 |  |  Simulating Fuzzy SystemsSimulating Fuzzy Systems demonstrates how many systems naturally become fuzzy systems and shows how regular (crisp) simulation can be used to estimate the alpha-cuts of the fuzzy numbers used to analyze the behavior of the fuzzy system. This monograph presents a concise introduction to fuzzy sets, fuzzy logic, fuzzy estimation,... |  |  The Definitive Guide to symfonyDeveloping a new web application should not mean reinventing the wheel. Thats why a framework is an essential item in your development toolbox. It helps you respect coding standards; write bulletproof, maintainable code; and focus on business rules rather than waste time on repetitive tasks. This book introduces you to symfony, the leading... |
 MySQL: Your visual blueprint for creating open source databasesMySQL, Perl, and PHP software on CD-ROM!
- Also includes Apache and phpMyAdmin, with usage examples for Windows and UNIX
- Plus a fully searchable e-version of the book, and more
Welcome to the only guidebook series that takes a visual approach to professional-level computer topics. Open the book and... |  |  Geometry, Topology and Physics, Second Edition (Graduate Student Series in Physics)This book provides an introduction to the ideas and techniques of differential geometry and topology. It starts with a brief survey of quantum field theory, gauge theory, general relativity, vector spaces, and topology. Using many illustrations, exercises, and problems, the author demonstrates more elaborate concepts of topology and geometry,... |  |  Introduction to Network Analysis, 2nd EditionThe ultimate introductory guide to analyzing network communications at the packet level. This book defines basic analyzer elements (such as capture filters, display filters, expert alarms, trend screens, and decode windows) and provides real-world examples of how an analyzer can be used to troubleshoot networks. Includes chapter tests and several... |
 Electronics Projects For Dummies (Math & Science)These projects are fun to build and fun to use
Make lights dance to music, play with radio remote control, or build your own metal detector
Who says the Science Fair has to end? If you love building gadgets, this book belongs on your radar. Here are complete directions for... |  |  Implicit Objects Computer GraphicsImplicit definition and description of geometric objects and surfaces plays a critical role in the appearance and manipulation of computer graphics. In addition, the mathematical definition of shapes, using an implicit form, has pivotal applications for geometric modeling, visualization and animation. Until recently, the parametric form has been... |  |  Web Dragons: Inside the Myths of Search Engine TechnologyIn the eye-blink that has elapsed since the turn of the millennium, the lives of those of us who work with information have been utterly transformed. Pretty well all we need to know is on the web; if not today, then tomorrow. Its where we learn and play, shop and do business, keep up with old friends and meet new ones. What makes it possible for us... |
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