer approaching Visual C++ from a C# background with .NET 1.1 or 1.0, youll greatly benefit from this book. The first section introduces the Visual...

Beginning DotNetNuke 4.0 Website Creation in VB 2005 with Visual Web Developer 2005 Express: From Novice to Professional
Beginning DotNetNuke 4.0 Website Creation in VB 2005 with Visual Web Developer 2005 Express: From Novice to Professional

DotNetNuke is a programming framework that helps you create and deploy web projects in ASP.NET 2.0. Its ease of use means that even nonprogrammers can take advantage of the new ASP.NET 2.0 features when building a web site. It integrates with many of Microsofts other free products like SQL Server 2005 Express, which makes it a powerful and...

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