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Chinese Phrases For Dummies (Language & Literature)
Chinese Phrases For Dummies (Language & Literature)
Hundreds of useful phrases at your fingertips

Speak Chinese — instantly!

Traveling to China but don't know Chinese? Taking Chinese at school but need to kick up your conversation skills? Don't worry! This handy little phrasebook will have you speaking Chinese in no time.

Discover how to

JavaScript Bible
JavaScript Bible
For over 25 years, I have written the books I wished had already been written to help me learn or use a new technology. Whenever possible, I like to get in at the very beginning of a new authoring or programming environment, feel the growing pains, and share with readers the solutions to my struggles. This sixth edition of JavaScript Bible...
Google Earth For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Google Earth For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Want to stroll down the Champs Elysees in Paris? Feel like taking a personal look at the Great Wall of China? Or perhaps you’d like to explore the island of Tahiti on your lunch break? Thanks to Google Earth, you can.

With Google Earth, you can forget the Frequent Flyer miles. All you have to do is plop down in front of your
Mathematics of Uncertainty: Ideas, Methods, Application Problems
Mathematics of Uncertainty: Ideas, Methods, Application Problems

"Mathematics of Uncertainty" provides the basic ideas and foundations of uncertainty, covering the fields of mathematics in which uncertainty, variability, imprecision and fuzziness of data are of importance. This introductory book describes the basic ideas of the mathematical fields of uncertainty from simple interpolation to...

Intelligent Multimedia Processing with Soft Computing
Intelligent Multimedia Processing with Soft Computing

The past years have witnessed a large number of interesting applications of various soft computing techniques, such as fuzzy logic, neural networks, and evolutionary computation, to intelligent multimedia processing. This carefully edited monograph presents novel applications of soft computing in multimedia processing. It includes contributions...

HTML Dog: The Best-Practice Guide to XHTML and CSS
HTML Dog: The Best-Practice Guide to XHTML and CSS

For readers who want to design Web pages that load quickly, are easy to update, accessible to all, work on all browsers and can be quickly adapted to different media, this comprehensive guide represents the best way to go about it. By focusing on the ways the two languages--XHTML and CSS--complement each other, Web...

Ubuntu Linux Bible
Ubuntu Linux Bible
Everything you need to know—and then some!

It's the fastest-growing, coolest Linux distribution out there, and now you can join the excitement with this information-packed guide. Want to edit graphics? Create a spreadsheet? Manage groups? Set up an NFS server? You'll learn it all and more with the expert guidance,...

Mining Graph Data
Mining Graph Data
Data mining, or knowledge discovery in databases, is a large area of study and is populated with numerous theoretical and practical textbooks. In this book, we take a focused and comprehensive look at one topic within this field: mining data that is represented as a graph. We attempt to cover the full breadth of the topic, including graph...
Cutting Edge PowerPoint 2007 For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Cutting Edge PowerPoint 2007 For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Get ready to add punch and pizzazz to your presentations and wow your audience using the latest PowerPoint techniques. This friendly book/CD-ROM combo covers all of the new features of Microsoft PowerPoint 2007, including interface changes, presentation themes, multimedia, the Slide Library, and more. The guide introduces you to the elements of...
Game Programming Gems 3
Game Programming Gems 3
The journey continues with this ALL NEW volume in the Game Programming Gems series! As with the first two volumes, a dynamic group of some of the best game programmers in the industry have generously joined together to share their insights and techniques. Their ready-to-use ideas, tips, and solutions, will help save hours of programming time,...
The Data Compression Book
The Data Compression Book
If you want to learn how programs like PKZIP and LHarc work, this book is for you. The compression techniques used in these programs are described in detail, accompanied by working code. After reading this book, even the novice C programmer will be able to write a complete compression/archiving program that can be ported to virtually any operating...
Wireless Networking Technology: From Principles to Successful Implementation
Wireless Networking Technology: From Principles to Successful Implementation
As the demand for higher bandwidth has lead to the development of increasingly complex wireless technologies, an understanding of both wireless networking technologies and radio frequency (RF) principles is essential for implementing high performance and cost effective wireless networks.

Wireless Networking Technology
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