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Applied Structural and Mechanical Vibrations
Applied Structural and Mechanical Vibrations
This book deals primarily with fundamental aspects of engineering vibrations within the framework of the linear theory. Although it is true that in practical cases it is sometimes not easy to distinguish between linear and nonlinear phenomena, the basic assumption throughout this text is that the principle of superposition holds.

Climbing and Walking Robots: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference CLAWAR 2004
Climbing and Walking Robots: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference CLAWAR 2004
These Proceedings are a collection of selected papers presented at the Seventh International Conference organised by the EC GROWTH Thematic Network on Climbing and Walking Robots (CLAWAR). This conference, that was held in Madrid (September 2004), builds upon the highly successful previous Conferences held in Brussels (November 1998), Portsmouth...
Excel 2007 Advanced Report Development
Excel 2007 Advanced Report Development
Create powerful, innovative reporting solutions with Excel 2007

In this new book, significantly updated from his bestselling Excel 2003 version, Timothy Zapawa has provided you with in-depth coverage of Excel 2007's enhanced reporting capabilities. Discover what you can do with PivotTable and...

Programming Mobile Devices: An Introduction for Practitioners
Programming Mobile Devices: An Introduction for Practitioners

With forewords by Jan Bosch, Nokia and Antero Taivalsaari, Sun Microsystems.

Learn how to programme the mobile devices of the future!

The importance of mobile systems programming has emerged over the recent years as a new domain in software development....

Flash Animation for Teens
Flash Animation for Teens
Welcome to your no-experience-required, introductory guide to creating animations with Macromedia Flash! Flash Animation for Teens will help you develop the fundamental Flash skills that you need to confidently create your own animations. Covering the basics of Flash animation, this book uses Flash 8 to teach you the techniques you need to create a...
PHP 5 Advanced: Visual QuickPro Guide
PHP 5 Advanced: Visual QuickPro Guide
PHP is currently one of the most popular server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language on the Web. It's specifically designed for Web site creation and is frequently being used to replace the functionality created by Perl to write CGI scripts. PHP's popularity and easier-to-learn appeal has spawned a new breed of programmer, those who are only...
Climbing and Walking Robots : Proceedings of the 8th International Conference
Climbing and Walking Robots : Proceedings of the 8th International Conference
The interest in climbing and walking robots (CLAWAR) has intensified in recent years, and novel solutions for complex and very diverse applications have been anticipated by means of significant progress in this area of robotics. Moreover, the amalgamation of original ideas and related innovations, search for new potential applications and the use...
Aluminium Design and Construction
Aluminium Design and Construction
[Aluminium Design and Construction] is a good and concise book on aluminium...Even engineers outside of the construction industry will find many parts of the book very useful...it occupies a unique place in the world of technical publications.

This highly illustrated book is a...

Remote Sensing Digital Image Analysis: An Introduction
Remote Sensing Digital Image Analysis: An Introduction
Remote Sensing Digital Image Analysis provides the non-specialist with an introduction to quantitative evaluation of satellite and aircraft derived remotely retrieved data. Each chapter covers the pros and cons of digital remotely sensed data, without detailed mathematical treatment of computer based algorithms, but in a manner...
Computer Modelling of Concrete Mixtures
Computer Modelling of Concrete Mixtures
While the traditional procedure of making trial mixes is now unnecessary, expensive and time consuming, the data generated can be incorporated into the development of computer-based systems and combined with knowledge from research and practice. The author has developed systems by which a small amount of materials data can be used to predict the...
Dreamweaver CS3 Bible
Dreamweaver CS3 Bible
Learn to create dynamic, data-driven Web sites—easily

If you're among the two and a half million Web professionals who already use Dreamweaver, here's your ticket to the exciting enhancements in the CS3 version. If you're just breaking into Web development, you'll get a thorough understanding of the basics. Either way,...

Evolvable Machines: Theory & Practice (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing)
Evolvable Machines: Theory & Practice (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing)
"Evolutionary algorithms are one of the very promising developments in Computer Science that can solve difficult problems … . The presented book is an excellent example for the successful application of these methods to the Design of Machines … . A very interesting book, highly recommendable for scientists interested in evolvable...
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