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Visual Studio 2005 All-In-One Desk Reference For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Visual Studio 2005 All-In-One Desk Reference For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
If you're like me, you were probably a little perplexed by the announcement of the new Visual Studio and .NET platforms. My immediate reaction was, "Oh, no-not another set of tools to learn." Don't get me wrong. I embraced Visual Studio .NET and, like most of you, I looked forward to the stability of Visual Studio 2003 and version 1.1 of...
Digital Food Photography
Digital Food Photography
Great food always elicits strong reactions?the smell of freshly baked bread, the taste of a perfectly prepared steak. The job of a food photographer is to elicit that same mouth-watering reaction, but without the benefit of scent or taste. A well-shot photograph can send crowds flocking to a new restaurant or boost the sales of a culinary magazine....
Microsoft SharePoint 2007 For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Microsoft SharePoint 2007 For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Match SharePoint to your specific business needs

The fun and easy way® to deploy SharePoint in your business today!

Are you stymied by SharePoint? This plain-English guide offers simple instructions and focused coverage of this powerful tool, giving you practical solutions to real-world SharePoint challenges. You'll...

IBM DB2 9 New Features
IBM DB2 9 New Features

Get up to speed quickly on the new features in IBM DB2 9

In this book, the IBM expert authors provide you with comprehensive technical details and real-world business uses for all of the exciting new features in the current release of DB2 9. You’ll learn about the capabilities found in pureXML as well as administrative enhancements...

Windows Vista for Starters: The Missing Manual
Windows Vista for Starters: The Missing Manual
Fast-paced and easy to use, this concise book teaches you the basics of Windows Vista so you can start using this operating system right away. Written by "New York Times" columnist, bestselling author, Emmy-winning CBS News correspondent and Missing Manuals creator David Pogue, the book will help you:
  • Navigate the desktop,...
Designing with Web Standards (2nd Edition)
Designing with Web Standards (2nd Edition)
Best-selling author, designer, and web standards evangelist Jeffrey Zeldman has updated his classic, industry-shaking guidebook. This new edition--now in full color--covers improvements in best practices and advances in the world of browsers since the first edition introduced the world to standards-based design. Written in the same engaging and...
Genetic Systems Programming: Theory and Experiences (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
Genetic Systems Programming: Theory and Experiences (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
Designing complex programs such as operating systems, compilers, filing systems, data base systems, etc. is an old ever lasting research area. Genetic programming is a relatively new promising and growing research area. Among other uses, it provides efficient tools to deal with hard problems by evolving creative and competitive solutions. Systems...
IEEE 802 Wireless Systems: Protocols, Multi-Hop Mesh/Relaying, Performance and Spectrum Coexistence
IEEE 802 Wireless Systems: Protocols, Multi-Hop Mesh/Relaying, Performance and Spectrum Coexistence
Throughout the next decade, 802 wireless systems will become an integral part of fourth generation (4G) cellular communication systems, where the convergence of wireless and cellular networks will materialize through support of interworking and seamless roaming across dissimilar wireless and cellular radio access technologies. IEEE 802 Wireless...
Asymmetry: The Foundation of Information (The Frontiers Collection)
Asymmetry: The Foundation of Information (The Frontiers Collection)
Objects have the capacity to distinguish themselves from other objects and from themselves at different times. The interaction of objects, together with the process of making distinctions, results in the transfer of a quantity that we call information. Some objects are capable of distinguishing themselves in more ways than others. These objects...
Gaming, Simulations and Society: Research Scope and Perspective
Gaming, Simulations and Society: Research Scope and Perspective
This book presents a current research scope and perspective of Simulation and Gaming. Theoretical problems of Simulation and Gaming will be examined with a view to improving the social sciences through the introduction of the techniques and concepts of Simulation and Gaming. The fields of economics, political science, psychology and business...
Illustrated C# 2005
Illustrated C# 2005
Illustrated C# 2005 doesnt use the traditional dense prose format of most programming texts. Rather, it presents the C# programming language in a unique visual manner. The book uses three techniques to achieve this: concise text; tables that clarify and summarize language features; and frequent figures and diagrams. Each feature is also...
Algorithms for Parallel Polygon Rendering (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Algorithms for Parallel Polygon Rendering (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
This book is the result of the research in the implementation of polygon-based graphics operations on certain general purpose parallel processors; the aim is to provide a speed-up over sequential implementations of the graphics operations concerned, and the resulting software can be viewed as a subset of the application suites of the relevant...
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