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Topics in Geometry, Coding Theory and Cryptography (Algebra and Applications)
Topics in Geometry, Coding Theory and Cryptography (Algebra and Applications)
The purpose of this reviewarticle is to serve as an introduction and at the same time, as an invitation to the theory of towers of function fields over finite fields. More specifically, we treat here the case of explicit towers; i.e., towers where the function fields are given by explicit equations. The asymptotic behaviour of the genus and of the...
Ajax and REST Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach
Ajax and REST Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach

Ajax and REST Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach will serve all of your Ajax needs, by providing adaptable solutions for common tasks you'll want to implement on web sites using the next generation of Ajax and REST techniques. As a JavaScript developer, your time is precious, so you'll want to solve problems that present themselves in...

MacIntosh Technology in the Common Hardware Reference Platform
MacIntosh Technology in the Common Hardware Reference Platform
This book presents specifications and standards for the Apple Macintosh technology cited in the PowerPC Microprocessor Common Hardware Reference Platform (CHRP) specification.

The CHRP specification is a joint publication of Apple Computer, Inc., International Business Machines Corporation, and Motorola, Inc. It defines a common hardware
Advances in Research on Networked Learning (Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Series)
Advances in Research on Networked Learning (Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Series)

Networked learning is learning in which information and communications technology (ICT) is used to promote connections: between one learner and other learners; between learners and tutors; between a learning community and its learning resources. Networked learning is an area which has great practical and theoretical importance. It is a rapidly...

Zen and the Art of Information Security
Zen and the Art of Information Security
While security is generally perceived to be a complicated and expensive process, Zen and the Art of Information Security makes security understandable to the average person in a completely non-technical, concise, and entertaining format. Through the use of analogies and just plain common sense, readers see through the hype and become comfortable...
Microsoft .NET for Visual FoxPro Developers
Microsoft .NET for Visual FoxPro Developers
I asked myself this question when early releases of .NET first arrived on the scene. Visual FoxPro allowed me to do pretty much anything I wanted, from building single-tier applications with a VFP back end, all the way to building distributed Internet applications accessing clientserver data.

Then, I started to dive into the .NET
Knowledge-Based Virtual Education: User-Centred Paradigms
Knowledge-Based Virtual Education: User-Centred Paradigms
Virtual learning plays an important role in providing academicians, educators and students alike, with advanced learning experiences. At the forefront of these current technologies are knowledge-based systems that assess the environment in which such learning will occur and are adaptive by nature to the individual needs of the user (Grossman et...
Building Websites with TYPO3
Building Websites with TYPO3
Follow a clear path through the power and complexity of TYPO3 to get started, and build your own TYPO3 website This book is a fast paced tutorial to creating a website using TYPO3. If you have never used TYPO3, or even any web content management system before, then you need not look further than this book as it walks you through each step to...
Physics Modeling for Game Programmers
Physics Modeling for Game Programmers
Programmers who want to include 3D math and physics in a game have to wade through physics textbooks and dreary tomes on linear algebra and group theory, only to find that the material is too abstract to be used directly in their games. This book gives readers the skills they want and need to incorporate real physics into their games. As they work...
Do Smart Adaptive Systems Exist?: Best Practice for Selection and Combination of Intelligent Methods
Do Smart Adaptive Systems Exist?: Best Practice for Selection and Combination of Intelligent Methods

Do Smart Adaptive Systems Exist? is intended as a reference and a guide summarising and focusing on best practices when using intelligent techniques and building systems requiring a degree of adaptation and intelligence.

It is therefore not intended as a collection of the most recent research results, but as a practical...

The Definitive Guide to Grails
The Definitive Guide to Grails
Reviewed and endorsed by Guillaume Laforge and Dierk Koenig of Groovy, The Definitive Guide to Grails, by Grails lead Graeme Rocher, is for anyone looking for a more agile approach to web development with a dynamic scripting language such as Groovy. It will show you the new direction web frameworks are taking and specifically how a dynamic...
Fuzzy Equational Logic (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing)
Fuzzy Equational Logic (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing)
The present book deals with algebras, congruences, morphisms, reasoning about identities, classes of algebras and their axiomatizability, etc., from the point of view of fuzzy logic. We therefore deal with topics traditionally studied in universal algebra. Our approach is the following. In classical universal algebra, one works in bivalent setting....
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