The Photoshop Anthology: 101 Web Design Tips, Tricks & Techniques
The Photoshop Anthology is full-color, question-and-answer book for Web Designers who want to use Photoshop to build Websites and create better looking web graphics more effectively. The book covers:
Photoshop interface tricks & shortcuts
Basic Skills: Transparencies, rounded corners, blending images,...
|  |  Simple Computer Tune-up: Speed Up Your PCAs more and more software becomes available and computers increase in complexity, problems with performance are certain to arise. If your PC is misbehaving, don't let it ruin your day. This book explains how to make the best out of your PC by using PC Pitstop Optimize, which cures many PC "sicknesses" without the need for upgrading or... |  |  Run Your Own Web Server Using Linux & ApacheMore organizations install Linux into their server rooms every day. The reasons for this vary, but those who make the switch to Linux often claim that its reliability, cost, choice, scalability, and the freedom it offers from vendor lock-in, are some of the reasons why they decided to switch. But, whatever your reasons for... |